Hey, guess what I did today? NOTHING! :D
I just took a walk and 5 minutes after I entered through the front door, it began pouring down rain, hailing, thundering and gusting. I'm obviously a ninja. OR, Mother Nature is nice to me.
Thank you, Mother Nature. <3
But not only am I possibly a ninja and friends with Mother Nature... I could also be...
*crowd gasps*
Yes, yes I know, I know. I'm sorry I didn't tell you guys earlier! I was just... paranoid, ya know? I wasn't looking forward to all the camera flashes and media asking silly questions like, "Is Batman your father?!" or "Does your boyfriend know?!"
... Actually, I just dreamt about me being Batgirl...
It was AWESOME!!!!! One of the best!
It started out with Batman and I soaring through the skies of Gotham. Suddenly, there was a damsel in distress! We swooped down, knocked out the bad guys, and saved the beautiful young woman. Well... wouldn't you know... the girl was infatuated with him and they became lovers. It was annoying... She would ALWAYS be all over him!! I'd want to do something and Bruce would blow me off! I asked if we could fly around Gotham again, yet Bruce never accepted. So, being me, Batgirl, I went down to the basement myself and found the box that held my suit. I was about to pull it out when I heard the door open. I FREAKED and hid under the stairs! Until......... I realized it was just one of Bruce's friends.
He found me under the staircase and I smiled at him sheepishly, telling, "Oh, I thought you were somebody else!" I gradually walked out, feeling embarrassed, and acted as if I were searching for something OTHER THAN my Batgirl suit.
Suddenly, the friend pulls out a gun and aims it straight at me!! I panicked and turned away, waiting for my fate. "Tell me who Batman really is!" he demanded. I started to fake cry and announced, "I... I don't know who he is!" There was a pause as the "friend" backed away. "Well, I guess I'll just have to kill you then." he stated. But before he could fire, the scene switched to me fighting the guy! I snatched at the gun and body slammed him to the ground! I pushed him on his stomach and sat on his legs, holding both of his arms. He struggled but I wasn't about to loosen up! I called for Bruce multiple times yet he never came!
And the dream ended there...
Crazy, right?
Totally rad?
I enjoyed it. That was the most fun I've ever had while sleeping in a looong time.
Soooo, since that dream occurred, I have been pondering on the fact of whether I should dress up as Batgirl for Halloween, or still not dress up at all...?
Well, if Party City doesn't have a Batgirl-type costume and I want to dress up anyway, I'll just be a vampire again. Haha!
However, I'll look! That dream has inspired me. :)

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