Every time I am home and doing nothing whatsoever, I'll go, "... Oh my GOD! This college stuff is preposterous! I don't want to do it anymore! I hate school!!! Boo, learning!!" Then the next time I go to college, I'm like, ":D This is FABULOUS!" So next quarter, I'm adding more classes.
Just thought I'd share that with ya. :)
Besides that random fact, my day was good. I made a vehicle friend today. What does that mean, you ask? It means I like someone who is going the same direction as I am! And usually sticks right around my car. Makes me feel comfortable that somebody is driving right along side me or in front of me or behind me in the same direction I am going. I say to myself, "Heeey, somebody is going the exact way I'M going... How cool!" The vehicle friend I made today was with a big ol' semi-truck. I call him "Extra Small" because on his license plate it had XS as the last digits. We went the same way for about half the commute to my college. Then he merged over into another freeway and I got sad... But! There's always tomorrow and that would be totally rad if I saw Extra Small again.
I wore the focus band today as I said I would. I did a lot more math problems than I usually do because me and the girl in that class talk and talk and gossip and giggle about everything. It's fun! However today, I was FOCUSED. I wanted to get this chapter DONE and OVER with. At least she wasn't offended or anything. I was still chatting with her and listening to her but we were mostly doing our work; AS WE SHOULD BE. Her name is Marissa (if I haven't already shared that with you folks). Bubbly girl :P
By the way, before I start back up on the memories, I ordered a shirt on It's sky blue with the Marine logo at the top left of the shirt with the words, "My Boyfriend. My Hero. My Marine." on the front in the middle; right around the logo. On the back I customized it to say, "May May + Pay Pay! Forever and always, my love!" It'll be here in 6-10 shipping days. I can't wait to wear it on his graduation!!
Hopefully I get to go...
My finals are around that same time and... I don't think I can skip those. What a dilemma! I better ask quick when the graduation date is or I'm screwed.
Alright... Let's get to the positive stuff. Here's more of the memories!
Now, I'm going to go back in time a little bit. I forgot to add this in the last couple of posts... The reason why Mason chose to ask me out in junior year was because over the summer, Alex wanted to see if Mason would hook up with this other chick who didn't even go to their school. Mason said she was an utter disgrace; a partier, a drinker, a drug user, and he believed, a slut. They stopped talking immediatly after about a month. Mason didn't know what to do. He never had a girlfriend before.
A couple nights later, following the time he ended the conversations with that one girl, he dreamt a dream he claims he will never forget. He was hanging around a bus stop. He didn't know why but he guessed he was waiting for somebody. When the bus came, dropping off spontaneous civilians, Mason was stunned to see whom came off of the bus last. It was me. He said I was GORGEOUS and once I saw him, I burst out in joy! We ran up to each other, as happy as we could be, and embraced one another. He even thinks we kissed.
When he woke up the next morning, he told himself, "What am I doing? I love Payton!!" And that's when he decided to ask me out.
After Mason told me he liked me, my confidence boosted out of the ROOF. I'm surprised it didn't make a hole...
I was electrified!! A boy liking me?! That was a shock! I almost had a heart attack!! I told my mom right away. I couldn't hold it back!! I felt like the special person I am.
The next day, I decided to go see him. I acted like nothing awesome had happened the other day. It was after school, I didn't get any of my homework done because I was too distracted by Mason liking me, and I asked if I could go see him. He said Sure and to meet him in his math class. So I walked over there, saying Hi to other old friends, until seeing him.
I walked up to him, hugging him, and began acting awkward. I forgot how to act around a boy who liked me... How was I supposed to act cool again? I thought I had lost that description in my memory vocabulary.
Yet I tried. I still was acting like nothing happened yesterday and that we were just amigos hanging out at my old high school. That's all. Nothing special. But as I'd watch him go around the room, helping pick up some messes under the tables or fix the windows blinds, my hormones started waking up after that long year slumber.
"What's going on? Why am I feeling like this??" My mind questioned. I was confused... Did I like him? Did I not like him as in a crush way and just liked him as a really good friend? I couldn't tell the difference! He was... he IS... so gosh darn good looking!
Thanks, Mason's family! Your genes rock!
Nonetheless, I told myself, "NO. No boys! Nobody! You will be single!!"
But I didn't want to be single anymore. :( I missed being loved in that sort of way. Yet I was scarred, and still kind of am, about my last relationships. They were hard on me... I don't ever want to encounter another relationship like those ones again.
I kept watching him, following him at times, and all the while, trying to loosen up. My brain was going, "No, Payton! You don't like him like that! Only in a BFF way, gosh..." But my heart said, "He's the jewel in the rough you've been searching for." And my womanly hormones weren't helping either!
Like I said, I was acting out of place. I'd hug him randomly and try to poke fun at him yet I was making myself look like a DORK. Not in the funny way either. Like the, "You're a retard, you know that?" way. I could tell he was trying to act cool too but we were just... not making progress at all.
Finally, he was done hanging out in the math class. We wanted to still be with each other yet we had no idea what to do. So... we stayed in the hallway. We sat down, leaning against a wall, and thought about what we'd want to say. However, you know me; I only start conversations by casually spitting out information. Any information. I wanted to talk about him liking me and for how long and what else he likes about me, etc. So curious, so curious... But I didn't ask because I didn't want us to all of a sudden feel weird. Instead, I pulled out my iPhone, scooted REEEEALLY close to him, and began playing Boggle. I suggested he play too because it's a fun game and he joined.
What I wanted to do the most, wasn't only to pester him about him liking me, but also to wrap my arm under his and continue to play Boggle. I do that with friends all the time! However, if I would have done it with HIM, it would have meant something a bit more...
Yet I DIDN'T DO IT!! Not because I was chicken, but because somebody ELSE was in the hallway!! Damn Eric...
After Boggle, we were bored again. But I still stayed super close to him. It was nice.
Suddenly, I got an idea. I asked if I could take a picture of us! He was camera shy and didn't think he was attractive. I convinced him anyway. I was wearing these pink funky sunglasses with my Seahawks hat and shirt. Mason decided to steal the sunglasses and wear them. I took the picture, we laughed and he gave the glasses back, until we sat there a little longer prior to leaving for home.
That's all I'll share today! Tomorrow, I'll add a tiny bit more :) Ciao!

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