AND A HAPPY NEW YEARRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111
Mason and I are staying up to watch the fireworks light up the Space Needle. But what we don't know is whether we will watch them live at a nearby park, or stay home and watch the fireworks over the television. Fog rolled in around 9. If the fog doesn't clear up, Mason and I are thinking of staying home. Sadly...
I wanted to go to Hamilton Viewpoint Park to watch the Space Needle fireworks. Well, there's more years to come. :)
Is anyone else celebrating? Setting off fireworks? Hanging out with family? Any New Year Resolutions? I think mine will be starting a job soon.
Take care, everybody. And celebrate safely!
My boyfriend, Mason, had gone off to boot camp in San Diego, CA. Now, he works at his main base as a Marine airplanes technician. This blog is about my life as I wait for my love to come home.
Mason and I

Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Day 8 of Third Leave
I had a bipolar day today. But it turned out to be okay.
Mason and I went to Lincoln Park for a quick visit. The weather was grey and cloudy. We were hoping to see the the sunset but the overcast covered it.
Once our visit was done, we went to my chiropractic appointment. I introduced Mason to everyone. They were pleased to meet him finally.
Afterwards, we hit up Safeway for snacks. Now, we're chillin' at home.
In two days, it'll be 2014. Where did the year go?
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Day 7 of Third Leave
Mason took me out to dinner tonight for an early birthday present. Not only was that a special gift, but he bought me beautiful diamond earrings also!
The food was marvelous. We ate at 13 Coins. The only sucky thing about tonight was waiting for 30 minutes to be seated at a bar... We preferred a booth, but forgot to ask. And we didn't sit at the bar which allowed you to watch the chefs cook. We sat at the bar where chefs came to throw away garbage.
Nevertheless, we had a good time.
I'm proud of our Seahawks!!! Good job to them for defeating the Rams. Mason and I left for a movie (Saving Mr. Banks) once the game started.
Great day today. :)
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Day 6 of Third Leave
Last night, Mason and I stayed up until the AM. I couldn't handle it passed 2... I fell asleep while Anthony, Jakob, Alex and Mason video gamed some more. I woke up at 4 with Alex saying goodbye. At 7, Jakob went home. Around noon, Mason, Anthony and I woke up. Anthony decided to leave, we said our goodbyes, before packing up as well.
I was worried about coming home... I didn't know if my folks would be completely upset over Benny. Thankfully, they're doing fine. But we're all still saddened by his cancer catching up. I hope he doesn't pass away the day Mason leaves... Usually life does that to me... I'm already upset over something, and then life lays something ELSE on me.
Like I said yesterday, I'll continue the good vibes. Benny is hanging out with the parents. They're doing their best to hydrate him and keep him company.
I was worried about coming home... I didn't know if my folks would be completely upset over Benny. Thankfully, they're doing fine. But we're all still saddened by his cancer catching up. I hope he doesn't pass away the day Mason leaves... Usually life does that to me... I'm already upset over something, and then life lays something ELSE on me.
Like I said yesterday, I'll continue the good vibes. Benny is hanging out with the parents. They're doing their best to hydrate him and keep him company.
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Burnt Trees, Yellowstone |
At sunset, peaceful burnt woods just surround you quietly. Together with your heart beating, you can feel the smooth breeze and hear the sounds of emerging exuberance underneath. The perfect ending is in the endless. The picture was taken in Yellowstone National Park. (By: Chaoying Zhao)
Friday, December 27, 2013
Day 5 of Third Leave
Mason and I are at his mom's house. Today, we've been playing and watching video games. Currently, Mason and I are watching Jakob and his brother Anthony play their xBox One. We watched Jakob play Dead Rising 3. Now, we're watching Anthony kick some ass in Ryse.
I really don't want this night to be ruined over my dog's cancer killing him. But if Benny passes away tonight, I'll go home and comfort my family. My mom's taking it super hard. I'll hope for Benny's sake that he stays with us for another couple of days. At least, while Mason's home. Then, I won't deal with it feeling alone.
Right now, I'll enjoy the happy moments.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Day 4 of Third Leave
Oh. Never mind. That holiday is over with... :(
Today, Mason and I got out of the house. I went to therapy before we had Spuds for dinner. The fog rolled in right when the sun set. I could hardly see while driving! But, Mason and I ended up safely at Spuds and his mom's house. We chilled at his mom's place for a couple hours until going home.
Now, Mason is playing the latest Battlefield game. I'm working on a few mind games which are starting to aggravate me... Mason's aggravated at the new features for Battlefield 4.
I think we need to put our crap down and watch a movie. <3
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Day 3 of Third Leave
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a wonderful Christmas this year!!!! Mason had a good one, too. We opened our presents together with my parents. Mason LOVED his gifts. I'm happier than ever! I loved my gifts as well. I received plenty. MORE than I expected!
I even got a PS4!!!!!!
You heard me right. The latest and greatest Playstation generation is now mine! I can't wait to set it up.
After hanging out with my parents, opening presents and listening to Christmas music with a nice fire for warmth, Mason and I went to his mom's house. Mason and I watched Lily, Moira and Ashton open their gifts. We stayed for a good two hours before heading over to my grandparents house. There, we enjoyed our time with my family, eating some grub, and opening more presents!
We played our traditional sock game (I think it's similar to White Elephant...) I got a neat note pad.
Since Mason and I didn't fall asleep until 4 AM, and waking up at 8 AM, we went home around 6 PM to relax and spend quality time together. <3
Well, that's about it! I hope everyone's Christmas was merry in some way. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MY IMAGINARY READERS!!!!
I had a wonderful Christmas this year!!!! Mason had a good one, too. We opened our presents together with my parents. Mason LOVED his gifts. I'm happier than ever! I loved my gifts as well. I received plenty. MORE than I expected!
I even got a PS4!!!!!!
You heard me right. The latest and greatest Playstation generation is now mine! I can't wait to set it up.
After hanging out with my parents, opening presents and listening to Christmas music with a nice fire for warmth, Mason and I went to his mom's house. Mason and I watched Lily, Moira and Ashton open their gifts. We stayed for a good two hours before heading over to my grandparents house. There, we enjoyed our time with my family, eating some grub, and opening more presents!
We played our traditional sock game (I think it's similar to White Elephant...) I got a neat note pad.
Since Mason and I didn't fall asleep until 4 AM, and waking up at 8 AM, we went home around 6 PM to relax and spend quality time together. <3
Well, that's about it! I hope everyone's Christmas was merry in some way. HAPPY HOLIDAYS, MY IMAGINARY READERS!!!!
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Day 2 of Third Leave
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE! We decided to open every present tomorrow. In the morning (starting at 8), me, Mason and the folks will wake up and open presents together. After a good hour or two, Mason and I will head over to his mom's house and open presents there. Once noon hits, Mason and I will meet up with the family at grandma J's place. Again, we'll be opening presents!
Tonight, we're playing video games. Mason's fighting baddies on GTA 5 and I'm racing fools on GT 5.
Like the phrase goes, "Let the good times roll."
Monday, December 23, 2013
Day 1 of Third Leave
I couldn't sleep last night... I think I fell asleep at 3 AM. I woke up at 9, expecting Mason to land at 9:30, until receiving a text from him by 9:17. He landed early! I started my car, drove down, and picked him up. I'm surprised the airport wasn't busy. I was expecting a line a mile back. Thankfully, I was able to rush in and rush out. We were so excited to see each other! Kisses and hugs all the way home. <3
We played video games, took a nap, ate pizza while watching PewDiePie videos before visiting Mason's mom. Right now, we're playing Minecraft. Time to continue our project!
I couldn't sleep last night... I think I fell asleep at 3 AM. I woke up at 9, expecting Mason to land at 9:30, until receiving a text from him by 9:17. He landed early! I started my car, drove down, and picked him up. I'm surprised the airport wasn't busy. I was expecting a line a mile back. Thankfully, I was able to rush in and rush out. We were so excited to see each other! Kisses and hugs all the way home. <3
We played video games, took a nap, ate pizza while watching PewDiePie videos before visiting Mason's mom. Right now, we're playing Minecraft. Time to continue our project!
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There's Always One |
Elephants at the elephant orphanage in Pinnawala, Sri Lanka. The orphanage was originally founded in order to afford care and protection to the many orphaned elephants found in the jungle. As of 2003, there were 65 elephants. Since the captive breeding program was launched in 1982, over 20 elephants have been born. The aim of the orphanage is to simulate the natural world. However, there are some exceptions: The elephants are taken to the river twice daily for a bath, and all the babies under three years of age are still bottle fed by the mahouts and volunteers. (By: Yashani Shantha)
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Day 32 of San Diego
I don't even want to go into detail of what happened to the Seahawks today... Man, was that game dreadful. I'm shocked a blood vessel in my brain didn't burst. I haven't screamed that much since... I don't really know. But I DO know I screamed an incredible amount. I cursed like a sailor, too. I'm surprised my dad let it slide.
The drama between Mason and I has ceased. We accepted our faults and moved forward. I'm glad things worked out. I didn't want to ruin Christmas when I already told myself this Christmas would be one of the best.
Tomorrow, the love of my life comes home! I'll be picking him up at the airport in the morning hours and bringing him home. I can't wait to see the look on his face from how many presents are under our Christmas tree!
Who's ready for Tuesday and Wednesday? I AM!
The drama between Mason and I has ceased. We accepted our faults and moved forward. I'm glad things worked out. I didn't want to ruin Christmas when I already told myself this Christmas would be one of the best.
Tomorrow, the love of my life comes home! I'll be picking him up at the airport in the morning hours and bringing him home. I can't wait to see the look on his face from how many presents are under our Christmas tree!
Who's ready for Tuesday and Wednesday? I AM!
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Frosted Tamarack Swamp |
I had scouted out a few places for an early morning shoot in the tamarack swamps of Wisconsin. I searched and searched until I found this scene. With the sun barely breaking through the fog rising from the melting frost, the light lit up the tamarack in front of this ditch. The ditch faded into the mist, while the frost captured the early morning rays as everything glinted like it was covered in diamonds. I absolutely fell in love with the mood that this scene created. Just a few moments later, the sun rose high in the sky and melted all the frost, causing the scene to completely change. (By: Adam Dorn)
Saturday, December 21, 2013
Day 31 of San Diego
Hey, readers.
I feel a bit better from yesterday's crazy ordeal. Yesterday, my mom told me about a guy dying while exercising. Investigators claimed his heart was altered by energy drinks and that's what possibly caused his death. I immediately thought about Mason... For a couple of months, Mason says he's been cutting down on consuming energy drinks... I thought he was drinking one every other week. Maybe even one a month.
He drinks one EVERY OTHER DAY.
In my opinion, that's a lot.
He specifically drinks Monster.
I'll stop being a hypocrite and admit I drank a lot of energy drinks myself. But I usually drink them while hanging out with Mason. Each Leave he has, we chill with a can of energy and video games. Ever since I heard about energy drinks altering hearts, I decided to quit the habit.
Yesterday, I tried to convince Mason to quit, too. But like an addict, that's Hell on earth. He states that energy drinks "calm" him. When he's down in the dumps, he has a Monster.
I saw that as a slap to the face on me.
Would he rather drink a Monster than come to me for help? Ouch...
We argued. We discussed. I pulled out the facts. It felt like he was avoiding them.
So, we're taking a break from that matter as of now. But I'm not ending it. I'll bring it up when necessary.
After a long day of bickering, I figured, "Everything seems settled. I think tonight will be smooth sailing."
I wish I was right...
When we began Skyping, getting ready to fall asleep, everything went down hill again... Allegedly, Mason was irritated with his roommate. Yet I didn't know that at the time. I realized Mason was annoyed when I didn't hear him say something to me. I asked what he said, he rolled his eyes, and repeated.
You NEVER roll your eyes at me.
I became irritated, too. I thought he was pissed off because we decided to Skype. We got into another tiff and went to bed in a huff.
But I can't sleep after an argument...
I cried. I stayed awake. I beat the crap out of myself. I thought about hanging up with Mason after he had fallen asleep, yet I left Skype alone. I didn't want to make Mason upset in the morning.
Once morning came, I still felt like crud. I was utterly depressed. Mason looked refreshed. He usually is after he sleeps. At noon, he had to do errands, and we hung up. That's when I bawled my eyes out... I couldn't handle the stress of Mason dying over an energy drink and him being irritated during Skype.
Last night, I sent Mason a text. He didn't see it until he hopped off of Skype. He explained to me why he was irritated over Skype. I felt better after knowing it wasn't me causing the issue.
You think the drama's done? Think again...
Just a few moments ago, Mason and I finished a discussion on working on a Lego project. I assumed he was going to blow money on Lego's instead of saving for our future. Supposedly, that's not the case. He wants to work on his old (already bought) projects BEFORE buying new stuff. I apologized for jumping the gun and not trusting his use with money.
What is up with the fighting? Honestly, it's tiring me out... And I'm trying my best to toss it aside to have a merry Christmas.
Please, whoever's in the clouds, send us some good JuJu juice.
I feel a bit better from yesterday's crazy ordeal. Yesterday, my mom told me about a guy dying while exercising. Investigators claimed his heart was altered by energy drinks and that's what possibly caused his death. I immediately thought about Mason... For a couple of months, Mason says he's been cutting down on consuming energy drinks... I thought he was drinking one every other week. Maybe even one a month.
He drinks one EVERY OTHER DAY.
In my opinion, that's a lot.
He specifically drinks Monster.
I'll stop being a hypocrite and admit I drank a lot of energy drinks myself. But I usually drink them while hanging out with Mason. Each Leave he has, we chill with a can of energy and video games. Ever since I heard about energy drinks altering hearts, I decided to quit the habit.
Yesterday, I tried to convince Mason to quit, too. But like an addict, that's Hell on earth. He states that energy drinks "calm" him. When he's down in the dumps, he has a Monster.
I saw that as a slap to the face on me.
Would he rather drink a Monster than come to me for help? Ouch...
We argued. We discussed. I pulled out the facts. It felt like he was avoiding them.
So, we're taking a break from that matter as of now. But I'm not ending it. I'll bring it up when necessary.
After a long day of bickering, I figured, "Everything seems settled. I think tonight will be smooth sailing."
I wish I was right...
When we began Skyping, getting ready to fall asleep, everything went down hill again... Allegedly, Mason was irritated with his roommate. Yet I didn't know that at the time. I realized Mason was annoyed when I didn't hear him say something to me. I asked what he said, he rolled his eyes, and repeated.
You NEVER roll your eyes at me.
I became irritated, too. I thought he was pissed off because we decided to Skype. We got into another tiff and went to bed in a huff.
But I can't sleep after an argument...
I cried. I stayed awake. I beat the crap out of myself. I thought about hanging up with Mason after he had fallen asleep, yet I left Skype alone. I didn't want to make Mason upset in the morning.
Once morning came, I still felt like crud. I was utterly depressed. Mason looked refreshed. He usually is after he sleeps. At noon, he had to do errands, and we hung up. That's when I bawled my eyes out... I couldn't handle the stress of Mason dying over an energy drink and him being irritated during Skype.
Last night, I sent Mason a text. He didn't see it until he hopped off of Skype. He explained to me why he was irritated over Skype. I felt better after knowing it wasn't me causing the issue.
You think the drama's done? Think again...
Just a few moments ago, Mason and I finished a discussion on working on a Lego project. I assumed he was going to blow money on Lego's instead of saving for our future. Supposedly, that's not the case. He wants to work on his old (already bought) projects BEFORE buying new stuff. I apologized for jumping the gun and not trusting his use with money.
What is up with the fighting? Honestly, it's tiring me out... And I'm trying my best to toss it aside to have a merry Christmas.
Please, whoever's in the clouds, send us some good JuJu juice.
Friday, December 20, 2013
Day 30 of San Diego
I'm deep in depression right now, so I'm going to make this post quick.
It snowed last night. I wasn't awake to watch it, but I got to see it this morning. It looked like we had an inch of snow. Disappointingly, it disappeared around noon.
At 3, I got my Henna tattoo. I can't wait to show it off for Christmas.
Well, I suppose that's all. Night, everyone.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Day 29 of San Diego
I miss my long, beautiful nails. :( With these stumpy ones, my fingers look like fat chunks of meat. Yuck! With my long nails, my fingers looked slender and gorgeous. I could pick stuff up, too!
Today, I was busy. I went to the pet store and bought Indigo his delightful crickets. I also bought Angel and Benny something for Christmas. Afterwards, I decorated the Japanese Maple tree. Once I was done with that, I went up to my room and organized it. That took a good five hours.
Not even lying.
And I didn't get paid because it wasn't an "abnormal" chore...
Tomorrow, I'm getting my hands tattooed with Henna. Don't fret! The tattoo won't be permanent.
Oh! I think I picked out my Christmas dress! All I need now is white stockings. Here's a picture. What do you think?
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Day 28 of San Diego
I need a job.
Have I repeated this enough?
I should get a J-O-B soon...
You know why?
I'm almost twenty and I'm JOBLESS! Thanks to the radio, it reminded me how worthless I am to this earth by telling me 16-20 year old people are lacking valuable skills in the working environment. No crud, Sherlock. Inform me of something I don't know...
Mason told me how much cash he has after his Christmas shopping spree. I was amazed... I don't think I ever had so much money in my bank account before (because I spend it all without a care...)! Time to step it up! I am definitely not growing up as the House Wife. I need some responsibility in my life.
I'm thinking of next years resolution being just that; getting a well-paid job. Nothin' like McDonalds. I want to work at Barnes & Nobel. Sounds perfect for a future writer, right? On my breaks, I could simply read until my next shift.
I'm worried about jumping the gun into getting a job since next quarter seems a load on my shoulders. But I don't know! I do have a two hour class on two certain days of the week in which I'll need to remember when I'm being interviewed for a job. I'm surely grabbing the part-time because with college homework and spending time with a boyfriend on Leave, I'll be immensely busy.
Let's hope things don't go down hill for me...
Have I repeated this enough?
I should get a J-O-B soon...
You know why?
I'm almost twenty and I'm JOBLESS! Thanks to the radio, it reminded me how worthless I am to this earth by telling me 16-20 year old people are lacking valuable skills in the working environment. No crud, Sherlock. Inform me of something I don't know...
Mason told me how much cash he has after his Christmas shopping spree. I was amazed... I don't think I ever had so much money in my bank account before (because I spend it all without a care...)! Time to step it up! I am definitely not growing up as the House Wife. I need some responsibility in my life.
I'm thinking of next years resolution being just that; getting a well-paid job. Nothin' like McDonalds. I want to work at Barnes & Nobel. Sounds perfect for a future writer, right? On my breaks, I could simply read until my next shift.
I'm worried about jumping the gun into getting a job since next quarter seems a load on my shoulders. But I don't know! I do have a two hour class on two certain days of the week in which I'll need to remember when I'm being interviewed for a job. I'm surely grabbing the part-time because with college homework and spending time with a boyfriend on Leave, I'll be immensely busy.
Let's hope things don't go down hill for me...
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Monastery in Mandalay |
A young monk crosses the patio inside a monastery in Mandalay, Myanmar, where he lives. (By: Marcelo Salvador)
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Day 27 of San Diego
Has anyone heard of an anti-Santa called Krampus? Seriously, guys... He's the Santa devil... He beats the crap out of naughty children before taking them to his liar in the underworld. Don't believe me? Check out this link:
Today was pretty good! I slept in until noon, I played video games, I went to the mall with my folks to buy Christmas presents... I was satisfied.
On Friday (or over the weekend) I'm thinking about getting Henna tattoos on my hands and fingers. I don't know what design I want, but I want something exotic. Of course, I'm not making it permanent - unless I want to be kicked out of the house - yet mine will most likely stay on for a few weeks.
Underneath the tree, it is full of presents! I'm excited for Christmas. If I were anymore excited, it wouldn't be legal!
Mason comes home on Monday. He's as excited as I am!
On the 24th, we're running a 5K together - The Jingle Bell Run - in Tacoma. Then, we'll drive home to meet with his mother and celebrate Christmas Eve together.
All we need now is some snow! Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!
Today was pretty good! I slept in until noon, I played video games, I went to the mall with my folks to buy Christmas presents... I was satisfied.
On Friday (or over the weekend) I'm thinking about getting Henna tattoos on my hands and fingers. I don't know what design I want, but I want something exotic. Of course, I'm not making it permanent - unless I want to be kicked out of the house - yet mine will most likely stay on for a few weeks.
Underneath the tree, it is full of presents! I'm excited for Christmas. If I were anymore excited, it wouldn't be legal!
Mason comes home on Monday. He's as excited as I am!
On the 24th, we're running a 5K together - The Jingle Bell Run - in Tacoma. Then, we'll drive home to meet with his mother and celebrate Christmas Eve together.
All we need now is some snow! Let it snow, let it snow, LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!
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Above The Namib Desert |
Aerial view of the Namib Desert, Namibia, Africa. (By: Chris Schmid)
Monday, December 16, 2013
Day 26 of San Diego
Another leisure day.
I watched Netflix all day. I took Mason's word and didn't jump on IMVU until he woke up from his three hour nap to chat.
Since this post is going to be boring, I'll brag about my dad talking to Sir MixALot over the phone. I guess Sir needs a crate built. My dad works in the crating business. He's encountered Sir MixALot many times while associated with his current job. Pretty cool, right? Maybe I'll be able to meet him some day.
Alright, back to the boring stuff...
I didn't do anything today! Nothing! The boredom is settling in and squeezing the sanity juice right out of me. I love a break, but when I have nothing to do, I tend to become utterly fatigued and bored and boring.
I would've gone on IMVU earlier today, yet I didn't want to abuse Mason's wise word of advice. Tomorrow, I should begin my journey into the land of video games where I'll fight to the death until the end! What game should I play first? Should I even start on my PS3? I have plenty of consoles and plenty of games to defeat. Now that I think of it, it sounds kind of fun. :)
I watched Netflix all day. I took Mason's word and didn't jump on IMVU until he woke up from his three hour nap to chat.
Since this post is going to be boring, I'll brag about my dad talking to Sir MixALot over the phone. I guess Sir needs a crate built. My dad works in the crating business. He's encountered Sir MixALot many times while associated with his current job. Pretty cool, right? Maybe I'll be able to meet him some day.
Alright, back to the boring stuff...
I didn't do anything today! Nothing! The boredom is settling in and squeezing the sanity juice right out of me. I love a break, but when I have nothing to do, I tend to become utterly fatigued and bored and boring.
I would've gone on IMVU earlier today, yet I didn't want to abuse Mason's wise word of advice. Tomorrow, I should begin my journey into the land of video games where I'll fight to the death until the end! What game should I play first? Should I even start on my PS3? I have plenty of consoles and plenty of games to defeat. Now that I think of it, it sounds kind of fun. :)
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Sunbathing Cows, Andalusia |
I was driving along the beach highway when I noticed the bulls sunbathing on the empty beach. I initially thought I was seeing things, but no, it really was sunbathing cows! I had to park my car a fair distance away, and that meant a long walk along the beach in 35 [degrees Celsius] heat. It did not matter because I had to get the shot. When I got closer to them I was careful not to spook them so I crawled on my stomach on the hot sand to get a good picture of them. Mission accomplished! It was worth the effort. Tarifa Beach, Andalusia, Spain. (By: Andrew Lever)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Day 25 of San Diego
I'm starting this post by telling you readers that I don't know how to start this post. My feelings are here and there, lopsided, thrown everywhere... I can't focus on just one. Right now I feel content. But when I really think about it, I question myself on whether I'm depressed. Am I depressed? I could be. A doctor doesn't have to take a test for me to figure that out.
Ah, here I am... Rambling! I guess today wasn't a win-win day.
HOWEVER, my Seahawks won against New York this morning. Good job, Hawks. I knew you wouldn't let the 49ers beating you take your spirit away!
The whole day, I was on my laptop. I Skype slept with Mason last night and woke up to his shinning, sleeping face. Once the folks left for the football game party at grandma's (I stayed home to avoid a headache...), Mason left to do some errands. Afterwards, we hung out on IMVU.
Mason brought up a point; he has been buying me awesome video games since the day we first got together. But I've been neglecting those video games for IMVU... My addiction to IMVU is stupid... I thought I was slowing down when I started my story, but now, I have writers block! So, what do I do? I hop on IMVU and meet cool new friends! And instead of neglecting THEM, I neglect the things in real life to hopefully keep my internet friendships stable.
Why does life do this to me? Whenever I meet someone who I connect to, it turns out that they live in goddamn Narnia. Throw me a flippin' bone, life! Can't I connect with anyone around my general radius?! Yes, I have Mason. But he's in the Marines! That means, he's hardly home... FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS.
Man... I think I'll always have issues with relationships. It's just my curse.
ANYWAY, hopped off track... Let me turn this train around.
Mason suggested I go back to playing my PS3 since recently, I've been becoming bored of IMVU (and I've been playing it A LOT) He also doesn't want his gifts to be unappreciated (which, I do appreciate them) He ALSO doesn't want my depression to worsen due to the negative players on IMVU. I haven't dealt with negative players in a while (Thank the Heavens!), but I see where he's coming from. I don't want my depression to worsen either! I'm sure I told this fact before, but studies show that electronics depress human beings. WE NEED PHYSICAL CONTACT! WE'RE SOCIAL CREATURES!
-Sigh- ... I know I'm being weird, here... Maybe I should call my therapist and ask for an appointment? Then again, I don't want to get out of the house... I'm on break... That means my actions are sitting, eating, playing games, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. I sound like a pet, for Christ sake.
Well, I think that's all I have to rant about. Did you like it? ... Do you think this rant will bring more readers? More subscribers? People who visit my blog before checking out the next one? ...
Who knows...
If you didn't enjoy this post, here's a freakin' picture to look at... Nat Geo, BABY!
Ah, here I am... Rambling! I guess today wasn't a win-win day.
HOWEVER, my Seahawks won against New York this morning. Good job, Hawks. I knew you wouldn't let the 49ers beating you take your spirit away!
The whole day, I was on my laptop. I Skype slept with Mason last night and woke up to his shinning, sleeping face. Once the folks left for the football game party at grandma's (I stayed home to avoid a headache...), Mason left to do some errands. Afterwards, we hung out on IMVU.
Mason brought up a point; he has been buying me awesome video games since the day we first got together. But I've been neglecting those video games for IMVU... My addiction to IMVU is stupid... I thought I was slowing down when I started my story, but now, I have writers block! So, what do I do? I hop on IMVU and meet cool new friends! And instead of neglecting THEM, I neglect the things in real life to hopefully keep my internet friendships stable.
Why does life do this to me? Whenever I meet someone who I connect to, it turns out that they live in goddamn Narnia. Throw me a flippin' bone, life! Can't I connect with anyone around my general radius?! Yes, I have Mason. But he's in the Marines! That means, he's hardly home... FOR THE NEXT FOUR YEARS.
Man... I think I'll always have issues with relationships. It's just my curse.
ANYWAY, hopped off track... Let me turn this train around.
Mason suggested I go back to playing my PS3 since recently, I've been becoming bored of IMVU (and I've been playing it A LOT) He also doesn't want his gifts to be unappreciated (which, I do appreciate them) He ALSO doesn't want my depression to worsen due to the negative players on IMVU. I haven't dealt with negative players in a while (Thank the Heavens!), but I see where he's coming from. I don't want my depression to worsen either! I'm sure I told this fact before, but studies show that electronics depress human beings. WE NEED PHYSICAL CONTACT! WE'RE SOCIAL CREATURES!
-Sigh- ... I know I'm being weird, here... Maybe I should call my therapist and ask for an appointment? Then again, I don't want to get out of the house... I'm on break... That means my actions are sitting, eating, playing games, sleeping, and going to the bathroom. I sound like a pet, for Christ sake.
Well, I think that's all I have to rant about. Did you like it? ... Do you think this rant will bring more readers? More subscribers? People who visit my blog before checking out the next one? ...
Who knows...
If you didn't enjoy this post, here's a freakin' picture to look at... Nat Geo, BABY!
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Skógafoss, Iceland |
Skógafoss, one of the largest waterfalls in Iceland. (By: Jorunn Sjofn Gudlaugsdottir)
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Day 24 of San Diego
We're almost done decorating the house. I think...
Today was busy! Mom and I went on the roof to put up lights while dad hung a giant star on our flag pole. Tomorrow, we may add some lights to our Japanese Maple and add decorations to the back room.
I just finished watching Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang with the folks. That movie made me exhausted! What is it... four hours? It does have an intermission.
Still love it, though!
Like I love a nice, warm fire to defrost my cold, aching hands after handling chilly lights for an hour!
Friday, December 13, 2013
Day 23 of San Diego
Happy Friday the 13th! I had a good one. How was yours? Did the superstition come true? Was it an awful day? Or did you manage to dodge the bullet and have a decent morning, afternoon and night?
I seem to always have a wonderful Friday the 13th. Although, I think the last Friday the 13th I had was pretty horrible... I don't remember what happened, but I think I recall a dreadful Friday the 13th not too long ago.
Why was my Friday the 13th wonderful? Because I drove to Mill Creek (from Seattle, mind you) by myself! I usually ask my parents to come with me and guide me if I've never driven to a certain area before. But... that didn't occur this time.
I was worried sick last night. I thought I was about to throw-up at one point... My anxiety gets to me sometimes.
Thankfully, I charged my phone and my car and got to Bryndis's house safely. We exchanged gifts, hung out at her grandparents house, until I left for home before rush hour.
However, I had to deal with traffic anyway...
I bought sushi on the way home as dinner. That was, as always, delicious!
After the chiropractor, mom and I visited Grandma O. We talked with her for a good hour before driving back home to rest.
Today was a very, very long day.
On the other hand, Mason started out with a decent Friday the 13th until getting news about his grandma. She's ill. Mason's terribly upset about it. I'm talking to him on IMVU currently, trying to sooth his aching heart. But I know technology can only do so much.
Let's hope this news doesn't end up ruining Mason's Christmas.
I seem to always have a wonderful Friday the 13th. Although, I think the last Friday the 13th I had was pretty horrible... I don't remember what happened, but I think I recall a dreadful Friday the 13th not too long ago.
Why was my Friday the 13th wonderful? Because I drove to Mill Creek (from Seattle, mind you) by myself! I usually ask my parents to come with me and guide me if I've never driven to a certain area before. But... that didn't occur this time.
I was worried sick last night. I thought I was about to throw-up at one point... My anxiety gets to me sometimes.
Thankfully, I charged my phone and my car and got to Bryndis's house safely. We exchanged gifts, hung out at her grandparents house, until I left for home before rush hour.
However, I had to deal with traffic anyway...
I bought sushi on the way home as dinner. That was, as always, delicious!
After the chiropractor, mom and I visited Grandma O. We talked with her for a good hour before driving back home to rest.
Today was a very, very long day.
On the other hand, Mason started out with a decent Friday the 13th until getting news about his grandma. She's ill. Mason's terribly upset about it. I'm talking to him on IMVU currently, trying to sooth his aching heart. But I know technology can only do so much.
Let's hope this news doesn't end up ruining Mason's Christmas.
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Tree Canopy, Berlin |
While studying in Florence, Italy, I went on a trip throughout Europe. The first stop was in Berlin, Germany, where we rented bikes and rode throughout the city. While visiting the Jewish Museum I stood under a group of trees and noticed the great interaction of handlike branches with the light coming through the canopy of leaves. (By: Kevin Connolly)
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Day 22 of San Diego
We decorated the inside of our house! Tomorrow, after spending time with Bryndis, the folks and I will decorate the outside of our house.
Today wasn't so bad. I'm enjoying the time off.
I was lucky today and met some new friends on IMVU! They're too much fun. I'm glad I ran into them.
I'm stoked for Mason to come home! Did I mention his Leave has been approved! HELLO! It has!
I'm telling you guys, this is going to be a very merry Christmas. <3
Here's a picture of the crew. I'm the dude in the black overcoat. Obviously, I'm acting as Johnny Depp. Obviously. :)
Today wasn't so bad. I'm enjoying the time off.
I was lucky today and met some new friends on IMVU! They're too much fun. I'm glad I ran into them.
I'm stoked for Mason to come home! Did I mention his Leave has been approved! HELLO! It has!
I'm telling you guys, this is going to be a very merry Christmas. <3
Here's a picture of the crew. I'm the dude in the black overcoat. Obviously, I'm acting as Johnny Depp. Obviously. :)
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Day 21 of San Diego
Since I'm watching Braveheart right now, which is a three hour movie, I'll write this post before I forget!
Today was technically the last day of the quarter. I don't remember how to check my grades, but I only hope I passed both class.
In other news, I keep conjuring up strange dreams... Two nights ago, I had a dreamception. On Monday, I was praying for some snow. Yet I was also dreading the fact of possibly driving in it for the first time on Tuesday. During the night, I dreamt about waking up, looking out of my bedroom window, seeing a crap ton of snow, and playing in it. Each dream was the same scenario. But every time I looked out the window, there was less and less snow. Every time one dream would fade out, the next dream would begin with me waking up.
When I actually woke up, I looked out of my bedroom window to see no snow. Slightly bummed, I got ready for the day and took my test.
Last night I had another strange dream. I was at a famous theater with the folks (and I think a few friends) We were watching a play until I suddenly became bored. I left my seat and ended up backstage. I noticed a couple celebrities and decided to introduce myself. As I hung out with them, a group of people in vampire costumes entered. I was suddenly terrified. They were acting like vampires, but I wasn't sure if they were real vampires. Uneasy, I ran back to my seat to witness that EVERYONE - even the actors in the play - were dead. Blood was splattered everywhere. I immediately blamed the vampires. When I rushed back to the celebrities, they were dead, too. Then I woke up.
Some pretty messed up crud if you ask me.
But I do recall having a dream about Daniel. I think I dreamt about him two nights ago. Usually when I'm stressed out or depressed, I'll dream about him. He's my "relief." Honestly, I miss dreaming about him.
Today was technically the last day of the quarter. I don't remember how to check my grades, but I only hope I passed both class.
In other news, I keep conjuring up strange dreams... Two nights ago, I had a dreamception. On Monday, I was praying for some snow. Yet I was also dreading the fact of possibly driving in it for the first time on Tuesday. During the night, I dreamt about waking up, looking out of my bedroom window, seeing a crap ton of snow, and playing in it. Each dream was the same scenario. But every time I looked out the window, there was less and less snow. Every time one dream would fade out, the next dream would begin with me waking up.
When I actually woke up, I looked out of my bedroom window to see no snow. Slightly bummed, I got ready for the day and took my test.
Last night I had another strange dream. I was at a famous theater with the folks (and I think a few friends) We were watching a play until I suddenly became bored. I left my seat and ended up backstage. I noticed a couple celebrities and decided to introduce myself. As I hung out with them, a group of people in vampire costumes entered. I was suddenly terrified. They were acting like vampires, but I wasn't sure if they were real vampires. Uneasy, I ran back to my seat to witness that EVERYONE - even the actors in the play - were dead. Blood was splattered everywhere. I immediately blamed the vampires. When I rushed back to the celebrities, they were dead, too. Then I woke up.
Some pretty messed up crud if you ask me.
But I do recall having a dream about Daniel. I think I dreamt about him two nights ago. Usually when I'm stressed out or depressed, I'll dream about him. He's my "relief." Honestly, I miss dreaming about him.
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Deer, Richmond Park |
This was taken in early morning at Richmond Park in late October. (By: Prashant Meswani)
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Day 20 of San Diego
Wow. What a day to end the quarter!
I wrapped these three months up in one 30-questions test this morning. I said to myself, "Ah! This is going to be a BREEZE!"
Yea... I was wrong.
I DID study! Thank Heavens... But I should have studied a lot more than I accomplished.
Like I said, the test was 30 questions. 100 points in all. I figured I would remember everything to a T. Well, I remembered stuff I needed to SURVIVE, yet I could've used some help on, say, some of the word problems.
Damn you, word problems...
During the two hours of test taking, I wrote my notes on a scrap of paper. I told myself, "Leave the test alone! Make it clean lookin'! Maybe the correctors will appreciate it!"
God dang, was I wrong AGAIN!
When I was "finished," I handed the test to my teacher. She flipped. She said, "You have to show your work or they'll (the correctors) think you cheated!"
Great, right? I had to go back and write everything down ON THE TEST. It was incredibly frustrating because for 1) I only had thirty minutes left and 2) My notes were ALL OVER THE PLACE!
I panicked. I almost broke down. My anxiety was definitely taking over my thought process!
However, I managed to write my notes down, turn in the test, and leave the room with slight confidence that I passed.
Key word there: slight.
I'm sure I passed, though.
On the plus side, my math teacher LOVED what I bought her. I bought her a Swarovski gift - the owl of wisdom. She asked with a grateful smile, "Why did you buy me an expensive present?" I said with another smile, "Because you are a great teacher!" She replied, "Thank you." And I replied back, "You're welcome."
I'm going to have to visit her in the future. She's just one of those math teachers you can't hate only because they're teaching math. It's her personality that proves she's not a boring math teacher! She's funny, friendly, helpful, and serious when need be.
AND she IS a marvelous math teacher (in my opinion) She helped me understand math like I've never been able to before. But after many months of having her as a teacher, I feel confident in answering math questions and asking questions, too.
I will miss her teaching me. She's been my math teacher since the day I started going to college. I think there was some bonding going on over the months. :)
Once I was done with my test, I hurried home. I sat down, built a fire, and continued my latest project.
I'm speculating on whether I should share the pictures I made of my characters or not. This project is getting pretty serious. Even though I signed the pictures, people know how to manipulate a photo without anyone noticing a signature is gone.
Call me paranoid, but I would rather have my stuff safe than brag about how cool they look.
I'll share some National Geographic pictures instead!
I wrapped these three months up in one 30-questions test this morning. I said to myself, "Ah! This is going to be a BREEZE!"
Yea... I was wrong.
I DID study! Thank Heavens... But I should have studied a lot more than I accomplished.
Like I said, the test was 30 questions. 100 points in all. I figured I would remember everything to a T. Well, I remembered stuff I needed to SURVIVE, yet I could've used some help on, say, some of the word problems.
Damn you, word problems...
During the two hours of test taking, I wrote my notes on a scrap of paper. I told myself, "Leave the test alone! Make it clean lookin'! Maybe the correctors will appreciate it!"
God dang, was I wrong AGAIN!
When I was "finished," I handed the test to my teacher. She flipped. She said, "You have to show your work or they'll (the correctors) think you cheated!"
Great, right? I had to go back and write everything down ON THE TEST. It was incredibly frustrating because for 1) I only had thirty minutes left and 2) My notes were ALL OVER THE PLACE!
I panicked. I almost broke down. My anxiety was definitely taking over my thought process!
However, I managed to write my notes down, turn in the test, and leave the room with slight confidence that I passed.
Key word there: slight.
I'm sure I passed, though.
On the plus side, my math teacher LOVED what I bought her. I bought her a Swarovski gift - the owl of wisdom. She asked with a grateful smile, "Why did you buy me an expensive present?" I said with another smile, "Because you are a great teacher!" She replied, "Thank you." And I replied back, "You're welcome."
I'm going to have to visit her in the future. She's just one of those math teachers you can't hate only because they're teaching math. It's her personality that proves she's not a boring math teacher! She's funny, friendly, helpful, and serious when need be.
AND she IS a marvelous math teacher (in my opinion) She helped me understand math like I've never been able to before. But after many months of having her as a teacher, I feel confident in answering math questions and asking questions, too.
I will miss her teaching me. She's been my math teacher since the day I started going to college. I think there was some bonding going on over the months. :)
Once I was done with my test, I hurried home. I sat down, built a fire, and continued my latest project.
I'm speculating on whether I should share the pictures I made of my characters or not. This project is getting pretty serious. Even though I signed the pictures, people know how to manipulate a photo without anyone noticing a signature is gone.
Call me paranoid, but I would rather have my stuff safe than brag about how cool they look.
I'll share some National Geographic pictures instead!
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Landscape, Latvia |
This image was taken in Lielvārde, Latvia. (By: Mihails Ignats)
Monday, December 9, 2013
Day 19 San Diego
I have to get back to studying pronto.
What I Did Today:
- Slept in
- Created characters for an upcoming project
- Built a fire while relaxing all day
- Went to the chiropractor
- Decorated Francis while listening to Christmas music
- Wrapped presents
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Day 18 of San Diego
What happened to the Seahawks today?! Was it because it wasn't a home game?! Come on!!! God, I still have a headache from that chaos... Unbelievable...
Well, it doesn't change how much I love the Seahawks. <3
Today, I woke up to Mason's adorable face. We Skype-slept last night again. We enjoy doing that. :) We woke up around 8 AM, sat in our beds playing on our computers, before we had to take care of some errands. I had to clean the house for the Seahawks party while Mason did laundry and other things.
I turned in my final essay this evening! Tomorrow, I'll be studying over every segment I learned in math. My math final is on Tuesday... I am panicking... How good is my memory with math? Hopefully miraculous! We learned way more segments than last quarter! 45, if I do recall!
I think I'll be fine. I'll stay positive, here. I won't squander off into gloom...
READERS! Continue sending me good luck! I'm building it up for Tuesday!
Well, it doesn't change how much I love the Seahawks. <3
Today, I woke up to Mason's adorable face. We Skype-slept last night again. We enjoy doing that. :) We woke up around 8 AM, sat in our beds playing on our computers, before we had to take care of some errands. I had to clean the house for the Seahawks party while Mason did laundry and other things.
I turned in my final essay this evening! Tomorrow, I'll be studying over every segment I learned in math. My math final is on Tuesday... I am panicking... How good is my memory with math? Hopefully miraculous! We learned way more segments than last quarter! 45, if I do recall!
I think I'll be fine. I'll stay positive, here. I won't squander off into gloom...
READERS! Continue sending me good luck! I'm building it up for Tuesday!
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Reflection, Hungary |
Misty summer photo, Nagykanizsa, Hungary. (By: Zsolt Szabo)
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Day 17 of San Diego
Short post.
Nothing happened today. I woke up, started a fire, hung out with Mason over IMVU, took a walk, bought Little Caesars for dinner, watched movies the entire day... The End.
I tried watching Doctor Who (the 2005 version) with dad, but it turns out, I hate that show. In my opinion, it is WAY too quirky. I checked IMDb to see if they agreed with me that Doctor Who (2005) was rubbish. Nope. Looks like it's in one of the top hits for latest T.V. shows. Maybe it's more of a British thing rather than an American thing... Who knows?
Anyway, today was relaxing. I didn't work on my finals like I told myself I would... I need to start them by tomorrow. Possibly before the football game. I'll wake up early, plan everything out, and then begin my long journey into the dark depths of migraines and constant frustration.
Send me some good luck thoughts, invisible readers! I'll need it!
Hey! Enough with this negative bullcrap. Let's watch some funny stuff, huh?
Nothing happened today. I woke up, started a fire, hung out with Mason over IMVU, took a walk, bought Little Caesars for dinner, watched movies the entire day... The End.
I tried watching Doctor Who (the 2005 version) with dad, but it turns out, I hate that show. In my opinion, it is WAY too quirky. I checked IMDb to see if they agreed with me that Doctor Who (2005) was rubbish. Nope. Looks like it's in one of the top hits for latest T.V. shows. Maybe it's more of a British thing rather than an American thing... Who knows?
Anyway, today was relaxing. I didn't work on my finals like I told myself I would... I need to start them by tomorrow. Possibly before the football game. I'll wake up early, plan everything out, and then begin my long journey into the dark depths of migraines and constant frustration.
Send me some good luck thoughts, invisible readers! I'll need it!
Hey! Enough with this negative bullcrap. Let's watch some funny stuff, huh?
Friday, December 6, 2013
Day 16 of San Diego
Mason named him. :)
Our tree is tiny again this year, which is perfectly great! The folks and I both noticed it's pudgy cuteness and called it keeps. Last year, our tree was flocked. This year, we decided to have a non-flocked tree. He still looks good, though!
Today, before the family and I bought Francis, mom and I traveled to Pike Place to buy dad's gift.
I bought another gift for Mason. I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF!
I'm excited for dad to see what his girls bought him. I almost want it for myself. ;)
Today was technically my last day of Fall quarter. But on Tuesday, I have a math final. This whole weekend, I'm studying my ass off! For ENGL, I don't need to do a portfolio unless I want to try and achieve something higher than an A, haha.
My teachers appreciated the thought of me giving them something for the holidays and as a thank you. They haven't opened their gifts yet, however I hope they do soon. I know they'll love what I got them. :)
Now! I want to share some pictures!!! The car picture is a Ford Fairlane my mom and I saw at the mall when we went to buy my teachers gifts. The picture of the ice shows how cool ice looks on a car. The picture of a statue holding a light is from Pike Place. The picture of the Starbucks thing is proof that I and mom had a coffee at the first Starbucks ever built. And the last picture is of Francis!
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Day 15 of San Diego
I want to take a moment and give my regards out to Nelson Mandela who passed away today at the age of 95. I also want to give my late regards out to Paul Walker who passed away a couple days ago at the young age of 40. They both will be greatly missed. I pray that their family, friends, and followers heal properly. They can take as long as it need be for them to fully heal. I just hope it won't be too much of a struggle. <3
In other news, today I took a three-paged math test. In ENGL, we discussed more on how to write the correct form of a bibliography. Once home, I waited on mom to get dressed before we drove down to South Center mall to buy my teachers a Thank You/Christmas gift. But we couldn't stop there! We bought gifts for other people, too! I even found mom's gift right in front of her... I told her to look away as I snatched the gift, ran to the check-out stand, and bought it! Tomorrow, mom and I plan to go to the Pike Place market and search for something cool for dad! I already have an idea. :)
After me and mom's shopping extraordinaire, we waited for dad to come home. We wanted to buy a tree! We always buy our trees at a local market called Tony's. Yet I feared that when we were done with dinner and all, Tony's would be closed. The folks didn't believe me, we ate dinner, dressed warmly and then drove to Tony's. Well, LORD AND BEHOLD, the place was closed...
You parents have to start believing in your kids!
I was sad! I wanted my tree! I worried someone had already bought that perfect, mini Christmas tree! But Tony's entire shop and parking lot was filled with trees. I'm sure we'll get our little Martin soon enough.
Yes, I'm naming our next tree Martin.
If you think Martin is a dumb name for a tree, write in the comments what YOU would name your tree. :)
As I was saying, the folks and I were bummed... We were stoked to buy a tree this evening and we witnessed chained fences instead. However, there is tomorrow! Now we know to leave immediately after dad comes home from work.
In conclusion, I wasn't sad for a long while because...
MASON'S EPIC PRESENT ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Oh my God, I almost POOPED when I saw it!!!! I wanted to open it up, check if everything was okay, before wrapping it, but mom told me to leave it alone and wrap it up as it is. So, I did! Man, I can't WAIT to see Mason's expression once he opens it up. I think he WILL poop himself out of joy!!
Random Ass Fun Fact:
- Humans are made up of 70% water. How much is the Earth made up of water? 70%. Play the Twilight Zone theme song, please!
In other news, today I took a three-paged math test. In ENGL, we discussed more on how to write the correct form of a bibliography. Once home, I waited on mom to get dressed before we drove down to South Center mall to buy my teachers a Thank You/Christmas gift. But we couldn't stop there! We bought gifts for other people, too! I even found mom's gift right in front of her... I told her to look away as I snatched the gift, ran to the check-out stand, and bought it! Tomorrow, mom and I plan to go to the Pike Place market and search for something cool for dad! I already have an idea. :)
After me and mom's shopping extraordinaire, we waited for dad to come home. We wanted to buy a tree! We always buy our trees at a local market called Tony's. Yet I feared that when we were done with dinner and all, Tony's would be closed. The folks didn't believe me, we ate dinner, dressed warmly and then drove to Tony's. Well, LORD AND BEHOLD, the place was closed...
You parents have to start believing in your kids!
I was sad! I wanted my tree! I worried someone had already bought that perfect, mini Christmas tree! But Tony's entire shop and parking lot was filled with trees. I'm sure we'll get our little Martin soon enough.
Yes, I'm naming our next tree Martin.
If you think Martin is a dumb name for a tree, write in the comments what YOU would name your tree. :)
As I was saying, the folks and I were bummed... We were stoked to buy a tree this evening and we witnessed chained fences instead. However, there is tomorrow! Now we know to leave immediately after dad comes home from work.
In conclusion, I wasn't sad for a long while because...
MASON'S EPIC PRESENT ARRIVED TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111
Oh my God, I almost POOPED when I saw it!!!! I wanted to open it up, check if everything was okay, before wrapping it, but mom told me to leave it alone and wrap it up as it is. So, I did! Man, I can't WAIT to see Mason's expression once he opens it up. I think he WILL poop himself out of joy!!
Random Ass Fun Fact:
- Humans are made up of 70% water. How much is the Earth made up of water? 70%. Play the Twilight Zone theme song, please!
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Lighthouse, Portugal |
A huge ocean storm, Porto, Portugal, January 2013. (By: Veselin Malinov)
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Day 14 of San Diego
I feel more stable today than I was last night... Things were pushing me to the limit. Nothing major occurred. Only some minor miscommunication between Mason and I. Mason thought I didn't want him to come home because of how upset I became over him watching recent PewDiePie videos. I was upset over that because I wanted him to save those for me to show him later when he came home. I enjoy introducing him new material that I think is either funny or worth watching. Personally, it makes me feel special if he doesn't know something, but I do.
Anyway, for some heart-wrenching reason, Mason thought I didn't want him to come home for the holidays. Which is an ungodly thing to think about! That's all I EVER want! Is him being home! I'm empty without his presence... I feel like a vessel with no soul!
I turned depressed in a matter of minutes. I was absolutely hating myself for making Mason believe I didn't want him home for the holidays... For a couple of hours, I told Mason how I felt about his Leaves and about my depression worsening and how I want him home for every second of every day of my life.
I assume for some of you who know me in real life wonder why I don't get instantly excited for Mason's arrivals. Yet I AM excited. It's buried under this dark heap called Depression. My depression looks at the facts. It realizes that I'll only have Mason for a few days... Nonetheless, I want him home forever. I don't like being "teased." I don't like this back-and-forth cavort. I never even wanted him to join the Corps. But it was a smart route. It'll brighten our future! It'll give us a stable lifestyle.
In the mean time, I'm chatting with Mason over IMVU while relaxing beside a fire. My parents are at a runners meeting. It's quiet. Peaceful. Just the way I like it.
Anyway, for some heart-wrenching reason, Mason thought I didn't want him to come home for the holidays. Which is an ungodly thing to think about! That's all I EVER want! Is him being home! I'm empty without his presence... I feel like a vessel with no soul!
I turned depressed in a matter of minutes. I was absolutely hating myself for making Mason believe I didn't want him home for the holidays... For a couple of hours, I told Mason how I felt about his Leaves and about my depression worsening and how I want him home for every second of every day of my life.
I assume for some of you who know me in real life wonder why I don't get instantly excited for Mason's arrivals. Yet I AM excited. It's buried under this dark heap called Depression. My depression looks at the facts. It realizes that I'll only have Mason for a few days... Nonetheless, I want him home forever. I don't like being "teased." I don't like this back-and-forth cavort. I never even wanted him to join the Corps. But it was a smart route. It'll brighten our future! It'll give us a stable lifestyle.
In the mean time, I'm chatting with Mason over IMVU while relaxing beside a fire. My parents are at a runners meeting. It's quiet. Peaceful. Just the way I like it.
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Eastern Screech Owlets |
Eastern screech owls like to take over woodpecker nests that have been dug out over the years in pine trees, which are the main species of tree at this swamp. The Fish and Wildlife Service also paints a white ring around the base of a tree that has active nests so they will be avoided when conducting controlled burns. Screech owls can range in height anywhere from eight to ten inches, so you have to have a sharp eye to find these little birds of prey.
I spent the first few weeks of April this year photographing the gray morph screech owl that was living in the nest and had no idea there were three owlets inside. (By: Graham McGeorge)
I spent the first few weeks of April this year photographing the gray morph screech owl that was living in the nest and had no idea there were three owlets inside. (By: Graham McGeorge)
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Day 13 of San Diego
I feel like screaming. And not in the happy-happy-joy-joy way.
I'm tired of school. I'm tired of Mason being in the Marine Corps....
I don't know what to say in this post because, right now, I'm bawling my eyes out.
I've numbed myself, I'm done for tonight... Goodnight, imaginary readers.
I'm tired of school. I'm tired of Mason being in the Marine Corps....
I don't know what to say in this post because, right now, I'm bawling my eyes out.
I've numbed myself, I'm done for tonight... Goodnight, imaginary readers.
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Lake Carezza, Italy |
Lake Carezza is a pearl of the Dolomites. Nestled between an ancient forest of grand firs and Latemar mountain, it's a place of legends and beauty—a nymph lives under its emerald waters. I threw a little stone in the water to add a little mystery to the scene. (By: Antonio Chiumenti)
Monday, December 2, 2013
Day 12 of San Diego
Suck on THAT, every person who mocked the Seahawks!!! This year, they came back with a VENGENCE. Especially with tonight's game. We DEVOURED the Saints! And everyone said it would be a tough game... A tough game on the Saints!
The stadium was so loud, we caused a 1-2 magnitude earthquake on the scale!!! We also beat our decibel level to 137.something. The score was 34-7. We are now 11/1. BOOYA!
Since we're on the subject of football, I forgot to congratulate our Huskies for winning The Apple Cup! Man, Seattle is kicking ASS!
To continue the feel-good sensation, I want to add these videos to make anybody smile:
Suck on THAT, every person who mocked the Seahawks!!! This year, they came back with a VENGENCE. Especially with tonight's game. We DEVOURED the Saints! And everyone said it would be a tough game... A tough game on the Saints!
The stadium was so loud, we caused a 1-2 magnitude earthquake on the scale!!! We also beat our decibel level to 137.something. The score was 34-7. We are now 11/1. BOOYA!
Since we're on the subject of football, I forgot to congratulate our Huskies for winning The Apple Cup! Man, Seattle is kicking ASS!
To continue the feel-good sensation, I want to add these videos to make anybody smile:
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Day 11 of San Diego
Nah, I might do that when Christmas is just around the corner.
But I am pumped! I bought Mason the most EPIC gift of all time. I'm not going to share with you readers what it is yet, in case Mason decides to read my blog suddenly. I will say this, though... I can't wait to see Mason's face when he opens it up... Every gift I've ever given him will not COMPARE to the mighty gift I've gotten him this Christmas. So far, I've bought him two things. I have a desire to buy him more. :)
The last person I have to buy a gift for is my dear friend, Bryndis. I think I'm going to buy her something vintage. She looks like a girl who would rock out vintage gear. I found the perfect website for stuff like that! Etsy! Anybody heard of it? You may have the app.
Have you created a wish list? What do you want for Christmas?
P.S: Out of respect, I will now be adding who the photographers are below every National Geographic: Photo of the Day picture. The previous pictures will not be updated, but I assure you, the ones with captions and descriptions are taken from National Geographic's Photo of the Day webpage.
Nah, I might do that when Christmas is just around the corner.
But I am pumped! I bought Mason the most EPIC gift of all time. I'm not going to share with you readers what it is yet, in case Mason decides to read my blog suddenly. I will say this, though... I can't wait to see Mason's face when he opens it up... Every gift I've ever given him will not COMPARE to the mighty gift I've gotten him this Christmas. So far, I've bought him two things. I have a desire to buy him more. :)
The last person I have to buy a gift for is my dear friend, Bryndis. I think I'm going to buy her something vintage. She looks like a girl who would rock out vintage gear. I found the perfect website for stuff like that! Etsy! Anybody heard of it? You may have the app.
Have you created a wish list? What do you want for Christmas?
P.S: Out of respect, I will now be adding who the photographers are below every National Geographic: Photo of the Day picture. The previous pictures will not be updated, but I assure you, the ones with captions and descriptions are taken from National Geographic's Photo of the Day webpage.
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Gothic Quarter, Barcelona |
Devils run amidst the pyrotechnics during the celebration of a correfoc for the Sant Roc Festival in the Gothic Quarter of Barcelona. Correfocs are an old Catalan tradition where people dressed as devils blow up firecrackers and flares. (By: Jordi Boixareu)
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Day 10 of San Diego
We calmed the 21st birthday issue. Mason is still a little unsure about what might happen, but I understand why. We can't tell the future. I know I say I won't get drunk, yet I don't even know how I'll know I'm drunk. I've never been drunk before! Or buzzed! Or... all of the other levels you deal with while drinking alcohol. I probably won't drink many beverages. Most of the alcohol I've tasted was either too strong for me or tasted gross. I guess I'm picky with my alcohol.
And I'm not completely interested in it!
However, I do want to have a few drinks on my 21st just as a celebratory thing. Not to feel the buzz of becoming drunk, not to get out of control... only to test the waters. Only to use it as an accessory for the party. Afterwards, I might not have another drink until something special comes up.
So, my day was not too shabby. I hung out at home as the folks, I think grandma J, Uncle Jay and Aunty Jill, Willow and Jaylee went to take pictures with Santa Claus. I suppose Santa decided to give the folks an early gift from the Bose store because my parents came home with a large Bose speaker. Thanks, Santa! Now bring me Johnny Depp.
I'm excited for Christmas! I made an actual Christmas list this year. Mason is on top while all of the "wants" are below him. :)
If Mason comes home for the holidays, I will crap my pants.
I better not wear any pants, then...
And I'm not completely interested in it!
However, I do want to have a few drinks on my 21st just as a celebratory thing. Not to feel the buzz of becoming drunk, not to get out of control... only to test the waters. Only to use it as an accessory for the party. Afterwards, I might not have another drink until something special comes up.
So, my day was not too shabby. I hung out at home as the folks, I think grandma J, Uncle Jay and Aunty Jill, Willow and Jaylee went to take pictures with Santa Claus. I suppose Santa decided to give the folks an early gift from the Bose store because my parents came home with a large Bose speaker. Thanks, Santa! Now bring me Johnny Depp.
I'm excited for Christmas! I made an actual Christmas list this year. Mason is on top while all of the "wants" are below him. :)
If Mason comes home for the holidays, I will crap my pants.
I better not wear any pants, then...
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Karte Sakhi Cemetery, Kabul |
An Afghan man walks in the Karte Sakhi Cemetery during a snowfall in Kabul, Afghanistan, on February 4, 2013.
Friday, November 29, 2013
Day 9 of San Diego
My depression is worsening. I've probably said this tons of times, but I'm seriously thinking of taking anti-depressants. I don't know when. I don't even know how much they are or how strong the dosage should be. All I know is that I'm really down in the dumps these days.
I know it has only been a week since Mason left. I guess that's the hardest time - while the pain of him leaving is still fresh. I'm sure after a month, this depression will settle into subtle grief.
Today was... another day. I watched a baby bird die this morning. My dad took him away from Fluffy who caught the little bird. Unfortunately, Fluffy hurt him more than we knew. Dad placed the tiny bird in a shoe box with some tissues for comfort. I stuck by the baby bird's side until he passed away... I'm glad I stayed with him. I'm glad he didn't die alone.
Last night, Mason and I got into an argument about me drinking on my 21st birthday. He has a history of alcoholics in his family (as do I) and he despises people abusing alcohol. He hates alcohol. And when I mentioned my 21st birthday possibly being in Vegas, he feared I would become an alcoholic, too. Which isn't me! I don't want to get smashed on my 21st. I want to remember what happened!
For an hour or two, we fought about the subject... Hurtful things were said... Fears were being used for blaming mechanics... We both messed up. We both took the situation too far...
In all honesty, I don't even know if I'm going to Vegas for my 21st. I don't know if I'll drink on my 21st. But I do know that I love Mason very much and I wish he would understand that, when I say I'm not like anybody else, I mean it.
I know it has only been a week since Mason left. I guess that's the hardest time - while the pain of him leaving is still fresh. I'm sure after a month, this depression will settle into subtle grief.
Today was... another day. I watched a baby bird die this morning. My dad took him away from Fluffy who caught the little bird. Unfortunately, Fluffy hurt him more than we knew. Dad placed the tiny bird in a shoe box with some tissues for comfort. I stuck by the baby bird's side until he passed away... I'm glad I stayed with him. I'm glad he didn't die alone.
Last night, Mason and I got into an argument about me drinking on my 21st birthday. He has a history of alcoholics in his family (as do I) and he despises people abusing alcohol. He hates alcohol. And when I mentioned my 21st birthday possibly being in Vegas, he feared I would become an alcoholic, too. Which isn't me! I don't want to get smashed on my 21st. I want to remember what happened!
For an hour or two, we fought about the subject... Hurtful things were said... Fears were being used for blaming mechanics... We both messed up. We both took the situation too far...
In all honesty, I don't even know if I'm going to Vegas for my 21st. I don't know if I'll drink on my 21st. But I do know that I love Mason very much and I wish he would understand that, when I say I'm not like anybody else, I mean it.
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Day 8 of San Diego
A traditional Thanksgiving feast today. I wish Mason was with us. To me, it would have been more joyous.
I had an alright time, nonetheless. I love it when the family gets together to celebrate about something. We're a bit chaotic, but that's what makes us enjoyable. :)
I didn't eat much. I never eat a lot during Thanksgiving.
Well, I never eat a lot PERIOD.
I think I was too depressed to really have an appetite...
I miss Mason... I miss him more than anyone could guess.
Happy Thanksgiving anyway!
P.S: Hanukkah and Thanksgiving were on the same day this year. This won't happen again for another 77,000 years!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Day 7 of San Diego
Oh man... This fatigue is wearing me out... Literally!
I almost fell asleep in both classes. Right now it's hard to focus on finishing this post.
I don't have much to say... I did wake up with a blood-shot eye, though... Pretty weird.
I also ran over a branch. I'm glad nothing was damaged... Or, so what I've seen.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I still feel like smashed crap. I don't believe I'm contagious. I don't want anyone suffering through what I had to deal with.
It almost feels like I'm catching another virus... I don't really know if I'm getting better. I hope I am.
I know I am severely depressed. I'm dreaming strange dreams... Two nights ago, I dreamt about a man drowning kittens. Why? Why must I dream that way? What did the drowning kittens symbolize? A call for help?
Thankfully, it was just a dream. I don't think I could handle seeing something like that in real life.
Anyway, enough about depressing things. I'll end this post here.
I wish you all a joyful and fulfilling Thanksgiving!
I almost fell asleep in both classes. Right now it's hard to focus on finishing this post.
I don't have much to say... I did wake up with a blood-shot eye, though... Pretty weird.
I also ran over a branch. I'm glad nothing was damaged... Or, so what I've seen.
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I still feel like smashed crap. I don't believe I'm contagious. I don't want anyone suffering through what I had to deal with.
It almost feels like I'm catching another virus... I don't really know if I'm getting better. I hope I am.
I know I am severely depressed. I'm dreaming strange dreams... Two nights ago, I dreamt about a man drowning kittens. Why? Why must I dream that way? What did the drowning kittens symbolize? A call for help?
Thankfully, it was just a dream. I don't think I could handle seeing something like that in real life.
Anyway, enough about depressing things. I'll end this post here.
I wish you all a joyful and fulfilling Thanksgiving!
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Cherry Blossoms, Nakameguro |
Nakameguro in Tokyo is one of the most famous places for admiring the blossoming cherry trees in the middle of the city.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Day 6 of San Diego
I could pass out any second now... I'm extremely exhausted. I don't know what hit me! But I need to finish this post before I find myself face-first on a keyboard.
My day went okay. I'm still fighting this flu. I took a math quiz this morning and ended the day with a boring writing assignment in ENGL. We had to write for 30 minutes straight, trying not to pause in the process, about a feeling we had while reading the book "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian." We wrote about scenes that connected to what we felt. Since I'm still considered "sick," I couldn't think properly. Paying attention wasn't possible today.
When I got home, I did nothing... I watched gameplays of Kingdom Hearts and hung out on IMVU alone.
Until Mason bought WiFi. :)
Sadly, he jumped on thirty minutes ago as my sleepiness started to take over. Maybe tomorrow we'll have a longer IMVU session. Maybe, if I'm tired, I'll take a nap! I like naps. <3
My day went okay. I'm still fighting this flu. I took a math quiz this morning and ended the day with a boring writing assignment in ENGL. We had to write for 30 minutes straight, trying not to pause in the process, about a feeling we had while reading the book "The Absolutely True Story of a Part-Time Indian." We wrote about scenes that connected to what we felt. Since I'm still considered "sick," I couldn't think properly. Paying attention wasn't possible today.
When I got home, I did nothing... I watched gameplays of Kingdom Hearts and hung out on IMVU alone.
Until Mason bought WiFi. :)
Sadly, he jumped on thirty minutes ago as my sleepiness started to take over. Maybe tomorrow we'll have a longer IMVU session. Maybe, if I'm tired, I'll take a nap! I like naps. <3
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Nuns, Jerusalem |
Church of Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Day 5 of San Diego
Mason is as messed up as I am.
Today he broke down. He kept telling me how much he missed me and asking when we were going to call each other. I told him we could call right after my chiropractic appointment. We usually call before bed, around 9-10 PM. But this evening, we called at 5:30. Currently, we're still on the phone.
Before we called, Mason watched a few of PewDiePie's videos to cheer him up some. Once we were on the phone, he sounded happy. Yet as the phone call continued, he started to notice I wasn't in the same boat... I reminded him how depressed I am without his presence. I'm empty. Even my mom is beginning to realize how saddening it is while Mason is away. It's effecting all of us.
Mason's good mood dwindled. He again started telling me how much he missed me. I asked if he wanted to multitask, to keep his mind from wandering into dark corners. He said he didn't want to play his Zelda game because (surprisingly) he was bored with it. I asked if he wanted to play Minecraft. Suddenly, Mason became very quiet. I immediately guessed he was holding back tears. I wondered if he was sad over playing Minecraft because we played Minecraft together while he was home. In a croaked voice, he answered, "Yes."
I totally understood where he was coming from! For example, I can't watch the movie Forrest Gump without Mason because, since we consider that movie "our movie," it upsets me to watch it alone. I'm sure as time goes by, Mason will be able to play Minecraft by himself. But for now, it's still a touchy subject.
I miss Mason very much... We all do. Did you know Mason and I haven't spent a single Thanksgiving together?
Today he broke down. He kept telling me how much he missed me and asking when we were going to call each other. I told him we could call right after my chiropractic appointment. We usually call before bed, around 9-10 PM. But this evening, we called at 5:30. Currently, we're still on the phone.
Before we called, Mason watched a few of PewDiePie's videos to cheer him up some. Once we were on the phone, he sounded happy. Yet as the phone call continued, he started to notice I wasn't in the same boat... I reminded him how depressed I am without his presence. I'm empty. Even my mom is beginning to realize how saddening it is while Mason is away. It's effecting all of us.
Mason's good mood dwindled. He again started telling me how much he missed me. I asked if he wanted to multitask, to keep his mind from wandering into dark corners. He said he didn't want to play his Zelda game because (surprisingly) he was bored with it. I asked if he wanted to play Minecraft. Suddenly, Mason became very quiet. I immediately guessed he was holding back tears. I wondered if he was sad over playing Minecraft because we played Minecraft together while he was home. In a croaked voice, he answered, "Yes."
I totally understood where he was coming from! For example, I can't watch the movie Forrest Gump without Mason because, since we consider that movie "our movie," it upsets me to watch it alone. I'm sure as time goes by, Mason will be able to play Minecraft by himself. But for now, it's still a touchy subject.
I miss Mason very much... We all do. Did you know Mason and I haven't spent a single Thanksgiving together?
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Ganges River, India |
These kids were playing in the Ganges River in Varanasi, India. The moment this kid saw me with my camera, she posed with the huge flag in her hand and made my day.
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Day 4 of San Diego
I hate being sick for the fact that I hallucinate like someone on drugs. Last night, I hallucinated about fighting off my illness. It repeated throughout the night. I tossed and turned, trying to think up of anything else to dream, yet nothing changed. My body ached, I was dehydrated and went from hot to cold in a matter of, what seemed like, minutes. Every time I tried to blow my nose, I would give myself a headache. It was Hell...
I must've had a fever. In the morning, I searched what causes bad dreams when sick and someone answered that it had to do with having a fever.
I did have a terrible dream, though. I was angry at my dad and constantly called him awful names. It was chaos. Until I woke up and began tossing and turning once more.
When morning came, I felt a little less sickly. My body wasn't achy, my nose wasn't too runny, and I felt hydrated. But as the day went on, I started feeling even better. The progress is gradual. At least it's progress!
I didn't do much today. Laid back. Hung out on the computer. Took care of some stupid math homework. That's about it...
I didn't do much today. Laid back. Hung out on the computer. Took care of some stupid math homework. That's about it...
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Day 3 of San Diego
I'm sick...
I don't know when the virus hit me, but it let me know it infected me this morning. I woke up sucking down SNOT. Yummy... What a delightful breakfast...
Throughout the entire day, I continuously told myself I wasn't becoming sick. I told myself it was because I was menstruating and that often gets me weak. Yet there's always that douche-bag part in your brain in which begins spazzing out, telling you you're sick. But you sit there, arguing like a lunatic until you finally come to your senses and realize, "Goddamn it... I am sick."
Mom and dad have been sick for quite some time. I felt immortal since I wasn't becoming sick like them. But today changed my beliefs... Not only has my period become an absolute mess, my face feels like it's filled with mucus. My whole face ACHES. Of course, down below it aches because of... you know... But my FACE! ... My FACE!!!...
I think I'm turning into a zombie, guys. The zombie apocalypse starts with my family...
Sexiest zombies you'll ever meet.
... And kill... :(
Only joking. Mom thinks we caught the Flu.
Might as well call it the zombie virus, but whatever...
I can't believe I caught the Flu! It sucks the big ones!!! I need to take a lot more naps and drink my OJ. I do NOT want to be sick for Thanksgiving. That would BLOW.
Anyway, with that said, I need to head off to bed.
OH! Before I go, I want to send out a shout-out to my latest follower Saige (I hope I got that right) THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING TO A FUTURE ZOMBIE, SAIGE!!!!
Sooner or later, all you're going to read is:
kjsihhaaaaaai iujwrou28 q38u9qhroeu98 q398y ewr aknfihswugwryfg 1 i33 jhwquy138 489 8899 54 wqhwiufjnw?>WTL$T{_4nw ui34i ajrh w oijsfi I wiiwio 413:
!#P[-=2n rui wry arioeuyr q 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123kqour9a RI ur u4i 5
'G 9y w894ry89y4ajd idjfir
Again, thanks. :)
I don't know when the virus hit me, but it let me know it infected me this morning. I woke up sucking down SNOT. Yummy... What a delightful breakfast...
Throughout the entire day, I continuously told myself I wasn't becoming sick. I told myself it was because I was menstruating and that often gets me weak. Yet there's always that douche-bag part in your brain in which begins spazzing out, telling you you're sick. But you sit there, arguing like a lunatic until you finally come to your senses and realize, "Goddamn it... I am sick."
Mom and dad have been sick for quite some time. I felt immortal since I wasn't becoming sick like them. But today changed my beliefs... Not only has my period become an absolute mess, my face feels like it's filled with mucus. My whole face ACHES. Of course, down below it aches because of... you know... But my FACE! ... My FACE!!!...
I think I'm turning into a zombie, guys. The zombie apocalypse starts with my family...
Sexiest zombies you'll ever meet.
... And kill... :(
Only joking. Mom thinks we caught the Flu.
Might as well call it the zombie virus, but whatever...
I can't believe I caught the Flu! It sucks the big ones!!! I need to take a lot more naps and drink my OJ. I do NOT want to be sick for Thanksgiving. That would BLOW.
Anyway, with that said, I need to head off to bed.
OH! Before I go, I want to send out a shout-out to my latest follower Saige (I hope I got that right) THANKS FOR SUBSCRIBING TO A FUTURE ZOMBIE, SAIGE!!!!
Sooner or later, all you're going to read is:
kjsihhaaaaaai iujwrou28 q38u9qhroeu98 q398y ewr aknfihswugwryfg 1 i33 jhwquy138 489 8899 54 wqhwiufjnw?>WTL$T{_4nw ui34i ajrh w oijsfi I wiiwio 413:
!#P[-=2n rui wry arioeuyr q 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!123kqour9a RI ur u4i 5
'G 9y w894ry89y4ajd idjfir
Again, thanks. :)
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Stuttgart City Library, Germany |
Visitors browse the Stuttgart City Library, a media center opened in 2011 and lauded for its clean and open design. Your Shot community member Shu Koumura shot on tungsten-type film and used an E-6 bleach bypass development process.
Friday, November 22, 2013
Day 2 of San Diego
I went to school today. I was second guessing, but I had to turn in an essay that was due yesterday.
School was alright. I didn't want to learn anything. My brain is mush. I came home and took a three hour nap. It felt good. <3
At 5, I got adjusted. The Dr. was shocked to see me since I skipped all of the appointments while Mason was home. He asked where my folks were and I told him my mom is sick and my dad is... well, I don't know why he didn't go with me.
But I got adjusted. I needed to be adjusted. My back is killing me...
Tomorrow, I have no plans. I think I'll nerd out with some math homework and anime comic books!
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Day 1 of San Diego
Mason's smell lingers in my bedroom. His empty Coke can and unopened bag of chips sit on the upside-down lid of a stool. The leather couch sections still stare at the three televisions. But Mason's not here anymore... He left this morning at 10:55.
Last night, we made our last moments as sweet and subtle as possible. The whole day was relaxing until evening showed up. Tension grew. Tears formed. We knew what was coming... We tried staying awake. But I can't stay awake past 2 AM without doing anything. Yet we didn't know what to do... We were trained on the fact that Mason was leaving the next day. However, we ended up going to bed anyway.
We didn't fall asleep right away. We talked. We cried. We romanced. And then... we fell asleep in each other's arms.
This morning, at 6 AM, I woke up exhausted. My body rejected this day. I wanted to sleep through it. I wanted this day to be nonexistent. I wanted this day to vanish and the next day to pop up with Mason still home.
But that wasn't the case...
He packed. Mom drove us to the airport at 9. I walked with Mason to the bag check-in station before having to leave. Nevertheless, I stood with Mason, holding him and crying with him. We didn't want to let go. I didn't want him to leave.
After ten minutes, we said Goodbye. I went home and sobbed. I sobbed so many tears, at one point, I didn't know why I was crying. I was just... crying!
Every time I looked at the Star Wars Lego ships we built, I remembered that day. Every time I did a specific thing, such as not grab something to eat, I would hear Mason's voice in my head telling me to eat. Every time I went upstairs, I waited for Mason to rustle under the covers of my bed until leaning upward, groggily smiling at me.
But he's gone.
Now I'm in my empty room, on the phone with Mason. Fluffy snuggles beside me where Mason would be. I found a dog-tag on my bed's shelf stating an influential phrase excerpted from the bible. I never saw the tag before. I asked Mason if it was his. He said Yes and that, if I wanted it, I could have it.
I'm not much of a God person, but the phrase was perfect for a day like this.
Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Day 16 of Second Leave
Technically, it is the nineteenth... But this was supposed to be yesterday's post. I'm sorry, readers... I'm too busy watching Mason play GTA 5. Him and Alex were doing flips on a skate ramp until a dude with a nice ass million dollar vehicle started playing with us, joining us in our flipping bonanza. Mason, Alex and I were dying laughing.
I took tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday off to be with Mason before he departs. We're staying up late, being with each other until the end. Last night, Mason began to think about him leaving so soon. I comforted him as we fell asleep in one another's arms.
It sucks how fast time can fly by. I mean, look at this post! I was having fun and WAH-LA! I'm writing a late post...
I might add today's events if anything eventful occurs. Other than that, this was my day yesterday. I hope today will be just as great.
I took tomorrow, Wednesday and Thursday off to be with Mason before he departs. We're staying up late, being with each other until the end. Last night, Mason began to think about him leaving so soon. I comforted him as we fell asleep in one another's arms.
It sucks how fast time can fly by. I mean, look at this post! I was having fun and WAH-LA! I'm writing a late post...
I might add today's events if anything eventful occurs. Other than that, this was my day yesterday. I hope today will be just as great.
Hi guys. Quick update.
Mason and I slept in after staying up until 2 AM. We played games before eating dinner with Mason's mom and her friends. Mason and I took turns on babysitting our nephew while Moira cooked food and did other things. Ash, our little nephew, is too cute! That boy will grow up to be a heartbreaker. :) Haha.
Tomorrow, Mason and I want to spend every last second together... Mason leaves at 8:30 AM on Thursday... Everyone's pretty upset about it...
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