Is this, what you call, "Leap Year" because we skip the 29th of Feb?
Does Feb only have 29 days????
... Unless it's Leap Year???
Goddamn, so confused.
Oh, well. Sorry to those who has a birthday on the 29th and has to celebrate it the day before. That's sort of lame, right??
Or do you celebrate it at all?...
Talking about celebration, tomorrow is FRIDAY! These past couple of weeks have been pounding on the ol' brain of mine. I'm EXHAUSTED all the TIME!! I don't get it!! I mean, yea, I get horrendous sleep but I hardly have homework. Even if I AM busy with homework, I'm not staying up until 12 in the morning getting it finished.
Man... Were those the days back in private school... Damn...
Today was okay. My Italian instructor seemed a tad better. She acted a little on the edge still but was stable enough to teach. ENGL was alright. I was called to the board again, however, I didn't finish the one practice in the book the teacher was asking the answers for. Besides, I would have probably got all of the answers WRONG! That practice was a bastard. I could NOT find all 5 mistakes. What an embarrassment.
At home... I did nothing. I didn't even take a walk. The weather sucked and I wasn't about to tire myself some more. I knew if I took a walk, I'd want to immediately take a nap afterwards. But I had too much homework and went to work on that instead.
This exact moment, while I'm writing this post, I'm pondering on whether I should write a short story or rest and continue to text Mason until one of us passes out on each other...
I'm in a creative mood, yet I'm tired as HELL.
But I want to text May May...
However, I think he passed out on me already...
Ohhh, such a small dilemma.
I guess I'll take the easy way out.
I won't do EITHER of them! Hah!
Just kidding. I want to talk to my honey <3
My boyfriend, Mason, had gone off to boot camp in San Diego, CA. Now, he works at his main base as a Marine airplanes technician. This blog is about my life as I wait for my love to come home.
Mason and I

Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Day 8 of Florida
Oh man.
You HAVE to check out the videos I'm about to link in this post because they are beyond hilarious. If you want a good laugh, then by all means, don't hesitate to scroll passed AAAALL of this writing JUST to watch some funny crap.
I wouldn't blame ya.
Today was okay. In ITAL, my Italian teacher had a melt down in front of us. She excused herself for a couple of minutes before coming back inside the classroom and explaining her behavior. She called herself a bad instructor and she was telling us how stressed she is and her problems at home... I felt bad for her! Especially since a few of the students were complaining about her teaching ethics and how they wouldn't want her as a teacher ever again. Personally, I think she's a great teacher. I enjoy her presence a lot. But the irony was when she entered the classroom, began crying, excused herself, came back and said she was a bad instructor.
I bet you a lot of the classmates felt guilt weigh down their shoulders.
We didn't do much in the class. We formed our groups for the group project and discussed ideas. I have a very outgoing group! I'm happy with whom I got hooked up with. They are focused, adequate and have a sense of humor. I know we'll get along just fine. I even got to partner up with the cook! He's surprisingly the owner of an Italian restaurant, his families restaurant, only 30 minutes away from my house.
My friend, Omar, isn't so lucky. He's dealing with a truly obnoxious group. They looked as though they were having some fun talking about the project, yet I think they were having a bit TOO much fun...
In ENGL, I got to show off my intelligence once again! (In front of more people this time).
In MATH, we are learning about Slope and graphing Slope-Intercept Form equations. How annoying is it? Really annoying...
But do you want to know what's NOT annoying???
The Harlem Shake.
Oh man.
You HAVE to check out the videos I'm about to link in this post because they are beyond hilarious. If you want a good laugh, then by all means, don't hesitate to scroll passed AAAALL of this writing JUST to watch some funny crap.
I wouldn't blame ya.
Today was okay. In ITAL, my Italian teacher had a melt down in front of us. She excused herself for a couple of minutes before coming back inside the classroom and explaining her behavior. She called herself a bad instructor and she was telling us how stressed she is and her problems at home... I felt bad for her! Especially since a few of the students were complaining about her teaching ethics and how they wouldn't want her as a teacher ever again. Personally, I think she's a great teacher. I enjoy her presence a lot. But the irony was when she entered the classroom, began crying, excused herself, came back and said she was a bad instructor.
I bet you a lot of the classmates felt guilt weigh down their shoulders.
We didn't do much in the class. We formed our groups for the group project and discussed ideas. I have a very outgoing group! I'm happy with whom I got hooked up with. They are focused, adequate and have a sense of humor. I know we'll get along just fine. I even got to partner up with the cook! He's surprisingly the owner of an Italian restaurant, his families restaurant, only 30 minutes away from my house.
My friend, Omar, isn't so lucky. He's dealing with a truly obnoxious group. They looked as though they were having some fun talking about the project, yet I think they were having a bit TOO much fun...
In ENGL, I got to show off my intelligence once again! (In front of more people this time).
In MATH, we are learning about Slope and graphing Slope-Intercept Form equations. How annoying is it? Really annoying...
But do you want to know what's NOT annoying???
The Harlem Shake.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Day 7 of Florida
I'm kind of upset right now so I'll be doing this post quick.
Today was tolerable. In ENGL, I got to show off how intelligent I am. During class, we were working on a grammar chapter in one of our booklets that assist you with writing. I was almost done when the teacher comes up to me, checks how I'm doing so far, notices I'm two-thirds of the way finished, and blurts out, "Oh. Well... This is the reason why you have an A."
Everyone heard it, I know for sure. I felt proud of myself, yet wary. I'm positive a few people got jealous after hearing a phrase like that being told to a girl like me.
Not only do I work efficiently in that class, but I also answer practically every question the teacher asks. I feel like a robot; unable to control the compulsion of wanting to answer each time. Rarely does anybody else answer. It's embarrassing.
The teacher adores me for being successful. Like today, she had me write the answers on the board twice! Never did that before. Or, if I did, my answers would be completely wrong. Some of my answers were wrong! I was just glad not ALL of them were.
I had tons of homework this afternoon. I was sort of happy about that. I need something to do around here. I'm tired of being addicted to my laptop. I need a hobby. I'm great with photography, picky at writing, and okay in drawing/painting. I don't know... I'm kind of giving up... I'm in that stage where I'll do protocol until a miracle happens, like Mason coming home soon.
I guess things will smooth out when time wants it to smooth out. Meanwhile, I'll continue doing what I'm doing. It's boring as Hell, but I'm still alive. Not too worried about my emotions anymore. If I'm alive, that's good enough for me.
A large vessel makes her way through the Juan de Fuca Strait near Victoria, British Columbia, on the southern shores of Vancouver Island.
Through heavy cloud cover over the ocean, the sun threw down many rays. I could see this ship nearing the bright light and waited until it was in the middle.
I exposed for the extreme highlights, leaving the rest underexposed and presenting a very dramatic image.
Today was tolerable. In ENGL, I got to show off how intelligent I am. During class, we were working on a grammar chapter in one of our booklets that assist you with writing. I was almost done when the teacher comes up to me, checks how I'm doing so far, notices I'm two-thirds of the way finished, and blurts out, "Oh. Well... This is the reason why you have an A."
Everyone heard it, I know for sure. I felt proud of myself, yet wary. I'm positive a few people got jealous after hearing a phrase like that being told to a girl like me.
Not only do I work efficiently in that class, but I also answer practically every question the teacher asks. I feel like a robot; unable to control the compulsion of wanting to answer each time. Rarely does anybody else answer. It's embarrassing.
The teacher adores me for being successful. Like today, she had me write the answers on the board twice! Never did that before. Or, if I did, my answers would be completely wrong. Some of my answers were wrong! I was just glad not ALL of them were.
I had tons of homework this afternoon. I was sort of happy about that. I need something to do around here. I'm tired of being addicted to my laptop. I need a hobby. I'm great with photography, picky at writing, and okay in drawing/painting. I don't know... I'm kind of giving up... I'm in that stage where I'll do protocol until a miracle happens, like Mason coming home soon.
I guess things will smooth out when time wants it to smooth out. Meanwhile, I'll continue doing what I'm doing. It's boring as Hell, but I'm still alive. Not too worried about my emotions anymore. If I'm alive, that's good enough for me.
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Ship, Juan de Fuca Strait |
Through heavy cloud cover over the ocean, the sun threw down many rays. I could see this ship nearing the bright light and waited until it was in the middle.
I exposed for the extreme highlights, leaving the rest underexposed and presenting a very dramatic image.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Day 6 of Florida
I just finished "The Diary of Anne Frank"; a short film broadcast on BBC in 2009.
I didn't truly know who this Anne Frank girl was. I understood that she was a 13 year old Jewish girl who hid away from the Nazis during WWII with a few other people, but I never knew she wanted to grow up as a writer! She even started writing in a diary at the same age I was when I began recording my history! Crazy!
I also got reminded that she and the entire group of people (besides her father) were killed either on their way to one of the concentration camps or after a while of being trapped in one.
That stuff is dramatically disturbing and heart-wrenching. I almost cried when they showed the characters coming downstairs and the movie would pause, telling the persons fate, until moving on to the next character. For a TV film, I give it two thumbs up. If you can make me, at least, ALMOST cry, you've done a great job.
Sometimes, on sad parts in shows or a movie, I'll shake my head and think it is way too corny for theaters. However, a GOOD sad scene will make me feel for each character or towards the one who is dying, etc. I guess it matters when you either talk about that characters life or you get to know who they really are throughout the movie to the point you almost think you've known them your whole existence. And then, once the character has captured your heart, the producer will RIP YOU APART by KILLING that character you loved oh-so dearly and you are CRUSHED and wanting to take REVENGE but you CAN'T... because it is a movie and/or show.
Well, what about a book???
If you're an excellent writer, then of COURSE you can have the readers fall in love with the characters before they become depressed over their favorite person's loss!
Speaking of writing, I got an A on my second test essay. :) Totally radical, am I right???
Another totally radical thing... I'M IN ENGL 101, BABY!!!!!
The only bummer thing about THAT is the class doesn't start until 7:30 AM.
Do you know what time I'd have to be up at???
5 in the morning...
I had a panic attack after realizing that.
ALSO... There is a 2 hour gap between ENGL 101 and my MATH 085.
Maybe that's a good thing? Get 2 hours of rest before jumping to Algebra II crap?
We'll see how it goes...
I got to talk to him yesterday after his 2 hour post. We stayed up from 9-11:30 Western Time. It was wonderful to hear his voice again and his cute giggles. He said he missed all of that from me, too.
He got a sick ass computer!! I'm super jealous, bros. His computer is an Envy. His password is his fingerprint.
My computer is a piece of JUNK compared to that!!! My mom was going to buy me the Envy but my dumbass had to go look for something else!!
... Mothers know best.
I hope I'll become one of those mothers.
... MEH! I shouldn't complain too much. It is just ONE more feature. His computer is PRACTICALLY the same as mine except for that ONE... REALLY... AWESOME... FEATURE (in which I don't have).
I'm spoiled :/
I don't enjoy thinking like that; where if someone has something more advanced than what I have, I need something better than theirs.
... NOT THE POINT! The point I'm trying to make is that I had a lovely time (well-needed time) talking with my honey :)
Today was an alright day. Nothing to bicker about. I'm happy for my ENGL test essay grade and I feel good on my ITAL test that I took this morning. I hope those feelings don't doubt me when I get the results!! Fingers crossed!!
I didn't truly know who this Anne Frank girl was. I understood that she was a 13 year old Jewish girl who hid away from the Nazis during WWII with a few other people, but I never knew she wanted to grow up as a writer! She even started writing in a diary at the same age I was when I began recording my history! Crazy!
I also got reminded that she and the entire group of people (besides her father) were killed either on their way to one of the concentration camps or after a while of being trapped in one.
That stuff is dramatically disturbing and heart-wrenching. I almost cried when they showed the characters coming downstairs and the movie would pause, telling the persons fate, until moving on to the next character. For a TV film, I give it two thumbs up. If you can make me, at least, ALMOST cry, you've done a great job.
Sometimes, on sad parts in shows or a movie, I'll shake my head and think it is way too corny for theaters. However, a GOOD sad scene will make me feel for each character or towards the one who is dying, etc. I guess it matters when you either talk about that characters life or you get to know who they really are throughout the movie to the point you almost think you've known them your whole existence. And then, once the character has captured your heart, the producer will RIP YOU APART by KILLING that character you loved oh-so dearly and you are CRUSHED and wanting to take REVENGE but you CAN'T... because it is a movie and/or show.
Well, what about a book???
If you're an excellent writer, then of COURSE you can have the readers fall in love with the characters before they become depressed over their favorite person's loss!
Speaking of writing, I got an A on my second test essay. :) Totally radical, am I right???
Another totally radical thing... I'M IN ENGL 101, BABY!!!!!
The only bummer thing about THAT is the class doesn't start until 7:30 AM.
Do you know what time I'd have to be up at???
5 in the morning...
I had a panic attack after realizing that.
ALSO... There is a 2 hour gap between ENGL 101 and my MATH 085.
Maybe that's a good thing? Get 2 hours of rest before jumping to Algebra II crap?
We'll see how it goes...
I got to talk to him yesterday after his 2 hour post. We stayed up from 9-11:30 Western Time. It was wonderful to hear his voice again and his cute giggles. He said he missed all of that from me, too.
He got a sick ass computer!! I'm super jealous, bros. His computer is an Envy. His password is his fingerprint.
My computer is a piece of JUNK compared to that!!! My mom was going to buy me the Envy but my dumbass had to go look for something else!!
... Mothers know best.
I hope I'll become one of those mothers.
... MEH! I shouldn't complain too much. It is just ONE more feature. His computer is PRACTICALLY the same as mine except for that ONE... REALLY... AWESOME... FEATURE (in which I don't have).
I'm spoiled :/
I don't enjoy thinking like that; where if someone has something more advanced than what I have, I need something better than theirs.
... NOT THE POINT! The point I'm trying to make is that I had a lovely time (well-needed time) talking with my honey :)
Today was an alright day. Nothing to bicker about. I'm happy for my ENGL test essay grade and I feel good on my ITAL test that I took this morning. I hope those feelings don't doubt me when I get the results!! Fingers crossed!!
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Day 5 of Florida
Today was a load of bull. Not only was my ITAL homework agonizing, but today was horribly boring!!! Mason and I both were complaining on what to do! Of course, we can't do anything TOGETHER unless it is IMVU, but c'mon... Mason hates that website and frankly, it doesn't really tickle my fancy either. Nonetheless, I still go on there... so I won't feel lonely.
Just an hour ago, as I finished up the 4 hour and 3 minute long movie "Cleopatra", Mason advised me that he would be up from 12 AM to 6 AM guarding the back door. At first, I thought 12 PM to 6 PM.
I was thinking of staying up with him!!!
Haaaa... I wouldn't go to school tomorrow; I'd be too drained!!! And I have a stupid ITAL test tomorrow anyway... Bleh. I'm done with languages!!! If I want to learn it, I'll buy Rosetta Stone for Christ sake.
As I was saying, Mason went off to guard the back door, yet just a couple minutes ago, I got a text from him telling me that he's back!!! I couldn't believe it!!! I guess he doesn't have to stay up for ungodly amounts of hours!!! Yay for no torture!!!
Alright, I got to end this one. He's calling in 10!! Bye guys!!! <3
Just an hour ago, as I finished up the 4 hour and 3 minute long movie "Cleopatra", Mason advised me that he would be up from 12 AM to 6 AM guarding the back door. At first, I thought 12 PM to 6 PM.
I was thinking of staying up with him!!!
Haaaa... I wouldn't go to school tomorrow; I'd be too drained!!! And I have a stupid ITAL test tomorrow anyway... Bleh. I'm done with languages!!! If I want to learn it, I'll buy Rosetta Stone for Christ sake.
As I was saying, Mason went off to guard the back door, yet just a couple minutes ago, I got a text from him telling me that he's back!!! I couldn't believe it!!! I guess he doesn't have to stay up for ungodly amounts of hours!!! Yay for no torture!!!
Alright, I got to end this one. He's calling in 10!! Bye guys!!! <3
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Day 4 of Florida
I'm back from the mountain!!
Uncle Jay and Aunt Jill rented a cabin this weekend and we, the immediate family, got to join them. Most are spending the night. I and the folks went up there just to hang out for a day before coming home.
Before we left, though, I bought some tight ass TACTICAL BOOTS from Big 5!!! Damn... Now I FEEL LIKE A MARINE!!!
They are really EFFING cool, man. I feel like a total badass of BADASSATUDE!!!
As I was saying... it was wonderful to see snow :) I missed it last year and this year. I didn't go snow-boarding like my cousin's and Jay and Jill but mom and I took a walk to the summit. I wasn't at all cold. It was chilly, the snow was blowin', but I didn't feel the need to rush inside and warm myself up. I dressed good enough, I suppose. And that's a great thing!
We stayed at the cabin for about... 8-9 hours. Mom had to come home to pack for her business trip this week and we weren't looking forward to driving in packed snow at night. Thank God for our X-terra. That bad boy will take us anywhere. SUPER CHARGER!!!
... Yet we did get stuck as we turned around to exit out of where we parked our car. We weren't even on the main roads. We were behind the cabin, only a few feet away, and since my dad is a noob at driving in the snow, we couldn't maneuver out until mom took control. AAAALMOST had an anxiety attack! But as you can see, I managed.
I had an alright day. I would have been better if I got solid sleep last night and Mason and I weren't bitching.
Jesus, we need to see each other. We're real touchy right now. We just need a few hours of affection and then we'll be good to go.
Sadly, that's a long ways away. We can only hope we'll get through this without going mentally insane.
Uncle Jay and Aunt Jill rented a cabin this weekend and we, the immediate family, got to join them. Most are spending the night. I and the folks went up there just to hang out for a day before coming home.
Before we left, though, I bought some tight ass TACTICAL BOOTS from Big 5!!! Damn... Now I FEEL LIKE A MARINE!!!
They are really EFFING cool, man. I feel like a total badass of BADASSATUDE!!!
As I was saying... it was wonderful to see snow :) I missed it last year and this year. I didn't go snow-boarding like my cousin's and Jay and Jill but mom and I took a walk to the summit. I wasn't at all cold. It was chilly, the snow was blowin', but I didn't feel the need to rush inside and warm myself up. I dressed good enough, I suppose. And that's a great thing!
We stayed at the cabin for about... 8-9 hours. Mom had to come home to pack for her business trip this week and we weren't looking forward to driving in packed snow at night. Thank God for our X-terra. That bad boy will take us anywhere. SUPER CHARGER!!!
... Yet we did get stuck as we turned around to exit out of where we parked our car. We weren't even on the main roads. We were behind the cabin, only a few feet away, and since my dad is a noob at driving in the snow, we couldn't maneuver out until mom took control. AAAALMOST had an anxiety attack! But as you can see, I managed.
I had an alright day. I would have been better if I got solid sleep last night and Mason and I weren't bitching.
Jesus, we need to see each other. We're real touchy right now. We just need a few hours of affection and then we'll be good to go.
Sadly, that's a long ways away. We can only hope we'll get through this without going mentally insane.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Day 3 of Florida
A PLAYSTATION 4 IS COMING OUT SOON!!!!! Please check it OUT if you're a PS fan!!! It looks TIGHT!!!!
Ugh, can't wait!!! So pumped!!
Besides that good news, today was alright. Just a bit boring. I still need to sign up for classes yet I'm unsure on what new class I should take. I'm quitting ITAL; that stuff is getting too frustrating. If we didn't have tests though, I'd be more than happy to continue. But thanks to my test anxiety, I can't get an A for my life...
I did get to talk to Mason. After 3. Blah. I watched the movie Bernie this evening on Netflix. It has Jack Black in it. I LOVE Jack Black! Though he's mostly for comedy, I enjoy him as a serious actor also. He's great! Reminds me of my friend Alex because of all his crazy facial expressions.
Tomorrow, the folks and I are packing up for the mountains and a cabin rented out by my uncle and aunt. We're only staying for a few hours. I do have homework to finish AND OF COURSE... I wait at the last minute before actually achieving it.
God Bless you, procrastination.
Oh well. Someday... I will learn my lesson... I hope the lesson won't be too harsh, though.
Think Karma heard me?
... I don't know either :/
We'll see. We'll see...
Ugh, can't wait!!! So pumped!!
Besides that good news, today was alright. Just a bit boring. I still need to sign up for classes yet I'm unsure on what new class I should take. I'm quitting ITAL; that stuff is getting too frustrating. If we didn't have tests though, I'd be more than happy to continue. But thanks to my test anxiety, I can't get an A for my life...
I did get to talk to Mason. After 3. Blah. I watched the movie Bernie this evening on Netflix. It has Jack Black in it. I LOVE Jack Black! Though he's mostly for comedy, I enjoy him as a serious actor also. He's great! Reminds me of my friend Alex because of all his crazy facial expressions.
Tomorrow, the folks and I are packing up for the mountains and a cabin rented out by my uncle and aunt. We're only staying for a few hours. I do have homework to finish AND OF COURSE... I wait at the last minute before actually achieving it.
God Bless you, procrastination.
Oh well. Someday... I will learn my lesson... I hope the lesson won't be too harsh, though.
Think Karma heard me?
... I don't know either :/
We'll see. We'll see...
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Day 2 of Florida
Mason seems to be doing well though he's far away from home. The only thing that bugs him is when we aren't able to talk. That's it. Besides us not talking every minute of every hour (in which depresses him), he's perfectly okay. And that's great! I just wish I was the same way...
I'm doing a quick post before becoming swamped in another economy essay. I don't want to do it... I didn't even finish the chapter. I skimmed the last few pages. If I kept going, intentionally reading it, I would have fell asleep.
Actually, when I was done skimming, I did take a short 30 minute rest.
That book exhausts me with its bland facts and boring story-telling... I hate how I don't know half of the words on each page... So grammatically sophisticated, it hurts my brain.
Today was fine, other than my car's back right tire being flat and having to take my mom's car. Nothing exciting happened. I couldn't talk to Mason until about 4. He didn't completely explain what he did, but his exact reply was, "Some gay sh**."
Famous words from my honey bunny. :)
The DeLorean is no longer on campus. I'm guessing it's because people were getting too close and the owner didn't want breath marks on it.
Hey, I would have used that same excuse any day if I had an awesome car like a DeLorean.
Umm... Not much else to say. I'm getting crappy sleep and my dad blames it on Mason and I. I blame Mason. ;)
He's gone! He isn't with me and that's what keeps me up at night! I want to know if he's okay or if he's getting hurt or if he's doing something he shouldn't!
Damn... I really need to work on my trusting skills...
Honestly, I think he's fine. He can handle himself and others. He's a smart and tough guy. Reasons out of many why I love him so much. <3
I'm doing a quick post before becoming swamped in another economy essay. I don't want to do it... I didn't even finish the chapter. I skimmed the last few pages. If I kept going, intentionally reading it, I would have fell asleep.
Actually, when I was done skimming, I did take a short 30 minute rest.
That book exhausts me with its bland facts and boring story-telling... I hate how I don't know half of the words on each page... So grammatically sophisticated, it hurts my brain.
Today was fine, other than my car's back right tire being flat and having to take my mom's car. Nothing exciting happened. I couldn't talk to Mason until about 4. He didn't completely explain what he did, but his exact reply was, "Some gay sh**."
Famous words from my honey bunny. :)
The DeLorean is no longer on campus. I'm guessing it's because people were getting too close and the owner didn't want breath marks on it.
Hey, I would have used that same excuse any day if I had an awesome car like a DeLorean.
Umm... Not much else to say. I'm getting crappy sleep and my dad blames it on Mason and I. I blame Mason. ;)
He's gone! He isn't with me and that's what keeps me up at night! I want to know if he's okay or if he's getting hurt or if he's doing something he shouldn't!
Damn... I really need to work on my trusting skills...
Honestly, I think he's fine. He can handle himself and others. He's a smart and tough guy. Reasons out of many why I love him so much. <3
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Monks, Thailand |
"All things must pass away. Strive for your own salvation with diligence," said the Buddha, his last words. Here, 1,127 monks are lighting floating lanterns at the temple of Song Pee Nong (literally means two brothers) as part of their pilgrimage. Suphan Buri Province, Thailand.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Day 1 of Florida
If I don't do a post one night, please excuse it. Lately, I haven't been doing so hot. I've been tired and unmotivated. I sometimes almost forget to write a post or think one up, as a matter of fact. I'll just barely be asleep then WAKE UP, remembering I have to make a post, do it, then fall asleep.
Other than that, today was fine. Got to talk to Mason. I'll be able to, for practically the whole day each day, since his schooling doesn't start until the next couple of weeks. He even informed me that he might not be staying down in Florida for as long as he thought.
Well, I'm not getting my hopes up... I keep saying I won't, but this time, I really won't. I got my hopes up on seeing him after that month at Camp P. and now look at me... I'm a full blown mess!
Anyway... Enough with the negativity. The coolest part about today was seeing a DeLorean parked IN campus. That's right; a shiny, pure DeLorean was parked next to the cafeteria. It was a beautiful site. The car signified a giving-away-clothes thing. I think the people who were holding the event wanted to fill up the DeLorean with clothing as an accomplishment. It was real neat. The doors and trunk were open, too. You could get an awesome view of the inside. I had to take a picture.
Well... I'm going to bed, now. Thanks to time zones, Mason goes to bed really early where I'm at. To him, it's already midnight. He has to wake up at 4 AM...
... Some of you have no idea how much it sucks to deal with your significant other in the military and him/her being shipped from place to place to place besides home...
I'll have you know, it gets a little lonely. And if you've never had anxiety before??? Welcome it if you're having to deal with a situation like this...
Other than that, today was fine. Got to talk to Mason. I'll be able to, for practically the whole day each day, since his schooling doesn't start until the next couple of weeks. He even informed me that he might not be staying down in Florida for as long as he thought.
Well, I'm not getting my hopes up... I keep saying I won't, but this time, I really won't. I got my hopes up on seeing him after that month at Camp P. and now look at me... I'm a full blown mess!
Anyway... Enough with the negativity. The coolest part about today was seeing a DeLorean parked IN campus. That's right; a shiny, pure DeLorean was parked next to the cafeteria. It was a beautiful site. The car signified a giving-away-clothes thing. I think the people who were holding the event wanted to fill up the DeLorean with clothing as an accomplishment. It was real neat. The doors and trunk were open, too. You could get an awesome view of the inside. I had to take a picture.
Well... I'm going to bed, now. Thanks to time zones, Mason goes to bed really early where I'm at. To him, it's already midnight. He has to wake up at 4 AM...
... Some of you have no idea how much it sucks to deal with your significant other in the military and him/her being shipped from place to place to place besides home...
I'll have you know, it gets a little lonely. And if you've never had anxiety before??? Welcome it if you're having to deal with a situation like this...
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
Day 36 of Camp P.
Today was a good day!
I am too!
But I got to talk to my graduated boyfriend the whole day!!
Of course the day just keeps getting better and better when I'm communicating to my love!!!
ITAL was canceled today. I stayed in my car and watched the clouds through my sunroof. Mason and I kept chatting until he had to depart to take care of the graduation.
Hopefully he doesn't wake up each morning at 3 AM because my phone is on vibrate and since I'm a light sleeper while Mason is away, my phone can wake me up at anytime! Mason tends to wake up at 3 AM, telling me the usual good morning "speech" (Haha) and once I'm woken up from the vibration's sound, I decide to give him a warm good morning "speech" back prior to falling asleep.
Ah.. It's no big deal, really. I want to spend every waking moment with him in any shape or form! <3
ENGL was quite fun today. I enjoyed it. Made the day go faster. Then there was MATH. It was alright. Slow, but nothing major that made my brain hurt. Only review. Tomorrow, I have a test!
Guess who didn't study?
When I got home, I still was talking with May May. I watched The Artist again but this time, with my folks. They love it as much as I do!
Mason leaves to Florida at midnight and arrives at 9 AM. I pray it'll be a safe flight and I told him to text me when he lands!!! Hehe, always cautious. :)
I am too!
But I got to talk to my graduated boyfriend the whole day!!
Of course the day just keeps getting better and better when I'm communicating to my love!!!
ITAL was canceled today. I stayed in my car and watched the clouds through my sunroof. Mason and I kept chatting until he had to depart to take care of the graduation.
Hopefully he doesn't wake up each morning at 3 AM because my phone is on vibrate and since I'm a light sleeper while Mason is away, my phone can wake me up at anytime! Mason tends to wake up at 3 AM, telling me the usual good morning "speech" (Haha) and once I'm woken up from the vibration's sound, I decide to give him a warm good morning "speech" back prior to falling asleep.
Ah.. It's no big deal, really. I want to spend every waking moment with him in any shape or form! <3
ENGL was quite fun today. I enjoyed it. Made the day go faster. Then there was MATH. It was alright. Slow, but nothing major that made my brain hurt. Only review. Tomorrow, I have a test!
Guess who didn't study?
When I got home, I still was talking with May May. I watched The Artist again but this time, with my folks. They love it as much as I do!
Mason leaves to Florida at midnight and arrives at 9 AM. I pray it'll be a safe flight and I told him to text me when he lands!!! Hehe, always cautious. :)
Monday, February 18, 2013
Day 35 of Camp P.
It's official... Mason's heading to Florida tomorrow at Midnight. He's staying up late with me. It'll be nice to talk to him before I fall asleep.
I am bummed out, though... I'll try to be optimistic. I don't want him getting butt-hurt either. He's actually in a really good mood at the moment. He just told me he wants to pamper me by buying me stuff, all of a sudden. I tell ya, that guy is ALWAYS in the mood to pamper me. Haha. <3
Today was boring, otherwise. Just Netflix and IMVU... I saw a movie called Platoon. That movie was gritty as Hell, but I loved it. Charlie Sheen and Johnny Depp were in it. So young and handsome, haha. I was surprised to see Johnny Depp. Him and war don't really match... I guess... To me.
So... That's my day...
Goddamn it! ... I wish I could see Mason before he left to Florida...
It would make my month complete...
Goddamn it...
(Here's a nice outer space picture from my app Space Walk. Decided to share it with y'all)
I am bummed out, though... I'll try to be optimistic. I don't want him getting butt-hurt either. He's actually in a really good mood at the moment. He just told me he wants to pamper me by buying me stuff, all of a sudden. I tell ya, that guy is ALWAYS in the mood to pamper me. Haha. <3
Today was boring, otherwise. Just Netflix and IMVU... I saw a movie called Platoon. That movie was gritty as Hell, but I loved it. Charlie Sheen and Johnny Depp were in it. So young and handsome, haha. I was surprised to see Johnny Depp. Him and war don't really match... I guess... To me.
So... That's my day...
Goddamn it! ... I wish I could see Mason before he left to Florida...
It would make my month complete...
Goddamn it...
(Here's a nice outer space picture from my app Space Walk. Decided to share it with y'all)
Sunday, February 17, 2013
Day 34 of Camp P.
I'm a little... a LOT upset right now, but I'll explain why later.
Today was boring. I watched Netflix, took a walk, and played on my computer after finishing a small homework assignment. I got to see The Artist finally. Wow, that movie is breathtaking. I loved it to DEATH! I think it might become my favorite movie of all time.
Nooo... Just kidding. That's The Lion King. I can't pass up The Lion King!
The Artist will be a very high second. <3
The main guy in that movie has a French accent. I only got to hear it once out of the entire movie. I won't tell you when, just in case you haven't seen it yet! But man... I enjoyed that 1.5 pure French accent moment. Hahaha.
I don't know which accent I like the most; French or British?
Yea, it's French. Haha. <3
I saw The Raven, too. That movie was WICKEDLY cool! Please check that one out!
Anyway, I'm talking to Mason currently. I also got to talk with Hal. I got to talk to Mason earlier but had hardly enough time for a decent conversation. At least we're chatting right now. He believes he's going straight to Florida.
And that's why I'm upset.
I'm glad I scheduled an appointment early with my therapist. I had a feeling bad news would wrap around my neck and strangle me...
It sucks that I have no control on whether I can see my hubby or not...
So... Yea... That's all I have to say about that subject...
Nothing more on the others, either.
I guess this is when I say Goodnight.
Well, Goodnight.
Today was boring. I watched Netflix, took a walk, and played on my computer after finishing a small homework assignment. I got to see The Artist finally. Wow, that movie is breathtaking. I loved it to DEATH! I think it might become my favorite movie of all time.
Nooo... Just kidding. That's The Lion King. I can't pass up The Lion King!
The Artist will be a very high second. <3
The main guy in that movie has a French accent. I only got to hear it once out of the entire movie. I won't tell you when, just in case you haven't seen it yet! But man... I enjoyed that 1.5 pure French accent moment. Hahaha.
I don't know which accent I like the most; French or British?
Yea, it's French. Haha. <3
I saw The Raven, too. That movie was WICKEDLY cool! Please check that one out!
Anyway, I'm talking to Mason currently. I also got to talk with Hal. I got to talk to Mason earlier but had hardly enough time for a decent conversation. At least we're chatting right now. He believes he's going straight to Florida.
And that's why I'm upset.
I'm glad I scheduled an appointment early with my therapist. I had a feeling bad news would wrap around my neck and strangle me...
It sucks that I have no control on whether I can see my hubby or not...
So... Yea... That's all I have to say about that subject...
Nothing more on the others, either.
I guess this is when I say Goodnight.
Well, Goodnight.
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Cricket Game, Bangladesh |
Due to the effect of climate change, in 2007 Tropical Cyclone Aila hit Gabura Union, a coastal island of Bangladesh. Now people from this place are recovering from their wounds. Children are playing cricket in a salty, barren field.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Day 33 of Camp P.
No word from Mason...
Not a single thing...
Is he on his way to Florida right now? Or did he not even get dismissed yet? Does he have to wait another day???? God! What is HAPPENING?!
-Sigh- Hey everyone...
Obviously, I got no text message or a phone call from Mason... Most likely I'll be able to talk to him tomorrow. He said they were graduating today and then getting on a plane to Florida right afterwards. But that was standard procedure. Things have been messing up lately because of all the new Marines coming in. Like Mason told me, his school is backed up for 6 months! That's cray!
If he doesn't come home and has to practically SIT there, waiting for his schooling to begin, I'll throw a bitch fit...
It wouldn't make any damn sense!!
Just... bring him home for a month until I don't see him for 9 GODDAMN MONTHS!!!
Pissy Payton, over here...
I want to see my man. That's ALL I AM ASKING FOR. Jesus... Sounds like a fight to the death, to me!!
Well, besides that dilemma... I've been doing nothing the entire day. I watched the movie Flight with my folks. Trust me, everyone... The movie isn't ONLY about a dude who flips a plane over... I wasn't going to watch it either because of that. Yet SHOCKINGLY, there's a lot more to the story.
Then there's the fact that I've been on and off this computer...
And dealing with my simple-minded parents...
Aaaand kept prone to hearing if my phone would ring... at least ONCE... Or vibrate... Whichever one would have worked...
Please, for almighty sake, TELL ME I'm going to talk to my darling honey tomorrow! PLEASE!
Thank you...
Not a single thing...
Is he on his way to Florida right now? Or did he not even get dismissed yet? Does he have to wait another day???? God! What is HAPPENING?!
-Sigh- Hey everyone...
Obviously, I got no text message or a phone call from Mason... Most likely I'll be able to talk to him tomorrow. He said they were graduating today and then getting on a plane to Florida right afterwards. But that was standard procedure. Things have been messing up lately because of all the new Marines coming in. Like Mason told me, his school is backed up for 6 months! That's cray!
If he doesn't come home and has to practically SIT there, waiting for his schooling to begin, I'll throw a bitch fit...
It wouldn't make any damn sense!!
Just... bring him home for a month until I don't see him for 9 GODDAMN MONTHS!!!
Pissy Payton, over here...
I want to see my man. That's ALL I AM ASKING FOR. Jesus... Sounds like a fight to the death, to me!!
Well, besides that dilemma... I've been doing nothing the entire day. I watched the movie Flight with my folks. Trust me, everyone... The movie isn't ONLY about a dude who flips a plane over... I wasn't going to watch it either because of that. Yet SHOCKINGLY, there's a lot more to the story.
Then there's the fact that I've been on and off this computer...
And dealing with my simple-minded parents...
Aaaand kept prone to hearing if my phone would ring... at least ONCE... Or vibrate... Whichever one would have worked...
Please, for almighty sake, TELL ME I'm going to talk to my darling honey tomorrow! PLEASE!
Thank you...
Friday, February 15, 2013
Day 32 of Camp P.
Obviously I'm not excited at all... ;)
NEW FAV. SHOW!!! Archer. Ever heard of it? It's on Netflix. Saw previews for it a loooong time ago. Always wanted to see it, but, of course... I don't follow any T.V. shows... So, my dad just now reintroduced it to me. He likes it as well.
I have more news to tell!! Here's a few links and I'll explain below them:
The first link talks about a 10 ton meteor hitting Russia. It hurt 1,000 people!! The "pressure wave", as the interviewed scientist called it, knocked out building windows. I think he meant the Sonic Boom that was created once the meteor exploded in mid flight.
Totally... crazy... ass... shizz.
PLEASE CHECK OUT THE VIDEOS!! They show amazing film of the meteor entering our atmosphere before it crashes. You won't believe your own eyes!
The second link talks about the All Star famous track runner from South Africa who has both of his legs amputated yet is still able to participate in the Olympics. Well... he apparently shot his own girlfriend, killing her. And now, he's on his way to jail. The media doesn't have much on the inside scoop, so that's all I have to say about it.
I'M SO GLAD IT IS FRIDAY! I don't have a lot of homework, thank Jesus. AND I have a three day weekend. THANK YOU, PRESIDENTS! <3
Now, it is time to go back to IMVU and continuing an OLDER story I thought up of a while ago. (Paused Gambit. I don't have a real plot for it yet).
Obviously I'm not excited at all... ;)
NEW FAV. SHOW!!! Archer. Ever heard of it? It's on Netflix. Saw previews for it a loooong time ago. Always wanted to see it, but, of course... I don't follow any T.V. shows... So, my dad just now reintroduced it to me. He likes it as well.
I have more news to tell!! Here's a few links and I'll explain below them:
The first link talks about a 10 ton meteor hitting Russia. It hurt 1,000 people!! The "pressure wave", as the interviewed scientist called it, knocked out building windows. I think he meant the Sonic Boom that was created once the meteor exploded in mid flight.
Totally... crazy... ass... shizz.
PLEASE CHECK OUT THE VIDEOS!! They show amazing film of the meteor entering our atmosphere before it crashes. You won't believe your own eyes!
The second link talks about the All Star famous track runner from South Africa who has both of his legs amputated yet is still able to participate in the Olympics. Well... he apparently shot his own girlfriend, killing her. And now, he's on his way to jail. The media doesn't have much on the inside scoop, so that's all I have to say about it.
I'M SO GLAD IT IS FRIDAY! I don't have a lot of homework, thank Jesus. AND I have a three day weekend. THANK YOU, PRESIDENTS! <3
Now, it is time to go back to IMVU and continuing an OLDER story I thought up of a while ago. (Paused Gambit. I don't have a real plot for it yet).
Meteorite Trail |
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Day 31 of Camp P.
Man... I had a great Valentines Day today. Seriously. I'm not being sarcastic right now :) <3 It was satisfying.
Let me start from the morning.
When I woke up, I found a group of balloons sitting on a chair at the dinner table. I said to myself, "Wow. Dad got his stuff early!" and went back to my daily routine. I didn't even bother to really investigate the whole thing. I assumed it was from dad, so why get too curious? Especially when he does this every year. Well, there was a catch... The small card below the balloons had my nickname on it; "Pay". My dad doesn't call me Pay. Besides, the handwriting was different. Now I got a little anxious.
I flipped the card over. It said something about the balloons being deflated, yet not to worry about it. Still, no name on who it was from. So, I opened the card and there was Mason's name. He told me he loved me so much and a Happy Valentines Day.
I couldn't believe it. The gift wasn't even delayed! Mom and I were both confused but very excited. It made my morning off to a bright start.
During ENGL, my newest friend Andrew came up to me after class and handed me a Dove chocolate bar. He said, "Happy Valentines day." I said, "Thank you."
I think Andy likes me... He'll sometimes send me Good Morning texts. Haha.
Before I went home, I had a good session with my therapist. I needed that crud off of my chest. My brain felt so light, I was a little dizzy driving back home!
A couple hours later, as I was home doing homework, the doorbell rings. I pray that it's Mason but... it was a woman's voice. I sort of got bummed out, however, I wanted to know what was happening. My dad was running back and forth, talking in his professionally joyful tone, and I heard a gentle thunk on the counters top. Once in the front room, a GIANT and GORGEOUS rose bouquet stared at me. I saw mom come out from the computer room, and I was about to say, "Happy Valentines Day, mom!" but dad goes, "It's for Payton."
Who the Hell would get me such a big bouquet of roses????
Of course, at first, I thought it was dad being sneaky.
Again, it wasn't from dad.
It was from Mason.
Another card was inserted in the crowd of roses. It said he loved me once more. I almost got teary eyed! The roses are beautiful...
"I know Mason doesn't need anymore, but he gets some SERIOUS bonus points for this!" Mom said.
AND! Just a few minutes ago, I talked with Zane. It's been a while since I chatted with him. He made my night as I finished another essay. THANKS ZANE!
Happy Valentines Day, all. It's been a good one. I just wish Mason were here.
Let me start from the morning.
When I woke up, I found a group of balloons sitting on a chair at the dinner table. I said to myself, "Wow. Dad got his stuff early!" and went back to my daily routine. I didn't even bother to really investigate the whole thing. I assumed it was from dad, so why get too curious? Especially when he does this every year. Well, there was a catch... The small card below the balloons had my nickname on it; "Pay". My dad doesn't call me Pay. Besides, the handwriting was different. Now I got a little anxious.
I flipped the card over. It said something about the balloons being deflated, yet not to worry about it. Still, no name on who it was from. So, I opened the card and there was Mason's name. He told me he loved me so much and a Happy Valentines Day.
I couldn't believe it. The gift wasn't even delayed! Mom and I were both confused but very excited. It made my morning off to a bright start.
During ENGL, my newest friend Andrew came up to me after class and handed me a Dove chocolate bar. He said, "Happy Valentines day." I said, "Thank you."
I think Andy likes me... He'll sometimes send me Good Morning texts. Haha.
Before I went home, I had a good session with my therapist. I needed that crud off of my chest. My brain felt so light, I was a little dizzy driving back home!
A couple hours later, as I was home doing homework, the doorbell rings. I pray that it's Mason but... it was a woman's voice. I sort of got bummed out, however, I wanted to know what was happening. My dad was running back and forth, talking in his professionally joyful tone, and I heard a gentle thunk on the counters top. Once in the front room, a GIANT and GORGEOUS rose bouquet stared at me. I saw mom come out from the computer room, and I was about to say, "Happy Valentines Day, mom!" but dad goes, "It's for Payton."
Who the Hell would get me such a big bouquet of roses????
Of course, at first, I thought it was dad being sneaky.
Again, it wasn't from dad.
It was from Mason.
Another card was inserted in the crowd of roses. It said he loved me once more. I almost got teary eyed! The roses are beautiful...
"I know Mason doesn't need anymore, but he gets some SERIOUS bonus points for this!" Mom said.
AND! Just a few minutes ago, I talked with Zane. It's been a while since I chatted with him. He made my night as I finished another essay. THANKS ZANE!
Happy Valentines Day, all. It's been a good one. I just wish Mason were here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Day 30 of Camp P.
Anybody who has played MGS: Metal Gear Solid? I don't mean number 3 or 4, I mean the first one.
Well I haven't either. HOWEVER, I just watched 5 hours worth of good game-play on YouTube... Best. 5 hours. Of my life. Since Mason has been gone. Ever. Holy... crapcicle. One word that can describe MGS is "Miraculous." That game is SICK! I'll be starting MGS2 tomorrow. :)
In other news, they are making a Monsters Inc. 2 called Monsters University. Guess who is utterly excited about it...? I AM!!! I loooooved Monsters Inc.! And I had a decent feeling they'd make a second one. I just never dreamed it would be about Sully and Mike meeting each other in college! It's going to be awesome.
ALSO... Have you heard about the Pope RESIGNING?! Have you ever THOUGHT of the Pope EVER resigning?? Neither have I! That's crazy talk! Even though I have no clue what the Pope does, it's still a bit bizarre to hear he is resigning... After 600 years of having Holy people dictate the Vatican, finally a Pope resigns because of all the "conspiracies." That's what my ITAL teacher told us. Pretty surprising, right?
Tomorrow is V-Day.
Yikes... That sounds horrible...
I meant "Valentines Day." Like I said, I'll be on YouTube all day long (after my classes, of course...). It'll be a very laid back, unromantic Valentines Day. No harm in that! I'm used to not having a valentine. It is AAAALL good.
As you can possibly tell, I'm feeling half-assed better. The reason? I'm going to therapy tomorrow. I'll be able to get unwanted, and unneeded, guilt off of my chest that I've been holding in, waiting for it to burst.
In the mean time, I have to keep looking forward. Hopefully after therapy, I can forgive and forget and wait until I get that wonderful text from Mason, telling me he is free to communicate to me. BUT... that's 2 days AFTER Valentines Day. Pity...
Mason said him and his mom have already picked out something for me for Valentines Day. I... don't know what to get him and I'm unsure if I should buy him ANYTHING! He won't be home for the next 4 years. It'll only be stashed away! Maybe... all he wants is... just me? That would be lovely. <3 No struggle in that.
Anybody who has played MGS: Metal Gear Solid? I don't mean number 3 or 4, I mean the first one.
Well I haven't either. HOWEVER, I just watched 5 hours worth of good game-play on YouTube... Best. 5 hours. Of my life. Since Mason has been gone. Ever. Holy... crapcicle. One word that can describe MGS is "Miraculous." That game is SICK! I'll be starting MGS2 tomorrow. :)
In other news, they are making a Monsters Inc. 2 called Monsters University. Guess who is utterly excited about it...? I AM!!! I loooooved Monsters Inc.! And I had a decent feeling they'd make a second one. I just never dreamed it would be about Sully and Mike meeting each other in college! It's going to be awesome.
ALSO... Have you heard about the Pope RESIGNING?! Have you ever THOUGHT of the Pope EVER resigning?? Neither have I! That's crazy talk! Even though I have no clue what the Pope does, it's still a bit bizarre to hear he is resigning... After 600 years of having Holy people dictate the Vatican, finally a Pope resigns because of all the "conspiracies." That's what my ITAL teacher told us. Pretty surprising, right?
Tomorrow is V-Day.
Yikes... That sounds horrible...
I meant "Valentines Day." Like I said, I'll be on YouTube all day long (after my classes, of course...). It'll be a very laid back, unromantic Valentines Day. No harm in that! I'm used to not having a valentine. It is AAAALL good.
As you can possibly tell, I'm feeling half-assed better. The reason? I'm going to therapy tomorrow. I'll be able to get unwanted, and unneeded, guilt off of my chest that I've been holding in, waiting for it to burst.
In the mean time, I have to keep looking forward. Hopefully after therapy, I can forgive and forget and wait until I get that wonderful text from Mason, telling me he is free to communicate to me. BUT... that's 2 days AFTER Valentines Day. Pity...
Mason said him and his mom have already picked out something for me for Valentines Day. I... don't know what to get him and I'm unsure if I should buy him ANYTHING! He won't be home for the next 4 years. It'll only be stashed away! Maybe... all he wants is... just me? That would be lovely. <3 No struggle in that.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Day 29 of Camp P.
I guess it's "Test Payton on how far she'll go" week.
Today wasn't any more beautiful as the last couple days. Just a few moments ago, we let in our dogs. We kept them in the backroom so they couldn't get the cat food. Well, we thought Angel, our hurt dog, wouldn't go upstairs because it might effect her. The minute mom walks out of the room, I hear someone munching away on cat food. It was Angel. She hauled ass upstairs, without me noticing, and started hounding down the chow. I got PISSED. I tried shoving her away but that dog is powerful. She's a heavy weight Beagle who won't listen... Unless dad yells at her at the top of his lungs. I screamed, "I don't care if you're hurt!!" and shoved her ass downstairs. After she went downstairs, I stormed downstairs too, THREW the sliding glass door open, pointed outside and shouted, "OUT!" Angel immediately went outside but Benny took his time. He thought he was in trouble. He leisurely went outside, I slammed the door shut, locked it, went into the front (slamming the hallway door closed behind me), got more cat food and filled our cats' bowls.
I regret saying "I don't care if you're hurt" to Angel. I do care. I care 100%. I really hope Karma doesn't walk around the corner and smack me in the face. That's all I need... More pain in my heart. I feel as fragile as a twig and that's when the heartless strike. Yet I'm not sure how to cover up all of this agony. To tell you the truth, I want it to show. I want people to look at me and want to help me. I'm tired of just helping myself. If people really do care about me, they'll want to help the best they can. Besides, I don't feel the need to cover up my feelings. People shouldn't be so fake all the time.
Anyway... The only nice parts about today were ENGL and Math. ENGL was slightly successful because I got a good report on my first draft on test essay 2. People are starting to come up to me now during class and ask me for advice. They think I'm a good writer. I felt privileged to give them assistance. Then in math, I did well on a test. I think I got an A. I'm hoping so. That'll be cool.
ITAL was fine, I guess. Boring. I'm stressing on a project. We have to present an Italian region's dishes; at least 3. I don't know how to speak in Italian anymore! It's all gibberish to me now. I'm definitely not taking ITAL 123. I'm done. If I wish to learn more, I'll look through the book.
In 2 days, it is Valentines Day. You know what I'm going to be doing? Nothing. Because my valentine is all the way in California.
I hope nobody is carrying around giant pink teddy bears and a million red balloons. Jesus, if it's going to be as dramatic as high school, I'm staying home.
My valentines will be YouTube and a glass of milk. How 'bout that?
Hurricane Sandy swept through Manhattan, taking much of the city's power with it. I explored the streets for hours in pure darkness, trying to find any light that I could. The main source of light in the city came from first responders’ vehicles, food carts fighting the cold, and flashlights from dedicated pet owners. When this street was empty, I was unable to make out objects ten feet away.
Today wasn't any more beautiful as the last couple days. Just a few moments ago, we let in our dogs. We kept them in the backroom so they couldn't get the cat food. Well, we thought Angel, our hurt dog, wouldn't go upstairs because it might effect her. The minute mom walks out of the room, I hear someone munching away on cat food. It was Angel. She hauled ass upstairs, without me noticing, and started hounding down the chow. I got PISSED. I tried shoving her away but that dog is powerful. She's a heavy weight Beagle who won't listen... Unless dad yells at her at the top of his lungs. I screamed, "I don't care if you're hurt!!" and shoved her ass downstairs. After she went downstairs, I stormed downstairs too, THREW the sliding glass door open, pointed outside and shouted, "OUT!" Angel immediately went outside but Benny took his time. He thought he was in trouble. He leisurely went outside, I slammed the door shut, locked it, went into the front (slamming the hallway door closed behind me), got more cat food and filled our cats' bowls.
I regret saying "I don't care if you're hurt" to Angel. I do care. I care 100%. I really hope Karma doesn't walk around the corner and smack me in the face. That's all I need... More pain in my heart. I feel as fragile as a twig and that's when the heartless strike. Yet I'm not sure how to cover up all of this agony. To tell you the truth, I want it to show. I want people to look at me and want to help me. I'm tired of just helping myself. If people really do care about me, they'll want to help the best they can. Besides, I don't feel the need to cover up my feelings. People shouldn't be so fake all the time.
Anyway... The only nice parts about today were ENGL and Math. ENGL was slightly successful because I got a good report on my first draft on test essay 2. People are starting to come up to me now during class and ask me for advice. They think I'm a good writer. I felt privileged to give them assistance. Then in math, I did well on a test. I think I got an A. I'm hoping so. That'll be cool.
ITAL was fine, I guess. Boring. I'm stressing on a project. We have to present an Italian region's dishes; at least 3. I don't know how to speak in Italian anymore! It's all gibberish to me now. I'm definitely not taking ITAL 123. I'm done. If I wish to learn more, I'll look through the book.
In 2 days, it is Valentines Day. You know what I'm going to be doing? Nothing. Because my valentine is all the way in California.
I hope nobody is carrying around giant pink teddy bears and a million red balloons. Jesus, if it's going to be as dramatic as high school, I'm staying home.
My valentines will be YouTube and a glass of milk. How 'bout that?
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Street Scene, Manhattan |
Monday, February 11, 2013
Day 28 of Camp P.
Today was a load of crap. I didn't even go to math I was so done with today.
Firstly, I didn't go to sleep until 1 o'clock in the morning due to an essay. I bullcrapped pretty much all of it. The facts were true, yet... in a way... I pulled everything out of my ass. So I'm super exhausted over that. Secondly, I had an ITAL test today. I wonder how I did? Probably horrendously, as usual. My brain doesn't enjoy learning another language when it consists of having tests every two weeks. I hardly had time to study this morning and last night. I was completely screwed from the start. Again, I bullcrapped.
In ENGL, it was stupid... Oh my God, it brought back terrible memories of my high school days... I hated my high school days... I was considered an out-cast IN BOTH FLIPPIN' SCHOOLS! I sat in the middle of this group of babbling IDIOTS. All they talked about was drinking and smoking weed and partying and making fun of people who cry over break-ups; crap you don't even want to HEAR!! It wasn't entertaining AT ALL! We weren't talking about video games or a hike trail in Cougar Mountain, it was about retarded stuff that only retarded teens who don't give a flying crud about their health or their future would chat about... You know what I did the entire time? I sat there... enveloping EVERY... LAST... WORD that escaped out of their useless little mouths!! I stared at my desk as if it could randomly turn into a space ship and blast me off to Mars.
I think one of the girls in our ENGL class really likes me. Not in a sexual way, but I wonder if she thinks I'm kind of cool or really sweet or something. During this chat extravaganza, the girl snatches my phone and enters her cell number into it. Then, she calls her phone with mine, in which allows her to know my phone number as well... I didn't even get to say, "Hey, umm... Please don't touch my property."
I don't even consider her a friend. I tolerate her and I'll become an acquaintance, but that's it. She's a tad bit annoying...
After ENGL, I thought it was over.
You think it could be that EASY for me?? Hah...
I go to Math class, set my things down, until wanting a snack. I grab my purse and go to a nearby vending machine. I put in my money, click the numbers to get a bag of Doritos, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!! ... The goddamn CHIPS bag gets STUCK! It moves an INCH but does not fall down... And I surely wasn't about to slam my body against this machine with everybody and their mama walking passed me each second. Thankfully, I got my money back... in quarters.
I go back to class, discouraged, and notice the girl who usually sits next to me, is seated a seat over, talking with a chick who has a hard time with math. I don't mind it at all until I realize something ELSE... There's this preppy, snooty 30 year old woman (who I despise because she's very irritating) named Summer who would be sitting next to me if that girl didn't move back to her original seat. That was the kicker. That was my breaking point and I left for home. I ran across my teacher and told her I was leaving. She didn't mind and we went on our way.
I got home, I sat down in my purple chair, played a little bit of Tomb Raider before watching some YouTube. I just finished ITAL homework and now, here I am... wishing Mason were home so I could talk to him about what has all happened to me.
Why is it that when he is gone, crap seems to hit the fan faster for me?
Strange. Yet sorrowful.
A moment captured during a trek in Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia, in November 2012
Firstly, I didn't go to sleep until 1 o'clock in the morning due to an essay. I bullcrapped pretty much all of it. The facts were true, yet... in a way... I pulled everything out of my ass. So I'm super exhausted over that. Secondly, I had an ITAL test today. I wonder how I did? Probably horrendously, as usual. My brain doesn't enjoy learning another language when it consists of having tests every two weeks. I hardly had time to study this morning and last night. I was completely screwed from the start. Again, I bullcrapped.
In ENGL, it was stupid... Oh my God, it brought back terrible memories of my high school days... I hated my high school days... I was considered an out-cast IN BOTH FLIPPIN' SCHOOLS! I sat in the middle of this group of babbling IDIOTS. All they talked about was drinking and smoking weed and partying and making fun of people who cry over break-ups; crap you don't even want to HEAR!! It wasn't entertaining AT ALL! We weren't talking about video games or a hike trail in Cougar Mountain, it was about retarded stuff that only retarded teens who don't give a flying crud about their health or their future would chat about... You know what I did the entire time? I sat there... enveloping EVERY... LAST... WORD that escaped out of their useless little mouths!! I stared at my desk as if it could randomly turn into a space ship and blast me off to Mars.
I think one of the girls in our ENGL class really likes me. Not in a sexual way, but I wonder if she thinks I'm kind of cool or really sweet or something. During this chat extravaganza, the girl snatches my phone and enters her cell number into it. Then, she calls her phone with mine, in which allows her to know my phone number as well... I didn't even get to say, "Hey, umm... Please don't touch my property."
I don't even consider her a friend. I tolerate her and I'll become an acquaintance, but that's it. She's a tad bit annoying...
After ENGL, I thought it was over.
You think it could be that EASY for me?? Hah...
I go to Math class, set my things down, until wanting a snack. I grab my purse and go to a nearby vending machine. I put in my money, click the numbers to get a bag of Doritos, and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!!!! ... The goddamn CHIPS bag gets STUCK! It moves an INCH but does not fall down... And I surely wasn't about to slam my body against this machine with everybody and their mama walking passed me each second. Thankfully, I got my money back... in quarters.
I go back to class, discouraged, and notice the girl who usually sits next to me, is seated a seat over, talking with a chick who has a hard time with math. I don't mind it at all until I realize something ELSE... There's this preppy, snooty 30 year old woman (who I despise because she's very irritating) named Summer who would be sitting next to me if that girl didn't move back to her original seat. That was the kicker. That was my breaking point and I left for home. I ran across my teacher and told her I was leaving. She didn't mind and we went on our way.
I got home, I sat down in my purple chair, played a little bit of Tomb Raider before watching some YouTube. I just finished ITAL homework and now, here I am... wishing Mason were home so I could talk to him about what has all happened to me.
Why is it that when he is gone, crap seems to hit the fan faster for me?
Strange. Yet sorrowful.
![]() |
Gelada, Simien Mountains |
Sunday, February 10, 2013
Day 27 of Camp P.
Who feels like a rag doll, raise their hand.
-raises mine-
Guess who bitched me out again???
Mason's recruiting SGT.
You know why?
Because I asked if Mason could get the chance of having R.A. this month.
Oooooh, such a no-no asking stupid questions like that, right??? So bad. So bad...
REALLY???? ...
The only good thing that happened today was that Mason got to talk to me for 3 hours. We only were texting though... No phone call. Yet it was nice to chat with him for a little bit.
I wish that was the ONLY thing that happened to me today. But no. Of course crap had to hit the fan.
Especially during dinner time while you're out in public. So lovely, correct? Where everyone can tell you're upset and are wondering why? Totally what I want. Totally.
And then there's the fact that your grandpa is almost drunk off his ass so he's being really obnoxious at the dinner table, having husbands slightly pissed off because he kept messing with their wives. AWESOME! Just what I want to have to deal with, you know??? So great. So great. Let's do it again because I OBVIOUSLY enjoy being embarrassed by a drunk old bastard.
I'm glad this day is over...
However, I still want to turn invisible. Sounds like it'll make everybody happy; if I were just nonexistent. No need to worry about the Pestering Payton anymore. Right? ... Right? Just doing people a favor, right? I put people before myself. Just trying to make people happy, here. Just bein' myself... Sorry that's such a tragic and annoying thing.
Peace out.
-raises mine-
Guess who bitched me out again???
Mason's recruiting SGT.
You know why?
Because I asked if Mason could get the chance of having R.A. this month.
Oooooh, such a no-no asking stupid questions like that, right??? So bad. So bad...
REALLY???? ...
The only good thing that happened today was that Mason got to talk to me for 3 hours. We only were texting though... No phone call. Yet it was nice to chat with him for a little bit.
I wish that was the ONLY thing that happened to me today. But no. Of course crap had to hit the fan.
Especially during dinner time while you're out in public. So lovely, correct? Where everyone can tell you're upset and are wondering why? Totally what I want. Totally.
And then there's the fact that your grandpa is almost drunk off his ass so he's being really obnoxious at the dinner table, having husbands slightly pissed off because he kept messing with their wives. AWESOME! Just what I want to have to deal with, you know??? So great. So great. Let's do it again because I OBVIOUSLY enjoy being embarrassed by a drunk old bastard.
I'm glad this day is over...
However, I still want to turn invisible. Sounds like it'll make everybody happy; if I were just nonexistent. No need to worry about the Pestering Payton anymore. Right? ... Right? Just doing people a favor, right? I put people before myself. Just trying to make people happy, here. Just bein' myself... Sorry that's such a tragic and annoying thing.
Peace out.
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Day 26 of Camp P.
Not much to say about today... It's a Saturday. Woke up at 8:30, for God sake... Couldn't fall BACK asleep so I stayed in bed for 2 hours until my old farts came home from their run.
I did go to bed early, though; 10:30. I was exhausted... I wanted to catch up on my sleep super badly.
Today, I watched some stuff on Netflix and did excruciatingly boring homework... I almost had a mental breakdown... I'm tired of doing work!!! I can't believe I still use the word "homework."
I got my MarineFamilyNetwork item this afternoon!!! I forgot to let y'all, but I bought a very cute plush teddy bear that wears a shirt saying, "A Marine Holds The Key To My Heart." Absolutely perfect, am I right?
Oh, the irony. <3
Mason will LOVE it! Although, it is for me :P
My journal is almost full. But I think it can handle 6 more days.
I finished creating my 50 characters for the book Gambit. Now I can easily begin the story without feeling OCD. I tell ya, I need some guidance before leaping on to a big project.
Sheesh, I wish I was this motivated when doing an ENGL essay...
I have one due Monday on either Hope or Personal Power. Who the heck am I going to do it on? I can't say "general audience" for my audience, the teacher said we had to pick a specific person. I want to do it on Mason, yet he's so much STRONGER, he doesn't need any advice from me. That sounds silly; a girlfriend of a Marine giving that Marine advice... Pfft, obviously he knows what he's doing.
So... I guess I'll have to think harder on that tomorrow. Ditto for Italian because I have 26 assignments due by Monday as well with a test!!
Geez, give me a break...
I did go to bed early, though; 10:30. I was exhausted... I wanted to catch up on my sleep super badly.
Today, I watched some stuff on Netflix and did excruciatingly boring homework... I almost had a mental breakdown... I'm tired of doing work!!! I can't believe I still use the word "homework."
I got my MarineFamilyNetwork item this afternoon!!! I forgot to let y'all, but I bought a very cute plush teddy bear that wears a shirt saying, "A Marine Holds The Key To My Heart." Absolutely perfect, am I right?
Oh, the irony. <3
Mason will LOVE it! Although, it is for me :P
My journal is almost full. But I think it can handle 6 more days.
I finished creating my 50 characters for the book Gambit. Now I can easily begin the story without feeling OCD. I tell ya, I need some guidance before leaping on to a big project.
Sheesh, I wish I was this motivated when doing an ENGL essay...
I have one due Monday on either Hope or Personal Power. Who the heck am I going to do it on? I can't say "general audience" for my audience, the teacher said we had to pick a specific person. I want to do it on Mason, yet he's so much STRONGER, he doesn't need any advice from me. That sounds silly; a girlfriend of a Marine giving that Marine advice... Pfft, obviously he knows what he's doing.
So... I guess I'll have to think harder on that tomorrow. Ditto for Italian because I have 26 assignments due by Monday as well with a test!!
Geez, give me a break...
Friday, February 8, 2013
Day 25 of Camp P.
Well, today kind of sucked :/ So many things and so many people pissed me off, I had to drive 75 MPH in a 35 MPH zone just to make myself smile...
Just kidding, I didn't HAVE to... >:)
Instead of bitching over everything, I'll tell you a few of my pet peeves in which will sum up pretty much what happened to me today...
1) I hate it when I get to see how my test is doing without its final grade, and I have ink marks written AAAALL over the damn thing. I feel like I haven't SEEN so much INK on a couple sheets of paper!!! You just want to place yourself in a Special Ed school after viewing something like that.
2) ENGL teachers who are really flippin' cooky (in a bad way) can kind of get me stressed out. Sometimes, they can make you feel retarded. Sometimes, they'll show examples of a foreigner doing a better job than us NOT foreigners. Sometimes, they won't make any damn sense...
3) Please don't say "Sorry" a million and one times; especially over something as little as a math problem... You aren't repenting your sins! You screwed up on one measly word problem; who cares! Start over and see if you did it correct the next time around! "Sorry" is being overused, don't you think?
4) When you freakin' honk at me, it better be for a good reason. And if it IS for a good reason, I better know I notice it or I'll get pissed. Do NOT honk at me because you're wanting to get somewhere quicker and I'm "supposedly not letting that happen." Stupid jackwagon! Go take your anger out on someone who deserves it...
5) I know it sucks to be late, but please for the love of GOD don't put your life and other people's lives on the line by weaving back and forth in different lanes that seem to be going slower or faster. Maybe you should have set your alarm clock to a sooner time??? Responsibility is a prime aspect in ones life... Get the picture?
How was that small rant, huh?
Actually, I tried to make it humorous also so I didn't sound like a complete ass.
In other news, I have 8 more days until my sweetheart is able to contact me :) Next week I know I'll be a mess... Starting Monday, it'll be FIVE more days... FIVE! 5!!!!!!
-sigh- Sadly, I have tests that week. Hopefully I can focus.
P.S: Here's a "beautiful" picture of pollution adding artificial clouds in our blue sky. Isn't it... breath taking?
Just kidding, I didn't HAVE to... >:)
Instead of bitching over everything, I'll tell you a few of my pet peeves in which will sum up pretty much what happened to me today...
1) I hate it when I get to see how my test is doing without its final grade, and I have ink marks written AAAALL over the damn thing. I feel like I haven't SEEN so much INK on a couple sheets of paper!!! You just want to place yourself in a Special Ed school after viewing something like that.
2) ENGL teachers who are really flippin' cooky (in a bad way) can kind of get me stressed out. Sometimes, they can make you feel retarded. Sometimes, they'll show examples of a foreigner doing a better job than us NOT foreigners. Sometimes, they won't make any damn sense...
3) Please don't say "Sorry" a million and one times; especially over something as little as a math problem... You aren't repenting your sins! You screwed up on one measly word problem; who cares! Start over and see if you did it correct the next time around! "Sorry" is being overused, don't you think?
4) When you freakin' honk at me, it better be for a good reason. And if it IS for a good reason, I better know I notice it or I'll get pissed. Do NOT honk at me because you're wanting to get somewhere quicker and I'm "supposedly not letting that happen." Stupid jackwagon! Go take your anger out on someone who deserves it...
5) I know it sucks to be late, but please for the love of GOD don't put your life and other people's lives on the line by weaving back and forth in different lanes that seem to be going slower or faster. Maybe you should have set your alarm clock to a sooner time??? Responsibility is a prime aspect in ones life... Get the picture?
How was that small rant, huh?
Actually, I tried to make it humorous also so I didn't sound like a complete ass.
In other news, I have 8 more days until my sweetheart is able to contact me :) Next week I know I'll be a mess... Starting Monday, it'll be FIVE more days... FIVE! 5!!!!!!
-sigh- Sadly, I have tests that week. Hopefully I can focus.
P.S: Here's a "beautiful" picture of pollution adding artificial clouds in our blue sky. Isn't it... breath taking?
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Day 24 of Camp P.
I just finished a boring essay on the economy... GOD English can sometimes be a PAIN. We need more entertaining books that we all can relate to... I know I'm not going into politics any time soon, so we can stop reading this book already...
I'm super tired, guys. This entry is going to be sweet and simple.
I almost ran out of gas today... again. I'm real glad we have a gas station on campus or I would have been in deep donkey doo-doo. My car took at least 10 minutes to fill up; Enrico was a thirsty dog!
ITAL was confusing as Hell. We're learning about... abject verbs or... some crazy crap like that. I don't even KNOW! Can't remember jack right this minute...
ENGL was okay. My teacher is getting a bit annoying but, the day I meet a not-annoying ENGL teacher who doesn't act like a friggin' hippie (No offence to hippies <3), will be the day that I have... umm...
I don't know.
I guess I'll just be really stunned.
Math was boring, too. The stuff is getting harder and harder as time progresses! I shouldn't have acted like a proud mother sucker when I got my test results back that one day. I mean, I'm thrilled I'm doing GREAT in a subject I despise, but I also don't want to jinx that miracle.
We'll see what happens on my next upcoming test, eh?
Other than school, home is pretty boring as well... Shocking, right? Hah, I need a hobby, bros... I am feeling like a low-life son of a Nutcracker... Something that'll get me away from my ridiculously irritating parents; either by leaving the house or just leaving the room that they're in to concentrate on that hobby.
I was thinking of taking up photography? Yet I also have a story I want to write... And if I do two hobbies at a time right now, I'll get overwhelmed and crash :/ I'm pretty sensitive right now for some odd reason. Maybe it's because Mason is so close to contacting me, that I only want to focus on him instead of other silly things.
But for now, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, everybody who reads this or at least skims it a little.
I'm super tired, guys. This entry is going to be sweet and simple.
I almost ran out of gas today... again. I'm real glad we have a gas station on campus or I would have been in deep donkey doo-doo. My car took at least 10 minutes to fill up; Enrico was a thirsty dog!
ITAL was confusing as Hell. We're learning about... abject verbs or... some crazy crap like that. I don't even KNOW! Can't remember jack right this minute...
ENGL was okay. My teacher is getting a bit annoying but, the day I meet a not-annoying ENGL teacher who doesn't act like a friggin' hippie (No offence to hippies <3), will be the day that I have... umm...
I don't know.
I guess I'll just be really stunned.
Math was boring, too. The stuff is getting harder and harder as time progresses! I shouldn't have acted like a proud mother sucker when I got my test results back that one day. I mean, I'm thrilled I'm doing GREAT in a subject I despise, but I also don't want to jinx that miracle.
We'll see what happens on my next upcoming test, eh?
Other than school, home is pretty boring as well... Shocking, right? Hah, I need a hobby, bros... I am feeling like a low-life son of a Nutcracker... Something that'll get me away from my ridiculously irritating parents; either by leaving the house or just leaving the room that they're in to concentrate on that hobby.
I was thinking of taking up photography? Yet I also have a story I want to write... And if I do two hobbies at a time right now, I'll get overwhelmed and crash :/ I'm pretty sensitive right now for some odd reason. Maybe it's because Mason is so close to contacting me, that I only want to focus on him instead of other silly things.
But for now, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight, everybody who reads this or at least skims it a little.
White-Tailed Eagles, Poland |
I took this image during my last trip to Poland, where I was amazed by these birds. It seems like every one of them wanted to dominate the group. Displays of such mild aggression were very common.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Day 23 of Camp P.
What happened today? I hardly remember, I'm so sleepy... Lately, I haven't been getting up until 7:30. I have to leave the house by 8:00. It's terrible!! I should have the energy to just POP RIGHT UP at 7 AM. But nope. I'm getting lazy, gang. I think everyone is nowadays... Everyone's a little exhausted at kissing ass and trying to get things they don't want to do done.
Let's see... What occurred during Italian? ...
Well, I realized that my Italian teacher is very short. I thought she would be as tall as me. I mean, I was wearing inch and a half heels, but still! I think she's tinier than me! And that's cute!
In English, we turned in our final drafts of our test essays. I think I did fairly good! When she gave back my essay yesterday to show me the corrections, I barely had any scribbles on my paper. Most had a lot of red ink all over their paper. I felt bad. I wanted to hide my paper away so people wouldn't get jealous of me or something, haha.
... Did I tell you I saw a rainbow yesterday?? I totally did, thanks to the bipolar weather :D It was a little one but at least I got to see one, you know? It's been a while since I saw a rainbow. It made me smile.
Anyway, back to school... Math was boring... I almost fell asleep. :/ Yet some of the stuff our teacher was teaching I actually kind of didn't know about. So, sadly, I had to take notes on my benefit.
As I was driving home, I swear to goodness I saw the dude who plays HawkEye crossing the street... I almost wanted to slam on my brakes, back up, and check if it were him. I highly doubt it was him, though... He would have been swarmed by girls! He's outstandingly good looking. Me gusta!
Once home, I watched a movie on Netflix (The Warriors), tinkered with my homework and waited on IMVU for a friend who I wanted to chat with to come online.
You know what I figured out this evening? That the movie "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" is the THIRD movie out of a trilogy... The other two I've heard about, never seen, but never knew they were a trilogy... -face palm- No wonder I get slightly confused when I'd watch OUATIM...
And you know what else? Netflix doesn't HAVE the other two... Thanks, Netflix. You totally make sense... NOT!
Netflix better step it up! They even took off my show "Ghost Adventures."
Nobody... messes... with my Ghost Adventures crew...
Let's see... What occurred during Italian? ...
Well, I realized that my Italian teacher is very short. I thought she would be as tall as me. I mean, I was wearing inch and a half heels, but still! I think she's tinier than me! And that's cute!
In English, we turned in our final drafts of our test essays. I think I did fairly good! When she gave back my essay yesterday to show me the corrections, I barely had any scribbles on my paper. Most had a lot of red ink all over their paper. I felt bad. I wanted to hide my paper away so people wouldn't get jealous of me or something, haha.
... Did I tell you I saw a rainbow yesterday?? I totally did, thanks to the bipolar weather :D It was a little one but at least I got to see one, you know? It's been a while since I saw a rainbow. It made me smile.
Anyway, back to school... Math was boring... I almost fell asleep. :/ Yet some of the stuff our teacher was teaching I actually kind of didn't know about. So, sadly, I had to take notes on my benefit.
As I was driving home, I swear to goodness I saw the dude who plays HawkEye crossing the street... I almost wanted to slam on my brakes, back up, and check if it were him. I highly doubt it was him, though... He would have been swarmed by girls! He's outstandingly good looking. Me gusta!
Once home, I watched a movie on Netflix (The Warriors), tinkered with my homework and waited on IMVU for a friend who I wanted to chat with to come online.
You know what I figured out this evening? That the movie "Once Upon A Time In Mexico" is the THIRD movie out of a trilogy... The other two I've heard about, never seen, but never knew they were a trilogy... -face palm- No wonder I get slightly confused when I'd watch OUATIM...
And you know what else? Netflix doesn't HAVE the other two... Thanks, Netflix. You totally make sense... NOT!
Netflix better step it up! They even took off my show "Ghost Adventures."
Nobody... messes... with my Ghost Adventures crew...
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Day 22 of Camp P.
I forgot to let you guys know about this YESTERDAY! Gosh, I'm silly sometimes...
There's a rumor out there claiming that the MOB had something to do with the 30 minute power outage. Supposedly the 49ers were bet SO OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH, that somebody wanted a change in that, and thought, "Let's have a nice, long delay. Get the 49ers back on their game with a 30 minute break."
Well, they lost. Sorry about wasting your time in taking out the stadiums power. :/
Today was good. Didn't talk to Zane at all... I saw him pop online, but I didn't get an invite. He'd usually invite me prior to logging off if I didn't invite him. He does have computer problems. Hopefully that was it and he isn't mad at me or something... Why would he be mad anyway? I did nothing wrong. So I might as well throw that idea out the window.
My ENGL buddy AJ sent me a "Good Morning" text out of the blue while I was driving to campus. That's a first for him and practically all of my OTHER friends besides Mason. It made my day :)
In ITAL, I learned about a restaurant in Sicily where the workers and staff get to offend you and insult you SO TERRIBLY! Of course, it would be in Italian. And OF COURSE it would all be a game. I'm guessing you'd get to insult them back without being kicked to the curb? I don't think I could make it... I have a soft, achy heart, haha.
I did good on my math test! Just missed two points...
I still haven't started my story... You know why? Because not all of my characters are finished. I have 50 of them. How do you think I feel, huh??? But I'm OCD on SO many levels!!!
Tomorrow is numeral 10 on how long I have to hear back from Mason. The wait... is killing me... Each day that passes by, I get a little more tense and a little more tense!!! I want the days to go by FASTER!! It's so close, just let it happen!!!
But time can't skip like that... Sadly.
Anyway, same ol' crud, different day.
TTYL; type to you later. <3
I forgot to let you guys know about this YESTERDAY! Gosh, I'm silly sometimes...
There's a rumor out there claiming that the MOB had something to do with the 30 minute power outage. Supposedly the 49ers were bet SO OUTRAGEOUSLY HIGH, that somebody wanted a change in that, and thought, "Let's have a nice, long delay. Get the 49ers back on their game with a 30 minute break."
Well, they lost. Sorry about wasting your time in taking out the stadiums power. :/
Today was good. Didn't talk to Zane at all... I saw him pop online, but I didn't get an invite. He'd usually invite me prior to logging off if I didn't invite him. He does have computer problems. Hopefully that was it and he isn't mad at me or something... Why would he be mad anyway? I did nothing wrong. So I might as well throw that idea out the window.
My ENGL buddy AJ sent me a "Good Morning" text out of the blue while I was driving to campus. That's a first for him and practically all of my OTHER friends besides Mason. It made my day :)
In ITAL, I learned about a restaurant in Sicily where the workers and staff get to offend you and insult you SO TERRIBLY! Of course, it would be in Italian. And OF COURSE it would all be a game. I'm guessing you'd get to insult them back without being kicked to the curb? I don't think I could make it... I have a soft, achy heart, haha.
I did good on my math test! Just missed two points...
I still haven't started my story... You know why? Because not all of my characters are finished. I have 50 of them. How do you think I feel, huh??? But I'm OCD on SO many levels!!!
Tomorrow is numeral 10 on how long I have to hear back from Mason. The wait... is killing me... Each day that passes by, I get a little more tense and a little more tense!!! I want the days to go by FASTER!! It's so close, just let it happen!!!
But time can't skip like that... Sadly.
Anyway, same ol' crud, different day.
TTYL; type to you later. <3
Monday, February 4, 2013
Day 21 of Camp P.
Maaaaaaan... I am so bored right now! It is INSANE IN THE MEMBRANE!
I'm going to be starting my new book "Gambit." I'm putting it as a Blogger to influence me in continuing the story's work. :) Smart, right?
Though NOBODY but myself can read it, I still liked the idea.
AND, when Mason is on his school's base, he'll be able to access the Internet and read it whenever! Yay! But first I have to figure out how to make it where just us can see it...
Complicated measures ahead.
Today I took my tests. GOD, I was the first one done in both classes. It feels utterly strange walking up to the teacher's desk and handing in your finished semi-awesome completed test while everybody else struggles to finish second or maybe even third. It's like slow-motion!! In a way, I love it. But in another way, I don't want to look like a douche.
Honest to goodness, I waited for some people in ITAL to get done, place their completed tests on the teacher's desk before I got up and put mine on the desk.
However, doing THAT, it doesn't make you look intelligent; putting your paper on already a stack of papers on the teachers desk...
I guess I could look at it positively; if I were to be the first one done and confidently stand up to turn in my test, I'd feel so smart. If people think I'm a douche, then that's their issue. They're just jealous. :P
If I get a B on my ITAL test, I wouldn't be surprised. I feel real good about it! Ditto for my Math test. Yet that stuff was EEEASYYY!!! Could have done that in my SLEEP! Or BEHIND MY BACK! Or... SOME OTHER ACTION WHERE IT DOESN'T HAVE ME LOOKING AT THE PROBLEMS BUT STILL GETTING THE RIGHT ANSWERS!!!!!11
Well, I should move along. I'm going to start my Gambit story and hopefully be able to continue it throughout the year!
New Years resolution? Finish a book? And I don't mean reading...
I didn't make it with my New Years resolution to end biting my nails. I need something easier! Maybe writing a cool ass story will do the trick?
Let... us... see.
I'm going to be starting my new book "Gambit." I'm putting it as a Blogger to influence me in continuing the story's work. :) Smart, right?
Though NOBODY but myself can read it, I still liked the idea.
AND, when Mason is on his school's base, he'll be able to access the Internet and read it whenever! Yay! But first I have to figure out how to make it where just us can see it...
Complicated measures ahead.
Today I took my tests. GOD, I was the first one done in both classes. It feels utterly strange walking up to the teacher's desk and handing in your finished semi-awesome completed test while everybody else struggles to finish second or maybe even third. It's like slow-motion!! In a way, I love it. But in another way, I don't want to look like a douche.
Honest to goodness, I waited for some people in ITAL to get done, place their completed tests on the teacher's desk before I got up and put mine on the desk.
However, doing THAT, it doesn't make you look intelligent; putting your paper on already a stack of papers on the teachers desk...
I guess I could look at it positively; if I were to be the first one done and confidently stand up to turn in my test, I'd feel so smart. If people think I'm a douche, then that's their issue. They're just jealous. :P
If I get a B on my ITAL test, I wouldn't be surprised. I feel real good about it! Ditto for my Math test. Yet that stuff was EEEASYYY!!! Could have done that in my SLEEP! Or BEHIND MY BACK! Or... SOME OTHER ACTION WHERE IT DOESN'T HAVE ME LOOKING AT THE PROBLEMS BUT STILL GETTING THE RIGHT ANSWERS!!!!!11
Well, I should move along. I'm going to start my Gambit story and hopefully be able to continue it throughout the year!
New Years resolution? Finish a book? And I don't mean reading...
I didn't make it with my New Years resolution to end biting my nails. I need something easier! Maybe writing a cool ass story will do the trick?
Let... us... see.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Day 20 of Camp P.
R.I.P. to that famous sniper guy who was killed by a trainee with PTSD. The sniper was named Chris Kyle. He was a Navy SEAL. Prayers to his family and friends. <3
Superbowl 47 was today!! Holy Hannibal was it a great game! We had everyone over at our house and cooked TONS of food! We, of course, have leftovers. I think we were so into the game that we forgot about our own appetite.
Ravens won and the 49s lost. It was a tight game! There was a 30 minute delay because the power shut off. It was random as Hell! I guess not completely random since they were playing in New Orleans. No offence, but I could see that happening ANY time nowadays.
Other than the Superbowl party and having a good time betting on the score and goofing off with family and friends; I winged out some homework and hung out on IMVU.
Everyone was asking me how Mason was. I kept telling them I didn't know and had to explain I wouldn't be able to know until after Feb/16th.
I was going to immediately reply back, "He's doing good!" but honestly, I have no idea... And that's what kills me...
Tomorrow I have an Italian test and a math test...
But gently <3 Please.
Superbowl 47 was today!! Holy Hannibal was it a great game! We had everyone over at our house and cooked TONS of food! We, of course, have leftovers. I think we were so into the game that we forgot about our own appetite.
Ravens won and the 49s lost. It was a tight game! There was a 30 minute delay because the power shut off. It was random as Hell! I guess not completely random since they were playing in New Orleans. No offence, but I could see that happening ANY time nowadays.
Other than the Superbowl party and having a good time betting on the score and goofing off with family and friends; I winged out some homework and hung out on IMVU.
Everyone was asking me how Mason was. I kept telling them I didn't know and had to explain I wouldn't be able to know until after Feb/16th.
I was going to immediately reply back, "He's doing good!" but honestly, I have no idea... And that's what kills me...
Tomorrow I have an Italian test and a math test...
But gently <3 Please.
Monarch Butterfly |
I found a monarch chrysalis on a piece of bark while at work on a farm one day. Maybe I should not have brought the bark home, but I did, in anticipation of watching the monarch emerge. After a little over a week of life in a jar, the chrysalis changed colors, and the butterfly began to emerge. It was absolutely fascinating. This is the jar in which I watched it emerge, in which it first flapped its wings, and from which I freed it. What a beautiful creature.
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Day 19 of Camp P.
Ugh, so bored. What a boring day... I hardly got to talk to any of my IMVU friends, especially Zane, so I did nothing other than make up a new story.
My new story is called Gambit. It's one of those projects where you're not sure you really want to get dedicated on, however you're influenced enough to make a billion characters before beginning the actual story.
Tomorrow is Superbowl!
Who's excited?
I'm excited. You know why? Because I get to be a little fatty!!! Yay, food! <3 I love you. :)
I don't care about the game, sort of. The Seahawks aren't playing so who cares who wins, am I right? Well... besides Baltimore and San Fran; they can care all they want to. I don't think we're rooting for anyone. Just going to go crazy over football, I suppose.
Sadly Mason isn't hear to sweep me away from the chaos...
I'm sure he'd love to...
Anyway, there's going to be about... 32 people over at my house. That's a lot of bodies filling up two medium sized rooms.
Oh well! The more, the merrier! I like parties :) I get to hang around people in REAL LIFE, not only on the computer.
So... yep! I guess I covered everything. Angel is sick again. She must have hurt herself once more. We HAVE to take her in to the doctor. We did before but I'd like her to go in again sometime soon. We were going to today but the parents forgot after a Costco run... I hope she'll be alright... I don't think I could go on without being depressed if she passed away... I freakin' ADORE animals. I wanted to become a veterinarian! But... I decided not to since... I didn't want to see poor, innocent animals feeling pain or having to be put down...
-Sigh-... I wish Zane would come on... He always makes me happy.
My new story is called Gambit. It's one of those projects where you're not sure you really want to get dedicated on, however you're influenced enough to make a billion characters before beginning the actual story.
Tomorrow is Superbowl!
Who's excited?
I'm excited. You know why? Because I get to be a little fatty!!! Yay, food! <3 I love you. :)
I don't care about the game, sort of. The Seahawks aren't playing so who cares who wins, am I right? Well... besides Baltimore and San Fran; they can care all they want to. I don't think we're rooting for anyone. Just going to go crazy over football, I suppose.
Sadly Mason isn't hear to sweep me away from the chaos...
I'm sure he'd love to...
Anyway, there's going to be about... 32 people over at my house. That's a lot of bodies filling up two medium sized rooms.
Oh well! The more, the merrier! I like parties :) I get to hang around people in REAL LIFE, not only on the computer.
So... yep! I guess I covered everything. Angel is sick again. She must have hurt herself once more. We HAVE to take her in to the doctor. We did before but I'd like her to go in again sometime soon. We were going to today but the parents forgot after a Costco run... I hope she'll be alright... I don't think I could go on without being depressed if she passed away... I freakin' ADORE animals. I wanted to become a veterinarian! But... I decided not to since... I didn't want to see poor, innocent animals feeling pain or having to be put down...
-Sigh-... I wish Zane would come on... He always makes me happy.
Friday, February 1, 2013
Day 18 of Camp P.
Hey gang.
About to hit the hay since my dear friend Zane sadly got disconnected from the Internet... Does college do that??? At a specific time do they shut down the Internet? It's... 1ish where he lives and he lives in a dorm.
Oh well... I don't think I'll be seeing him until tomorrow...
My day today was good. Boring, as usually, but I was sane enough to deal with it.
By the way, I want to pray for a girl in my ENGL class who lost her uncle this afternoon. I hope and pray that her family stays strong and heals healthily. <3
I have an ITAL and MATH test on Monday. Yaaaay studying over the weekend!!! ... Just kidding. That's horrible. Haha.
Well, it's time to go to sleep now. My eyes are halfway open and I don't know what else to say about today.
So... Flippin'... Good.
Netflix, you're rockin' them out so far. Keep up the decent work and I might give ya a raise! ;)
Goodnight, everyone.
About to hit the hay since my dear friend Zane sadly got disconnected from the Internet... Does college do that??? At a specific time do they shut down the Internet? It's... 1ish where he lives and he lives in a dorm.
Oh well... I don't think I'll be seeing him until tomorrow...
My day today was good. Boring, as usually, but I was sane enough to deal with it.
By the way, I want to pray for a girl in my ENGL class who lost her uncle this afternoon. I hope and pray that her family stays strong and heals healthily. <3
I have an ITAL and MATH test on Monday. Yaaaay studying over the weekend!!! ... Just kidding. That's horrible. Haha.
Well, it's time to go to sleep now. My eyes are halfway open and I don't know what else to say about today.
So... Flippin'... Good.
Netflix, you're rockin' them out so far. Keep up the decent work and I might give ya a raise! ;)
Goodnight, everyone.
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