Ready to hear what happened yesterday?
Yea, I bet you are.
First, I'll tell you about today...
It was less of an excitement than yesterday.
Now on to the interesting story:
Early afternoon, I had a great therapy session. I got a lot of unwanted feelings off of my chest. Afterwards, I went home to get ready for the fair.
Yesterday was the perfect day to go to the Puyallup Fair (AKA: The Washington State Fair) It was sunny, warm, and with blue skies. Bryndis tagged along as well as my parents, my grandma J and my grandma Bonnie. We couldn't wait to enter through the Blue Gate.
We followed a large group inside. Once in, we walked towards the Earthquake Burger stand. I didn't have anything else to eat previously. That burger was delicious! Ditto for the curly fries. Bryndis had half of my burger. When we were full, Bryndis and I separated from the adults. We wanted to do our own thing! We wanted to go on every ride possible without losing our lunch.
Well, my ignorance got the best of me... I know myself well enough to figure out if I'll feel good after a certain ride or not. Yet I had a friend with me! Why should I chicken out?!
Ten minutes after Bryndis and I ate, we came across a ride called Kamikaze. It was a ride similar to The Ring of Fire. But the Kamikaze had two coasters swiping up and down; one going one way, the other going in the opposite direction. I pushed my fear to the side and the bickering notion that I shouldn't do it. With Bryndis there, I almost felt pressured. Then again, I wanted to have a good time.
I should have listened to my bickering side...
The ride made me nauseous. I got dizzy and felt like I would pass out any minute. Yet I hung in there. One moment, everything was fine. The next moment, I thought I was going to faint and Bryndis' phone falls while we dangle upside down. Her phone's screen shatters as I talk to myself, telling my brain to stay online.
The ride ends. I waddle off. Bryndis recovers her phone. She said her SIM card looked okay, but the rest of her phone was destroyed. Surprisingly, she was in a better mood than me. I had to find a bathroom pronto. We rushed inside. Bryndis called her parents on my phone to tell them the unfortunate mishap. I leaned over, catching my breath, and convincing my brain that I didn't need to puke.
We went outside to sit on a bench, waiting for my blood to circulate. I let Bryndis do her own thing while I rested. She came back with a lemonade. Finally, after twenty solid minutes, I said to myself, "Don't kill Bryndis' first time at the Puyallup fair. Get up and have fun!" I got up, walked 15 feet in front of me before my eyes started watering and my mouth filled with saliva. I had to throw-up.
I ran to the woman's bathroom, hoping for an open stall.
All I got was a line.
Instead of barging through, I held onto my mouth, jogged to a corner and hurled. I hate throwing-up... You feel as if you're going to suffocate on your own barf. I leaned over and puked whatever wanted to come out.
When I was done, I walked up to Bryndis with my head hung low. How embarrassing... I apologized to her. She said everything was cool. I texted my mom, telling her I up-chucked my burger, and she said to meet us at the place I first ordered it at.
Once there, mom handed me a water. She asked if I would like to join them or stay outside and wait. I suggested to stay outside and rest. I didn't want to walk any longer. I was afraid I would puke again.
I sat on a slab of cement. Bryndis waited with me. I continued to apologize for my sickness and how I wasn't giving her the greatest experience ever (Like I had planned) She kept telling me that she was having a blast. I hope she wasn't lying...
We sat there for ten minutes, allowing my stomach acid to settle. I sipped on my water while searching on the Internet what I could do after I had thrown-up. Then I remembered the solution of bread and/or Saltine crackers! I asked Bryndis if she would pretty please find me some bread. She said sure and went on her way. As I waited, I asked a lady, who worked the stand next to me, if she had any Tums. She said, "You know, I think I do." She walked inside the stand, came out with her purse and opened a small container. She said the stuff helped with heart burn. I asked if it helped with queasiness. She said yes. I took the two pills, watched the lady walk away, until popping one of the chewable pills in my mouth. I usually only take one of every medicine. I tossed the second pill behind me.
I know, I know... Don't take meds from strangers. I'm aware of that. But when you barf, you get desperate to feel better. That was my situation.
Bryndis came back with two burger buns. I ate a pinch and drank some water. I sat there, waiting for the pinch of bread to work it's magic.
Suddenly, my alarm went off on my phone. 7:00. Time to take my birth control pill. I was hesitant. I still felt like I needed to retch again. But I figured that was normal and assumed I wouldn't anymore. So, I took my BC pill. Then I began to worry. I wondered, "How quickly does a birth control pill absorb into your body?" I looked it up - three hours...
I felt hopeless. Three hours? For a tiny ass pill? I soon asked myself, "Well, Hell... I wonder how long it'll take to digest the heart burn pill?"
I shouldn't have brought that up...
I started to panic. What if that lady gave me something that could've reacted negatively with my body? I wouldn't know until I was face-first on the ground, having a seizure!
Unexpectedly, the feeling came back. I pulled off my purse and jacket, flung my body to the side and puked a second time... Right in front of God and everybody...
Again, Bryndis was totally cool with it.
I made acid soup. I kept puking until I was empty. I sat up, began shivering, and couldn't believe I just messed up my birth control cycle...
I should have stuck with my gut feeling and waited after I hurled again prior to taking my pill. But oh no! That night, I was ignorant... I regret acting like so.
I texted mom of my second time throwing-up. She asked me what I wanted to do. I knew going home wasn't an option; my mom wanted to stay for the Luminasia portion of the fair. I told her I didn't know what to do. So, we stayed at the fair. Thankfully, I felt a lot better after the second time I threw-up. I also sipped a bottle of Sprite.
Luminasia was fun. It made up what we lost during the daylight hours. I snapped tons of photos. Afterwards, Bryndis and I played a few games until we all went home.
Adventurous? More like unforgettable.