I'm going through some tough times at the moment; such tough times where I don't even want to study or stay awake. I only want to sleep. I don't want to eat, I don't want to MOVE... I want this living nightmare to end...
I got a text from Mason this morning at 4:30. But I didn't see it until 5:30 AM. He told me Good Morning and that he loved me with added hearts. I texted him back saying I loved him too, with added hearts, and then a Good Morning. I fell back asleep. Around 7 AM, I woke up again because of my alarm I forgot to shut off. I checked to see if Mason texted me back but... he didn't. I thought nothing of it, sent him a "Honey?" text to make sure he was okay, and fell back asleep. 2 hours later, I woke up to my phone buzzing off the hook! I checked and it was Mason. He was texting me with his iPod Touch which I thought wouldn't be possible... However, he was at a pizza parlor with his amigos and let me know his phone got taken away RIGHT AFTER he sent me that Good Morning text!!!
This is what had occurred: Him and his friends were cleaning. When they were through, he was going to text his mom to see if she was doing good. Well... He got busted. I guess that wasn't the most PERFECT timing he could have asked for and got his phone snatched away. A little while later, he went up to that SGT who took his phone away and told him what had happened. He assured him that he was done cleaning, but I guess the SGT didn't believe it was a solid excuse. So, he went to get a STRICTER SGT who bitched him out completely. He was sent on Fire Watch and was threatened on his career and how it might get a bad report due to his mistake on texting when he shouldn't have been.
Mason was flipping OUT! He thought his career was OVER. I let him know that they were simply playing it up so he certainly wouldn't do it again. Mason asked if I could let his mom and SGT Nelson know his phone got taken. I did and continued to chat with Mason until he was placed on Fire Watch for an hour. I told SGT Nelson about Mason freaking out over his career. SGT Nelson said exactly what I told Mason; they were playing it up. He shouldn't fret. But he also shouldn't do things that aren't allowed during the moment in time.
What felt like 30 minutes, I suddenly got a text from Mason. AND IT WAS FROM HIS PHONE! I didn't understand! And I couldn't ask because he immediately told me he'd "BRB". Ten minutes later, I was talking with my love once more. Apparently, the SGT gave him his phone back after a bit of Fire Watch duty. With that, he also told him he shouldn't do it again or they'll send his phone HOME and he wouldn't get it until after a couple of months. I know, for a fact, Mason learned his lesson. Yet we were happy as could be when he got his phone back.
I informed Mason of what SGT Nelson told to me and I believe he started feeling a tad better. The only crappy thing was, right when he got his phone, about 20 minutes later, he called me and advised me that he had to give back his phone in 30 minutes. It wasn't because he got in trouble again, but EVERYONE had to. Tomorrow is their beginning of training. Mason even stated that it might get real rough because they might try and get everything done around 19 days instead of 30. They have a lot new Marines and they want to get this build up flattened before things get complicated.
It was ubber hard saying Goodbye to Mason once our time was up. You could hear him choke when he said, "Bye." I know I sounded choked up too when I said, "Bye" back. I cried after hanging up. I didn't want to hang up the phone. It was just like last night; we'd keep saying "I love you" and "Goodnight" and "Talk to you later" but we wouldn't rush on hanging up our phones. We'd giggle and point it out and we'd say, "But I don't want to hang up!" However, we had to this time. We couldn't mess around and say things like that or he might have gotten into deeper crud.
4 weeks without communication will be like the 3 months he was away in boot camp. He kept telling me to be strong and I told him I would try. But things are escalating over here... Angel, the female Beagle in the bunch, is sick. She could have this disc disease where a disc in her spin is pushing on her nerves system. We took her to the vet this afternoon and that's what the doctor said. She'll be on muscle relaxers for the next month. She also has to stay in a kennel for the next month. She can't be jumping or energetic or anything. It might dislodge the disc even more and that could be really bad.
We might take her in for an MRI, or whatever it is called. We might have to do surgery.
I'm with her right now. She won't stop whining. She isn't herself. She's usually really hyper and wanting to play and run off somewhere. But lately she just wants to lie down and do nothing. At first, we all thought someone attacked her. Now, we're starting to think it's this disease...
I pray she'll be alright in the end.
I pray that I'll be alright in the end.
Parakeets, Ecuador |
In Ecuador's Yasuní National Park, cobalt-winged parakeets flock to a pool. Scientists have identified nearly 600 species of birds in the park.
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