I fixed past posts! If you recognized the mistakes, good for you! If you didn't, good for me! However, I'm pretty sure my avid readers saw the mistakes when it happened...
The mistakes were: I added two sections called "Day ___ of [2nd]/[Second] Leave."
I don't remember why I was looking back at previous posts, but once I realized my boo-boos, I immediately corrected them.
Mason WAS right! He's had four Leaves so far!
His memory is that of an elephant's.
After I fixed my mistakes, I started to wonder if I should begin saving my posts into a Word Document. I asked myself, "What if Google decided to shut down Blogger? Or, what if Blogger shut down randomly without warning?" I then said to myself, "Holy Jesus Christ! That means every post I ever wrote would be deleted!" So, I am currently saving all of my posts in a Word Document JUST in case.
Today wasn't a bad day. Very chill. Except for the weather. The weather let us know we were its bitch... I swear, at one moment in time, the temperature escalated five degrees in about ten minutes. Impossible? Tell that to my innards. They were cookin' for dinner.
Finally, my parents pulled out the air conditioner from under the stairs and hooked it up in the backroom. Now, as we watch our movies and goof off on our computers, we won't have trouble keeping cool!
Speaking of movies, I watched Seven Psychopaths tonight. That movie was very interesting. I sort of lost track around the end because I was Skyping Mason and I wanted to chat with him rather than pay attention to a movie which will most likely repeat itself on our Pay Per View channels.
Alright, I'm done. I need to save my posts. Until next episode!
Standing Guard |
The Stones of Stenness may be Britain’s most ancient stone circle. Erected during the Stone Age on the Orkney Islands at the northern tip of modern-day Scotland, the stones likely formed part of a larger complex linked by religious ritual. (By: Jim Richardson)