HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111 <3
Again, this year I didn't celebrate. I celebrated during the run and Bryndis's Halloween party, but today, I took it easy.
I reviewed math this morning before learning more prejudice things in ENGL.
I don't think anyone is trick-or-treating around my neighborhood. Not one knock tonight. Maybe it's because people are actually reading my notice on the door, stating we don't have any candy...
I'm somewhat bummed I didn't dress up and go trick-or-treating with friends... I love celebrating holidays; especially Halloween! I used to always dress up and trick-or-treat and collect loads of candy. Last year was the first time I didn't trick-or-treat (if I remember right) I didn't trick-or-treat because Mason wasn't home. He was in boot camp. Since he's in North Carolina, I decided to hang out at home this year.
Next year, I hope Mason can take off some time to celebrate Halloween - and other holidays - with me!
Well, in part of spooktacular spirit, here are the best CreepyPasta's I have come across so far. Please, enjoy. And be sure to leave a light on tonight... ;)
My boyfriend, Mason, had gone off to boot camp in San Diego, CA. Now, he works at his main base as a Marine airplanes technician. This blog is about my life as I wait for my love to come home.
Mason and I

Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Day 82 North Carolina
Hey, guys.
Quick post. I'm exhausted and taking out the time to Skype with Mason before his Internet cuts out for good.
Just to document this; Seattle did a nice thing for that famous Huskies coach, Don James, who passed away a couple days ago. All over, buildings shone the colors gold and purple. And the Space Needle beamed a purple light through the clouds. Quite interesting. Very thoughtful.
Today was generally normal. Took a quiz in math, learned more sensitive topics in ENGL, and went home to Mork & Mindy.
At night, I watched Pacific Rim with the parents. Not bad.
Now I'm going to pass out. Goodnight!
P.S: Here's a cute pretzel my mom gave me. She bought a bag of these when she went on a business trip and had the time to adventure Disney World.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Day 81 of North Carolina
I'm IN LOVE with the show Mork & Mindy. Now I understand where people get the impersonation of Robin Williams suddenly spazzing out! I watched several episodes of season one so far. I watch them every day! It's going to suck when I run out of DVDs... I hope whoever is creating the DVD versions of Mork & Mindy develops the second season soon! I'd become DEPRIVED if not!!!
Today was nice. Math was as easy as pie (if I knew how to make pie...) and ENGL was again very emotional. Not in the sense that I BECAME emotional, but the class discussed seriously sensitive topics on racism. At the end of the class, my teacher began talking about how her dad's dad beat the living Christ out of her dad's mother. I think she was going to talk about traumatization, yet the class ended abruptly. I guess I'll learn more about it tomorrow.
I'm excited for tomorrow. You know why? Because tomorrow means one less day of waiting for Mason to come home!!! I'm terribly focused on the future... I just want to HYBERNATE until Monday!!! I'm stoked!!!!
But first, I must take care of schooling. I have plenty of projects to finish.
Hey, remember that one TV show called Candle Cove? Yea! The one with the pirates!!! Well, I have some disturbing news... Read this CreepyPasta to find out.
Also, enjoy this picture of Cheetah hanging out with my mom in the bathroom. :)
Today was nice. Math was as easy as pie (if I knew how to make pie...) and ENGL was again very emotional. Not in the sense that I BECAME emotional, but the class discussed seriously sensitive topics on racism. At the end of the class, my teacher began talking about how her dad's dad beat the living Christ out of her dad's mother. I think she was going to talk about traumatization, yet the class ended abruptly. I guess I'll learn more about it tomorrow.
I'm excited for tomorrow. You know why? Because tomorrow means one less day of waiting for Mason to come home!!! I'm terribly focused on the future... I just want to HYBERNATE until Monday!!! I'm stoked!!!!
But first, I must take care of schooling. I have plenty of projects to finish.
Hey, remember that one TV show called Candle Cove? Yea! The one with the pirates!!! Well, I have some disturbing news... Read this CreepyPasta to find out.
Also, enjoy this picture of Cheetah hanging out with my mom in the bathroom. :)
Monday, October 28, 2013
Day 80 of North Carolina
I'm going to be hoarse tomorrow thanks to the ugly game with the Seahawks owning the victory! Did any of you readers watch that game?! I thought we were going to lose from the looks of things in 4th quarter. But I'm glad our defense is better than our offense. The Seahawks definitely need to work on protecting Wilson.
The fact of the matter is, we won. 14-9. Close game. Tense. Ugly. Yet victorious.
My day was easy-going. In math, we reviewed stuff I already learned in last quarter. In English, we talked about sensitive topics such as racism and the history of African slaves. Our ENGL teacher told us that, what we were discussing about today, a 500 leveled class would be discussing, too. I didn't know college levels could go up that high...
After school, I drove home, wrote a paper, watched a few episodes of Mork & Mindy, cleaned the house before turning on the Seahawks game. We played against the Rams. It was an ugly game from the start! Nobody was scoring points until the Rams kicked in a field goal. Thankfully, the Seahawks grabbed a couple touchdowns and didn't allow the Rams to win that last touchdown. Good job, Seahawks. But next time, let's make sure that offense is protecting our quarterback, okay? It really would help me end my bitching. :)
Speaking of bitching, I want to bitch about something...
I don't understand some girls.
I don't understand flirtatious girls who are single or, when they're in a relationship, only last a couple months.
I don't understand why flirtatious girls freak out when a guy tries to kiss them. You were leading him on... Usually that's what a person does when they think you like them...
I also don't understand why girls have this desire to act like total sluts in order to impress guys. Well, the only type of guy sluts impress are complete douche-bags...
These girls that sit behind me in math drive me bonkers... They talk about boys, how slutty their Halloween costume was, how big their boobs are... Obnoxious subjects I seriously don't care to overhear. But I can't HELP IT. They are RIGHT BEHIND ME. And I don't want to turn around and tell them to bugger off because... they've been sitting there since the beginning of the quarter.
Maybe I should move?...
No, no. I picked my spot. It's my spot. End of story.
Not only have teenaged girls grinded my gears lately, but also my parents...
I might have brought this up before, yet I feel I need to bring it up again... and again... and AGAIN.
Every night, my parents like to either work on projects, talk extremely loud, or watch something extremely loud. I wake up at six in the morning on weekdays and I already have horrible sleeping habits... When my parents decide to stay up for whatever stupid reason, it creates more havoc for my sleeping issue. I'm somewhat of a light sleeper. My cat sneezes, I jolt awake. It has been like this for a couple of months now... I'm thinking of taking herbal medicine to relax my mind for the night, but I don't want to have to use that stuff EVERY. SINGLE, TIME. So, I ignore that solution and make up some other one... A solution that is nonexistent...
Yea... I'm kind of stubborn...
Another thing that grinds my gears, when parents say a dirty joke. It's interesting... I can't say anything dirty in front of my parents because... well... they're my parents. But if they want to say something inappropriately hilarious, such as talking about an alcoholic drink/shot called Slippery Dick, they'll just go ahead and blurt it out! Then there's that awkward feeling while the other parent responds sexually to that joke. Of course, technically, that response is another joke added to that previous joke... BUT COME ON!!!! If you parents don't want to hear your children talkin' about dirty stuff, DON'T THINK IT'S OKAY TO TALK ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN'S FACES!!!!!!!!
Only an FYI.
Enjoy this CreepyPasta, my friends.
The fact of the matter is, we won. 14-9. Close game. Tense. Ugly. Yet victorious.
My day was easy-going. In math, we reviewed stuff I already learned in last quarter. In English, we talked about sensitive topics such as racism and the history of African slaves. Our ENGL teacher told us that, what we were discussing about today, a 500 leveled class would be discussing, too. I didn't know college levels could go up that high...
After school, I drove home, wrote a paper, watched a few episodes of Mork & Mindy, cleaned the house before turning on the Seahawks game. We played against the Rams. It was an ugly game from the start! Nobody was scoring points until the Rams kicked in a field goal. Thankfully, the Seahawks grabbed a couple touchdowns and didn't allow the Rams to win that last touchdown. Good job, Seahawks. But next time, let's make sure that offense is protecting our quarterback, okay? It really would help me end my bitching. :)
Speaking of bitching, I want to bitch about something...
I don't understand some girls.
I don't understand flirtatious girls who are single or, when they're in a relationship, only last a couple months.
I don't understand why flirtatious girls freak out when a guy tries to kiss them. You were leading him on... Usually that's what a person does when they think you like them...
I also don't understand why girls have this desire to act like total sluts in order to impress guys. Well, the only type of guy sluts impress are complete douche-bags...
These girls that sit behind me in math drive me bonkers... They talk about boys, how slutty their Halloween costume was, how big their boobs are... Obnoxious subjects I seriously don't care to overhear. But I can't HELP IT. They are RIGHT BEHIND ME. And I don't want to turn around and tell them to bugger off because... they've been sitting there since the beginning of the quarter.
Maybe I should move?...
No, no. I picked my spot. It's my spot. End of story.
Not only have teenaged girls grinded my gears lately, but also my parents...
I might have brought this up before, yet I feel I need to bring it up again... and again... and AGAIN.
Every night, my parents like to either work on projects, talk extremely loud, or watch something extremely loud. I wake up at six in the morning on weekdays and I already have horrible sleeping habits... When my parents decide to stay up for whatever stupid reason, it creates more havoc for my sleeping issue. I'm somewhat of a light sleeper. My cat sneezes, I jolt awake. It has been like this for a couple of months now... I'm thinking of taking herbal medicine to relax my mind for the night, but I don't want to have to use that stuff EVERY. SINGLE, TIME. So, I ignore that solution and make up some other one... A solution that is nonexistent...
Yea... I'm kind of stubborn...
Another thing that grinds my gears, when parents say a dirty joke. It's interesting... I can't say anything dirty in front of my parents because... well... they're my parents. But if they want to say something inappropriately hilarious, such as talking about an alcoholic drink/shot called Slippery Dick, they'll just go ahead and blurt it out! Then there's that awkward feeling while the other parent responds sexually to that joke. Of course, technically, that response is another joke added to that previous joke... BUT COME ON!!!! If you parents don't want to hear your children talkin' about dirty stuff, DON'T THINK IT'S OKAY TO TALK ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN'S FACES!!!!!!!!
Only an FYI.
Enjoy this CreepyPasta, my friends.
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Ice Diamond, Iceland |
Destined to melt, an 800-pound chunk of ice glows in moonlight on a wintry Icelandic beach. The ice washed up in a lagoon formed by a receding glacier. Photographer James Balog calls such pieces ice diamonds, finding beauty as well as tragedy in disappearing glaciers.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Day 79 of North Carolina
Well, today is Sunday. That means in eight more days, Mason comes home. <3 I'm psyched, stoked, shocked, over-whelmed, anxious, nervous... You name it. I can't BELIEVE it has been ten months since the last time we were physically together. Did he grow taller? Has he gotten stronger? Will he act differently around my family and friends?
I remember when I was like this during the last couple of days before I saw Mason at his boot camp graduation. I was wondering all of these questions, I felt boggled up with feelings... Brings back memories. And that was only a year ago!
This Sunday was pretty fantastic. I woke up at 7:30 AM to Mason's face over Skype. We said Good Morning until I had to dress as Batgirl again for the 9:30 Run Scared 5K. The folks and I witnessed AWESOME costumes: Flamingo costumes, zombie costumes, heroes costumes, Minions costumes, even a guy who looked like he wasn't wearing pants. I saw Lori! She wasn't running (not that I know of) but she was handing out the t-shirts and packets. I walked up to her, giving her a hug. She was a ladybug. :)
The run was nice! Except for the fact that I was on my period and I had to take a dump...
Now I know how much it sucks to not use a restroom before a race.
There was a Honey Bucket on the trail, but a line interfered... As well as the zombies! A zombie ran right at me! I was a little freaked out, yet I had a hunch he would try and startle me due to his timing with other runners.
In the end, I ran a 10:50 per mile pace. I rushed to a Honey Bucket, did my business until the family and I drove home.
I've been relaxing all day.
Well, today is Sunday. That means in eight more days, Mason comes home. <3 I'm psyched, stoked, shocked, over-whelmed, anxious, nervous... You name it. I can't BELIEVE it has been ten months since the last time we were physically together. Did he grow taller? Has he gotten stronger? Will he act differently around my family and friends?
I remember when I was like this during the last couple of days before I saw Mason at his boot camp graduation. I was wondering all of these questions, I felt boggled up with feelings... Brings back memories. And that was only a year ago!
This Sunday was pretty fantastic. I woke up at 7:30 AM to Mason's face over Skype. We said Good Morning until I had to dress as Batgirl again for the 9:30 Run Scared 5K. The folks and I witnessed AWESOME costumes: Flamingo costumes, zombie costumes, heroes costumes, Minions costumes, even a guy who looked like he wasn't wearing pants. I saw Lori! She wasn't running (not that I know of) but she was handing out the t-shirts and packets. I walked up to her, giving her a hug. She was a ladybug. :)
The run was nice! Except for the fact that I was on my period and I had to take a dump...
Now I know how much it sucks to not use a restroom before a race.
There was a Honey Bucket on the trail, but a line interfered... As well as the zombies! A zombie ran right at me! I was a little freaked out, yet I had a hunch he would try and startle me due to his timing with other runners.
In the end, I ran a 10:50 per mile pace. I rushed to a Honey Bucket, did my business until the family and I drove home.
I've been relaxing all day.
Oh yea. There's a random picture of a van with SHAG at the end of the phone number... I thought it was sort of funny since shag means sex in England. I had to take a picture!
So... Anyone ready for a really, really creepy CreepyPasta?! The moment has come... Feast your eyes on this masterpiece... Whatever you do... Don't ask why this episode of The Simpsons wasn't aired...
So... Anyone ready for a really, really creepy CreepyPasta?! The moment has come... Feast your eyes on this masterpiece... Whatever you do... Don't ask why this episode of The Simpsons wasn't aired...
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Day 78 of North Carolina
I went to Bryndis's Halloween party this evening! I dressed up as Batgirl, Bryndis was a fox, one of her friend's was a Hippy and the little kids running about the house were dressed up as well. I had fun, met new people, played pool the entire time while eating Tamales.
The house was decorated from first floor to second. I loved the area Bryndis resides in - Mill Creek. Very uppity-up, but I could deal. Maybe not if I had snobbery neighbors, yet I would LOVE to live in one of those houses; surrounded by trees, fresh air, in the middle of nowhere.
I stayed at the party for three hours until heading home. I'll need to cut this post short since I'm waking up at 7 AM tomorrow morning for a 5K Halloween run. Once again, I will be Batgirl. Wish me luck!
... I'll be running on my period...
P.S: Sorry for lying in the previous post... I thought this post would be just as interesting.
Was it interesting? Though it was short? I hope so... If not, here's an interesting CreepyPasta to balance this out!
The house was decorated from first floor to second. I loved the area Bryndis resides in - Mill Creek. Very uppity-up, but I could deal. Maybe not if I had snobbery neighbors, yet I would LOVE to live in one of those houses; surrounded by trees, fresh air, in the middle of nowhere.
I stayed at the party for three hours until heading home. I'll need to cut this post short since I'm waking up at 7 AM tomorrow morning for a 5K Halloween run. Once again, I will be Batgirl. Wish me luck!
... I'll be running on my period...
P.S: Sorry for lying in the previous post... I thought this post would be just as interesting.
Was it interesting? Though it was short? I hope so... If not, here's an interesting CreepyPasta to balance this out!
Friday, October 25, 2013
Day 77 of North Carolina
Finally! An interesting day! Tomorrow will be just as interesting, I promise. The folks and I are joining a party at my friend Bryndis's house. Her folks always have a get-together before Halloween. I forgot if it's an actual Halloween party OR it's a traditional fiesta, ironically before Halloween, with lots of friends and good times. I'm excited. :)
Let's chat about my day.
I want to start with how hard I freaked out once noticing I5 completely empty. Only a handful of cars were on that highway... I thought, "Is it a holiday? I didn't read on the calendar that it is... Would my school be closed? What's going on?" Even the Spokane exit wasn't packed. Turns out, there was an enormous accident - supposedly a seven car back-up. I'm happy I didn't run into that... I needed to be at my college before nine.
Arriving at school early, I jumped into the 7:30 math class (the class prior to mine) and took note on what I would be missing. Afterwards, I hurried to the theater where I was confronted with a large group of African Americans. I felt like an elephant in the room...
The reason why I, and a few other students, attended this conference was because my ENGL 101 class is writing a seminar paper on this ladies speech. Her name is Joy Degruy. I'm not sure if any one of you readers know who she is, but please look her up. She is astounding.
When I was accompanied by fellow students, I felt better. However, I was somewhat peeved that we weren't getting fancy bags and whatnot since we didn't reserve seats. I kept joking around, saying how much I pay for my college courses and I don't get to sit up close for the conference NOR receive fancy stuff. There was even food being served, yet I didn't know if non-reserved participants were allowed to eat that food. So, the students and I stood around like a bunch of dopes.
Until a well-dressed man walked up to us.
I assumed he was a teacher. Or some sort of presenter. Nevertheless, he was quite friendly - a big jokester. We bullcrapped for a good five minutes; complaining about how us students whom pay $2,000+ for our classes aren't allowed to sit up front and how we didn't know whether we were allowed to enter the theater or not. This guy kept up with my humor and bashed back with me. It was hilarious! He soon invited us over to the food. He told us we were certainly able to grab whatever we liked. I joked to the man, "Yea, I'll just say I'm with you!" He chuckled and stated, "Well, I'm the President." Out of shock of what I heard, all I could muster was, "Oh! Okay!" with wide eyes of recognition.
I didn't hold out a hand and greet him professionally... Nothin'.
I felt bad for a moment. I wondered if he was waiting for me to treat him like the important person he is.
I said to myself, "Holy Christ... I just bullcrapped with the President of my college without knowing it..."
In the end, I was assured that the President was in fact a jolly man. He joked around during the conference while introducing people. I felt relieved.
Once Joy Degruy came out on stage and began her presentation, I was baffled. Her main focus was on African American behavior and how the nowadays black man/black woman acts is because of their pasts. She called it Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome.
Don't get me wrong; I thought, at first, this lady was over-dramatic. I thought to myself, "Lady, slavery has been over for 300 years. It's time for a new subject." But I was proven wrong. A lot of people today don't know the truth of what happened during those years of slavery AND afterwards.
Did you know if someone missed a lynching, somebody would send that person a postcard with the picture of a black man or black woman or black child strung up by their neck or being burned?
Did you know after the lynching, people would cut off pieces of bone or limbs or the black civilian's heart and save it as a souvenir?
Did you know, in 1907, a pygmy named Ota Benga was thrown into the zoo cages with monkeys? When he turned 22 and was through with being a zoo attraction, out of traumatization, he committed suicide.
Did you know the youngest person in the United States in the 20th Century was an African American boy, age 14, convicted of murder in the first degree? It took the jury ten minutes to come to the conclusion that that boy was "guilty." But science proves that George Stinney could not have possibly done what was evident on those two young white girls.
Dehumanization at its finest.
The rest of the day was subtle. Dad is currently picking up mom from the airport.
Let's chat about my day.
I want to start with how hard I freaked out once noticing I5 completely empty. Only a handful of cars were on that highway... I thought, "Is it a holiday? I didn't read on the calendar that it is... Would my school be closed? What's going on?" Even the Spokane exit wasn't packed. Turns out, there was an enormous accident - supposedly a seven car back-up. I'm happy I didn't run into that... I needed to be at my college before nine.
Arriving at school early, I jumped into the 7:30 math class (the class prior to mine) and took note on what I would be missing. Afterwards, I hurried to the theater where I was confronted with a large group of African Americans. I felt like an elephant in the room...
The reason why I, and a few other students, attended this conference was because my ENGL 101 class is writing a seminar paper on this ladies speech. Her name is Joy Degruy. I'm not sure if any one of you readers know who she is, but please look her up. She is astounding.
When I was accompanied by fellow students, I felt better. However, I was somewhat peeved that we weren't getting fancy bags and whatnot since we didn't reserve seats. I kept joking around, saying how much I pay for my college courses and I don't get to sit up close for the conference NOR receive fancy stuff. There was even food being served, yet I didn't know if non-reserved participants were allowed to eat that food. So, the students and I stood around like a bunch of dopes.
Until a well-dressed man walked up to us.
I assumed he was a teacher. Or some sort of presenter. Nevertheless, he was quite friendly - a big jokester. We bullcrapped for a good five minutes; complaining about how us students whom pay $2,000+ for our classes aren't allowed to sit up front and how we didn't know whether we were allowed to enter the theater or not. This guy kept up with my humor and bashed back with me. It was hilarious! He soon invited us over to the food. He told us we were certainly able to grab whatever we liked. I joked to the man, "Yea, I'll just say I'm with you!" He chuckled and stated, "Well, I'm the President." Out of shock of what I heard, all I could muster was, "Oh! Okay!" with wide eyes of recognition.
I didn't hold out a hand and greet him professionally... Nothin'.
I felt bad for a moment. I wondered if he was waiting for me to treat him like the important person he is.
I said to myself, "Holy Christ... I just bullcrapped with the President of my college without knowing it..."
In the end, I was assured that the President was in fact a jolly man. He joked around during the conference while introducing people. I felt relieved.
Once Joy Degruy came out on stage and began her presentation, I was baffled. Her main focus was on African American behavior and how the nowadays black man/black woman acts is because of their pasts. She called it Post Traumatic Slavery Syndrome.
Don't get me wrong; I thought, at first, this lady was over-dramatic. I thought to myself, "Lady, slavery has been over for 300 years. It's time for a new subject." But I was proven wrong. A lot of people today don't know the truth of what happened during those years of slavery AND afterwards.
Did you know if someone missed a lynching, somebody would send that person a postcard with the picture of a black man or black woman or black child strung up by their neck or being burned?
Did you know after the lynching, people would cut off pieces of bone or limbs or the black civilian's heart and save it as a souvenir?
Did you know, in 1907, a pygmy named Ota Benga was thrown into the zoo cages with monkeys? When he turned 22 and was through with being a zoo attraction, out of traumatization, he committed suicide.
Did you know the youngest person in the United States in the 20th Century was an African American boy, age 14, convicted of murder in the first degree? It took the jury ten minutes to come to the conclusion that that boy was "guilty." But science proves that George Stinney could not have possibly done what was evident on those two young white girls.
Dehumanization at its finest.
The rest of the day was subtle. Dad is currently picking up mom from the airport.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Day 76 of North Carolina
I'm consistently forgetting things: I forgot to add about the government coming online again, I forgot to post a CreepyPasta last night and I forgot to add pictures to a post a couple days ago. Of course, I uploaded pictures once realizing I had forgotten.
My memory is corrupted. I'm sure you all have noticed that. I'm sure you all have noticed my mentality is wishy-washy. I'm trying my best to get good enough sleep every night and finish my work before the due date arrives. I have to set alarms these days as reminders to do a certain task such as going to the chiropractor or taking my pill at seven. I don't even have a job and my life is hectic right now...
Why? Because I'm stressing over Mason coming home? Seriously guys, is this feeling "normal?" I should probably bring that up in therapy... if I haven't already.
I'm excited for Mason coming home, don't get me wrong! But I'm nervous, too. It's been ten months... TEN MONTHS! That's the longest we've ever been apart from each other. I guess it's a big leap, you know? The days are finally winding down after so long... It's miraculous.
I can't wait. I can't wait to drive to the airport, wait by the gate, and see Mason appear. I'm going to be a weeping mess. Tears of joy, no doubt.
Almost there, honey. Almost there.
P.S: Starting Sunday, I'll post CreepyPasta's that are most likely the best Pasta's out there. Be prepared!
My memory is corrupted. I'm sure you all have noticed that. I'm sure you all have noticed my mentality is wishy-washy. I'm trying my best to get good enough sleep every night and finish my work before the due date arrives. I have to set alarms these days as reminders to do a certain task such as going to the chiropractor or taking my pill at seven. I don't even have a job and my life is hectic right now...
Why? Because I'm stressing over Mason coming home? Seriously guys, is this feeling "normal?" I should probably bring that up in therapy... if I haven't already.
I'm excited for Mason coming home, don't get me wrong! But I'm nervous, too. It's been ten months... TEN MONTHS! That's the longest we've ever been apart from each other. I guess it's a big leap, you know? The days are finally winding down after so long... It's miraculous.
I can't wait. I can't wait to drive to the airport, wait by the gate, and see Mason appear. I'm going to be a weeping mess. Tears of joy, no doubt.
Almost there, honey. Almost there.
P.S: Starting Sunday, I'll post CreepyPasta's that are most likely the best Pasta's out there. Be prepared!
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Ruby Beach, Washington |
With the ground beneath his feet as a canvas, photographer Abelardo Morell uses the camera obscura technique—focusing light through a small opening onto a dark surface—to inspire fresh appreciation for America's national parks.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Day 75 of North Carolina
So... everything decided to go to crap at the last minute...
I was having a WONDERFUL day off; watching Netflix, watching some more Netflix and eating nothing but unhealthy food! I went to therapy, took care of some problems, then went to my chiropractor to get adjusted before coming home and once again did nothing.
Around six, I was on IMVU, talking to Mason. We hadn't talked the entire day! I don't know what was going on. I guess Mason had a lot of stuff to do (GTA...) When we were talking on IMVU, it was nice! We were spending quality time together! That's what I was needing!
... Until I realized I had an essay to write...
I flipped. I couldn't BELIEVE I had forgotten this essay that I needed to bring in tomorrow! I told Mason I would talk to him later, I rushed into the office, laptop in hand, logged onto my college website and began reading through the assignments...
... Until I realized I had an essay that was due YESTERDAY...
I flipped even HARDER!!!! I couldn't BELIEVE I missed an essay! I thought I turned that son of a bitch IN already! Nope... I guess not... So, instead of working on the desired essay, I worked on an essay that was due YESTERDAY.
I was extremely stressed out. My anxiety was out of this world. I was hyperventilating, I couldn't think straight... I was a hot mess.
Then I began bawling.
I couldn't take it. My stress and anxiety level was too high to control. I sobbed for a good twenty minutes. Afterwards, I worked on my late essay.
Finishing it within an hour, I submitted it. I was apologizing to the teacher left and right. I wanted her to know that I'm still a great student and wouldn't slack on anything she assigned.
... Though I am probably the worst procrastinator anybody has ever met.
Yet I do care about my grades! Procrastination is only a bad habit! You can break it! Simple! ... Right?
Anyway, I went back through the assignments list to find the essay that's due tomorrow. I clicked on it and...
... no content...
Not a single instruction was uploaded.
I panicked.
At first, I had no idea what to do! Give up? Ask the teacher for assistance and pray she replies back tonight? Ask a friend?
I asked a friend first.
She hasn't replied since.
So, I decided to email the teacher. I knew she wouldn't respond until the morning, but at least she knows why I can't complete the assignment.
After that, I sighed... I sighed a sigh of relief...
However, there's another problem...
My dad spotted ants...
Without hesitation, he starts spraying Fog stuff. That stuff in which you're supposed to use and then exit out of the house? The stuff that can kill you or harm you if you breathe it in?
My dad used it... Just... out of nowhere started spraying it everywhere in the front half of the house.
I guess he thought it was "no big deal."
Umm... Earth to dad, do you read ANYTHING?!
I wouldn't go to bed until reading the label and seeing if there were any hazardous side-effects.
Oh, there are.
If you inhale it, it'll be harmful. If it seeps into your skin, it'll be harmful. It's harmful for pets, too. So, if I don't write a post tomorrow, I died in my sleep. Just a heads up...
I'm mostly afraid for my animals. I don't want them walking around on that crap! What if it seeps through their paws and they become deathly sick? What then? Will my dad care? He claimed he wasn't using much of the substance.
... He sprayed it at least fifty time...
... He says it isn't harmful unless the house becomes foggy...
The common sense of a nowadays adult.
Another cruddy thing happened when I was telling my awful evening to Mason over Skype. You know what he did? ... Fell asleep. He's still sleeping... He hasn't noticed yet that I hung up on his ass.
Mother of goodness, bring me a better day tomorrow, please? Thanks.
I was having a WONDERFUL day off; watching Netflix, watching some more Netflix and eating nothing but unhealthy food! I went to therapy, took care of some problems, then went to my chiropractor to get adjusted before coming home and once again did nothing.
Around six, I was on IMVU, talking to Mason. We hadn't talked the entire day! I don't know what was going on. I guess Mason had a lot of stuff to do (GTA...) When we were talking on IMVU, it was nice! We were spending quality time together! That's what I was needing!
... Until I realized I had an essay to write...
I flipped. I couldn't BELIEVE I had forgotten this essay that I needed to bring in tomorrow! I told Mason I would talk to him later, I rushed into the office, laptop in hand, logged onto my college website and began reading through the assignments...
... Until I realized I had an essay that was due YESTERDAY...
I flipped even HARDER!!!! I couldn't BELIEVE I missed an essay! I thought I turned that son of a bitch IN already! Nope... I guess not... So, instead of working on the desired essay, I worked on an essay that was due YESTERDAY.
I was extremely stressed out. My anxiety was out of this world. I was hyperventilating, I couldn't think straight... I was a hot mess.
Then I began bawling.
I couldn't take it. My stress and anxiety level was too high to control. I sobbed for a good twenty minutes. Afterwards, I worked on my late essay.
Finishing it within an hour, I submitted it. I was apologizing to the teacher left and right. I wanted her to know that I'm still a great student and wouldn't slack on anything she assigned.
... Though I am probably the worst procrastinator anybody has ever met.
Yet I do care about my grades! Procrastination is only a bad habit! You can break it! Simple! ... Right?
Anyway, I went back through the assignments list to find the essay that's due tomorrow. I clicked on it and...
... no content...
Not a single instruction was uploaded.
I panicked.
At first, I had no idea what to do! Give up? Ask the teacher for assistance and pray she replies back tonight? Ask a friend?
I asked a friend first.
She hasn't replied since.
So, I decided to email the teacher. I knew she wouldn't respond until the morning, but at least she knows why I can't complete the assignment.
After that, I sighed... I sighed a sigh of relief...
However, there's another problem...
My dad spotted ants...
Without hesitation, he starts spraying Fog stuff. That stuff in which you're supposed to use and then exit out of the house? The stuff that can kill you or harm you if you breathe it in?
My dad used it... Just... out of nowhere started spraying it everywhere in the front half of the house.
I guess he thought it was "no big deal."
Umm... Earth to dad, do you read ANYTHING?!
I wouldn't go to bed until reading the label and seeing if there were any hazardous side-effects.
Oh, there are.
If you inhale it, it'll be harmful. If it seeps into your skin, it'll be harmful. It's harmful for pets, too. So, if I don't write a post tomorrow, I died in my sleep. Just a heads up...
I'm mostly afraid for my animals. I don't want them walking around on that crap! What if it seeps through their paws and they become deathly sick? What then? Will my dad care? He claimed he wasn't using much of the substance.
... He sprayed it at least fifty time...
... He says it isn't harmful unless the house becomes foggy...
The common sense of a nowadays adult.
Another cruddy thing happened when I was telling my awful evening to Mason over Skype. You know what he did? ... Fell asleep. He's still sleeping... He hasn't noticed yet that I hung up on his ass.
Mother of goodness, bring me a better day tomorrow, please? Thanks.
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Cassowary, Australia |
A cassowary peers through foliage in northeast Queensland, Australia. Females like this one can weigh 160 pounds. No one knows what the casque on her head is for, but it could be a sexual ornament.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Day 74 of North Carolina
But that doesn't mean I can stay up until whenever...
Waking up at six in the morning is tough stuff! Eight o'clock feels like MIDNIGHT! When Friday comes around, most people are out partying with friends or video gaming until the AM... I'm praising to Lord Jesus that I can sleep in and my exhaustion takes over with me passing out about eight.
WHOO! So hardcore!
Yea... Not anymore.
Today was cool. But for some time now, I've been noticing a lot of lesbian/bisexual couples roaming around the campus. I'm not saying that's a BAD thing! I'm more intrigued on how I'm all of a sudden seeing it. Another thing that has been happening quite frequently are people being pulled over. Are these signs from the universe? Will I spontaneously go gay? Will I get a ticket soon?
The only plausible one is getting a ticket.
Why isn't becoming gay plausible?
Johnny Depp.
'Nuff said.
I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow... I know I have therapy, but that's my only planned event.
Maybe I'll work on a CreepyPasta? Actually publish something instead of holding back?
Sound good?
Sounds good.
But that doesn't mean I can stay up until whenever...
Waking up at six in the morning is tough stuff! Eight o'clock feels like MIDNIGHT! When Friday comes around, most people are out partying with friends or video gaming until the AM... I'm praising to Lord Jesus that I can sleep in and my exhaustion takes over with me passing out about eight.
WHOO! So hardcore!
Yea... Not anymore.
Today was cool. But for some time now, I've been noticing a lot of lesbian/bisexual couples roaming around the campus. I'm not saying that's a BAD thing! I'm more intrigued on how I'm all of a sudden seeing it. Another thing that has been happening quite frequently are people being pulled over. Are these signs from the universe? Will I spontaneously go gay? Will I get a ticket soon?
The only plausible one is getting a ticket.
Why isn't becoming gay plausible?
Johnny Depp.
'Nuff said.
I have no idea what I'm doing tomorrow... I know I have therapy, but that's my only planned event.
Maybe I'll work on a CreepyPasta? Actually publish something instead of holding back?
Sound good?
Sounds good.
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Shepard's Cave, Afghanistan |
Kyrgyz men seek shelter in a shepherd’s cave during their annual journey from their mountainous homeland in remote Afghanistan to the nearest trading village in Pakistan, an icy, five-day trek. They will barter livestock, wool, and dairy products for everything from tea to television sets.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Day 73 of North Carolina
Mom left for her trip this morning. :( At least I got to say goodbye before she departed.
My school day was ordinary. My morning was in a rush since I decided to sleep in ten minutes longer. I didn't realize I had so much to do until leaving for school! Thankfully, I didn't ruin any of my clothing nor cause a mess NOR drive incredibly crazy in case I thought I would be late.
I've been gathering good news recently. One of my essays was canceled and my dad is supposedly joining mom in running a marathon in Vegas around the middle of November while Mason is home. Mason and I are pretty excited for that since we'll finally have some quality time together. :) <3
I watched a biography on Michael Jackson in the evening. Sadly enough, I remember that exact day when the newscasters announced Michael's death... I remember exactly what I was doing, too. I was at my boyfriend's relatives house visiting when my mom called. She told me she had bad news. Curious, I wondered what happened. She said, "Michael Jackson passed away." In shock, I asked her what channel this was being broadcasted on. Flipping the TV to a News channel, I watched as the ambulance took Michael to a nearby hospital. He fell into a coma before seeing the Big Man upstairs.
I think that day, when my idol died, was the saddest day of my life. I spent my whole life dreaming of meeting Michael. I worked hard in school to gain my future fame in order for Michael to notice me. I danced to his music, dressed similar to him, and watched countless hours of his music videos. I'm a faithful fan. A loyal one. Michael Jackson will forever be my idol. Metaphorically, he shall never die.
My school day was ordinary. My morning was in a rush since I decided to sleep in ten minutes longer. I didn't realize I had so much to do until leaving for school! Thankfully, I didn't ruin any of my clothing nor cause a mess NOR drive incredibly crazy in case I thought I would be late.
I've been gathering good news recently. One of my essays was canceled and my dad is supposedly joining mom in running a marathon in Vegas around the middle of November while Mason is home. Mason and I are pretty excited for that since we'll finally have some quality time together. :) <3
I watched a biography on Michael Jackson in the evening. Sadly enough, I remember that exact day when the newscasters announced Michael's death... I remember exactly what I was doing, too. I was at my boyfriend's relatives house visiting when my mom called. She told me she had bad news. Curious, I wondered what happened. She said, "Michael Jackson passed away." In shock, I asked her what channel this was being broadcasted on. Flipping the TV to a News channel, I watched as the ambulance took Michael to a nearby hospital. He fell into a coma before seeing the Big Man upstairs.
I think that day, when my idol died, was the saddest day of my life. I spent my whole life dreaming of meeting Michael. I worked hard in school to gain my future fame in order for Michael to notice me. I danced to his music, dressed similar to him, and watched countless hours of his music videos. I'm a faithful fan. A loyal one. Michael Jackson will forever be my idol. Metaphorically, he shall never die.

Sunday, October 20, 2013
Day 72 of North Carolina
If the CreepyPasta's don't seem too scary, or rather creepy, I apologize... I'm not taking the time to find REALLY, REALLY great ones!!! I'm finding these "okay" ones before I have to go to sleep. Besides, the EXTREMELY great ones will be posted on the week of Halloween. I might even post some at the end of this week since there are many sincerely creepy ones I would love to share!
Today was a good Sunday. Mom and I bought snacks at Costco and Safeway since mom's leaving to Florida for a week... I hate it when mom leaves! Dad does, too! He gets grouchy whenever mom's on a business trip. We both miss her tremendously...
After shopping, the folks and I carved open our pumpkins and took out the seeds. Mom just finished cooking them. I'm having a small bowl right now. :)
I can't believe, in another two weeks, Mason will be home! Does anyone think I'll have a mental breakdown? I'm kind of preparing for that...
Today was a good Sunday. Mom and I bought snacks at Costco and Safeway since mom's leaving to Florida for a week... I hate it when mom leaves! Dad does, too! He gets grouchy whenever mom's on a business trip. We both miss her tremendously...
After shopping, the folks and I carved open our pumpkins and took out the seeds. Mom just finished cooking them. I'm having a small bowl right now. :)
I can't believe, in another two weeks, Mason will be home! Does anyone think I'll have a mental breakdown? I'm kind of preparing for that...
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Day 71 of North Carolina
I had a dream about Mason last night. Once again, I woke up feeling somewhat crappy. I was hoping to see him lying beside me, but of course he wasn't there... It was all a dream! Why would he magically pop in front of me because I thought about him? That's absurd! ... If only it were true...
Today, I hung out with my grandma and my cousin, Jaylee. We watched movies, ate cookies, Spuds, and continued to watch movies. We watched Iron Man 3. That movie was okay... The first Iron Man movie was SURELY the best out of the three. It felt like the movie was rushed... The writers and producers probably said to themselves, "Well, we can't just leave it as two movies. Let's make a third and get on with it."
Tomorrow, I'm carving pumpkins and cooking seeds. I'm looking forward to that!
Also, is it normal to feel the desire of partying your ass off (responsibly, that is) when you constantly hear people are having a good time and you're sitting at home, doing nothing but playing video games and bullcrapping homework? I feel that same desire! And I'm not a partier...
Hmm... Maybe I just need to get out and see people.
Today, I hung out with my grandma and my cousin, Jaylee. We watched movies, ate cookies, Spuds, and continued to watch movies. We watched Iron Man 3. That movie was okay... The first Iron Man movie was SURELY the best out of the three. It felt like the movie was rushed... The writers and producers probably said to themselves, "Well, we can't just leave it as two movies. Let's make a third and get on with it."
Tomorrow, I'm carving pumpkins and cooking seeds. I'm looking forward to that!
Also, is it normal to feel the desire of partying your ass off (responsibly, that is) when you constantly hear people are having a good time and you're sitting at home, doing nothing but playing video games and bullcrapping homework? I feel that same desire! And I'm not a partier...
Hmm... Maybe I just need to get out and see people.
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Razorfish, Kimbe Bay |
Sharp bellied and nearly flat, razorfish swim in perfect formation as they rush for cover among the branches of a red sea whip. Says Doubilet: “It’s gratifying to see that wonders still abound in Kimbe Bay.”
Friday, October 18, 2013
Day 70 of North Carolina
Ah! Such a long day.
The fog came back. I'm starting to get used to driving blindly. I took a math quiz in the morning and listened to a lecture afterwards. I drove home in a hurry, since it's Friday and I woke up feeling like a zombie, and goofed off over the computer. Pewds announced the release of a game called The Stanley Parable. He played a Stanley Parable a long time ago. I guess that was the BETA version. He played the demo a couple days ago. The Stanley Parable was released yesterday and I purchased it today! What... a fun... game... I played it for, I believe, three hours. I tried to achieve every ending possible. I don't think I achieved all of them. But I'm trying! I think I have one last ending to go... Yet I'll find out tomorrow. I'm too tired now!
I recommend those of you, who enjoy games messing with your psyche, to buy The Stanley Parable. DON'T WATCH GAMEPLAYS OF IT! Actually experience the damn thing. It's worth it. :)
The fog came back. I'm starting to get used to driving blindly. I took a math quiz in the morning and listened to a lecture afterwards. I drove home in a hurry, since it's Friday and I woke up feeling like a zombie, and goofed off over the computer. Pewds announced the release of a game called The Stanley Parable. He played a Stanley Parable a long time ago. I guess that was the BETA version. He played the demo a couple days ago. The Stanley Parable was released yesterday and I purchased it today! What... a fun... game... I played it for, I believe, three hours. I tried to achieve every ending possible. I don't think I achieved all of them. But I'm trying! I think I have one last ending to go... Yet I'll find out tomorrow. I'm too tired now!
I recommend those of you, who enjoy games messing with your psyche, to buy The Stanley Parable. DON'T WATCH GAMEPLAYS OF IT! Actually experience the damn thing. It's worth it. :)
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Day 69 of North Carolina
Today was busy!!! I discussed my grades with my ENGL teacher, I went to a pumpkin patch with mom and Bryndis, AND I watched a victorious football game; the Seahawks beat the Cardinals!
But before I move forward by telling you how progressive my day went, I want to acknowledge something... Remember on Sunday how I was thanking Fang for "straightening me out"? I regret thanking him. I don't say that in a vengeful tone. I say that in a "I realized who I am, and though people have different opinions of me, I shouldn't change who I am just to satisfy that one person." Of course, if I was addicted to alcohol or drugs, I would want people, whom cared for me, to ask if I could change - an intervention even.
This isn't as serious as drugs and alcoholism. I believe I said I was acting selfish by complaining over my feelings and not considering other's feelings.
I do care about people's feelings!!! I have always!!! But there does come a time when a person can take so much until bursting... That's what happened. Fang burst because his feelings were cooped up while taking on other people's negative feelings. It's a reaction every human does. I don't blame myself (anymore) for crying on friends's shoulders. I AM going through a tough time. People who are BLIND can see that. So, when you come up to me and tell me, "Other people have problems," that shows me you don't care about how I feel. I'm just a "complainer." And for the one about how I "trail back to myself," I only did that once or twice because I wanted my feelings off of my chest. That doesn't make me selfish. That makes me trust you - that makes me feel you are special enough for me to tell you everything because I know you're a good friend of mine.
The person I should be thanking is my therapist. She reassured me today about what really was said on Sunday. I still give gratitude to Mason, but not to Fang. I shared with Fang how self-conscious I became when he lashed out on me based off of a reaction I assumed he believed was the wrong one.
I am not selfish. I am not a complainer. I am human. I'm jealous when seeing couples because they remind me of Mason not being here. That's it. End of story.
Now onto the positive story:
I found out I have a 94.5% in my ENGL 101 class! That was a surprise to me since I have such low self-esteem. Trust me, I don't think I'm good at ANYTHING.
Yet I do know I can pick out giant pumpkins! Bryndis joined mom and I at the house before we cruised down to a pumpkin patch we visit each year. We could NOT stop choosing pumpkins! We went pumpkin crazy. GINORMOUS pumpkin crazy! I can't wait to open them up and cook the seeds in our secret sauce. Mmmm!
After Bryndis drove home, mom and I hopped into the car again and drove to grandpa's and grandma's house to watch the Seahawks play against the Cardinals. It was a tense game... Nothing to fuss over, but I'm always tense during a football game. I screamed so loud one time, I gave myself a headache...
Glad the Seahawks are winning! 6-1!!! Maybe now the world will recognize us as one of the greats?
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Day 68 of North Carolina
I'm writing this with five hours of sleep under my belt...
My day was fine. No conference with the ENGL teacher. That's tomorrow during math class.
The fog is easing up. I can see where I'm driving now.
Tomorrow, mom and I plan on pumpkin hunting. Sadly, I'll miss the Seahawks game. But I'll be sending good vibes anyhow.
Hey, have I shared the photo of an original lava lamp from the 70s? My grandma O owns one. Here's a great picture I snapped:
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Day 67 of North Carolina
Where do I begin?
I guess I'll talk about the fog first.
For several days, we've had a dense fog from morning until late afternoon. In the morning, it's deadly... You can't see five feet in front of you. I couldn't see the double yellow lines on the road. Thank God for reflectors...
The temperature is freezing. Nothing to worry over. We probably won't get snow until late November - if we're lucky.
While driving to school, I received disconcerting news... Remember how I was stating Mason would be home on October 28th? I guess whoever's in charge changed the date back to November 4th... I didn't know how to react at the time... I'm still very upset with that decision...
What also sucks... Mason might not be with us for a holiday... Let's pray for Christmas, shall we?
My ENGL teacher has been absent for two days now. I'm assuming she'll be back tomorrow. We have a final essay due this Friday and the due date hasn't changed. However, today, I thought my ENGL teacher would be available since I scheduled a conference with her during my math class. Like my math teacher and I planned yesterday, I went to the 7:30 class, took notes before running off to find my ENGL teacher.
Frustratingly, I had no idea where we were supposed to meet up at...
I went to the classroom and asked the teacher, whom teaches in that room first before our class, and asked if he could please tell me where Suzy's (that's my teacher's name) office would be. The man kindly found the building and number and pointed me in that direction. I thanked him, walked off, ran to the R building (in which holds my math class) until becoming lost... The number for the room was odd. I couldn't find it!!! So, I rushed to my math class, asked my math teacher where this room was, and she pointed me to the correct area. I thanked her, ran to these huge double doors, and asked a lady where Suzy's office might be. She questioned ANOTHER lady and they gave me a different building with a different number. Checking on a map where this NEW building was located, I scurried across campus, flew up a flight of stairs and entered a strange, small compartment of rooms. I checked every door. Suzy's name wasn't on any of them. So, I walked up to a man (whom was busy working and I felt bad interrupting him...) and asked if he knew where Suzy's office was. He said, "B200." That was the floor above me. Running up another flight of stairs, I entered ANOTHER compartment. But this time, NOBODY was there. Not even Suzy. The whole corner was dark. I backed out slowly, feeling a tad uneasy...
Giving up, I went to math class. I learned the same crap I did in the 7:30 lecture. When math was over, I requested to a friend, Alex, if she could join me in asking the Arts and Science Division's office people if Suzy was in today. She agreed and we walked through those large double doors together. We asked a lady if Suzy was in and the lady told us she wasn't. Pleased yet concerned, my friend and I walked out with smiles. But I was somewhat disappointed! I wanted to know how my grade is doing! I wanted to see if my essays are acceptable!
Well, there's tomorrow, I suppose...
And the day after that... and after that... and etc...
After school, I went home to work on an ENGL assignment. I didn't want to work... I wanted to SLEEP! My sleeping habits are NOT acceptable... I didn't want to get out of bed this morning... But I'm stubborn... I want to finish my work before lounging around. Though, I was on IMVU to relieve some stress. In the contrary, that didn't help me finish the essay any quicker...
Other things got in the way of me finishing my essay at a decent waking hour. Mom, grandma and I drove to a sports store to buy running shoes. Grandma wanted a new pair and I wanted an all-black pair to go with my Batgirl costume. I even found Batman socks! While driving there, we witnessed a Maserati. Lately, I've been seeing expensive Italian cars. I saw a Ferrari not too long ago. I almost pissed myself from shock. Nevertheless, America came in to boast with a supped up Chevy Chevelle. It was GORGEOUS!!!! Blue and silver. Absolutely jaw-dropping. The owner polished that baby until you could see your own reflection off of it. The engine roared, the body shook as it sat idle, and the back tires were monstrous. I wondered if the guy drag raced with it.
When we finished shopping for shoes, we went to our local family-owned Italian butcher. I bought myself a New York steak for dinner. YUMMY! Afterwards, we dropped grandma off at home before going home, too. Mom cooked my steak, I shoved it down my throat, mom went to McLendon's, she came home to drop whatever she bought off, then took me to the pet store for crickets. Right now, they're chirping away! I'll have some in-home ambience tonight.
I guess I'll talk about the fog first.
For several days, we've had a dense fog from morning until late afternoon. In the morning, it's deadly... You can't see five feet in front of you. I couldn't see the double yellow lines on the road. Thank God for reflectors...
The temperature is freezing. Nothing to worry over. We probably won't get snow until late November - if we're lucky.
While driving to school, I received disconcerting news... Remember how I was stating Mason would be home on October 28th? I guess whoever's in charge changed the date back to November 4th... I didn't know how to react at the time... I'm still very upset with that decision...
What also sucks... Mason might not be with us for a holiday... Let's pray for Christmas, shall we?
My ENGL teacher has been absent for two days now. I'm assuming she'll be back tomorrow. We have a final essay due this Friday and the due date hasn't changed. However, today, I thought my ENGL teacher would be available since I scheduled a conference with her during my math class. Like my math teacher and I planned yesterday, I went to the 7:30 class, took notes before running off to find my ENGL teacher.
Frustratingly, I had no idea where we were supposed to meet up at...
I went to the classroom and asked the teacher, whom teaches in that room first before our class, and asked if he could please tell me where Suzy's (that's my teacher's name) office would be. The man kindly found the building and number and pointed me in that direction. I thanked him, walked off, ran to the R building (in which holds my math class) until becoming lost... The number for the room was odd. I couldn't find it!!! So, I rushed to my math class, asked my math teacher where this room was, and she pointed me to the correct area. I thanked her, ran to these huge double doors, and asked a lady where Suzy's office might be. She questioned ANOTHER lady and they gave me a different building with a different number. Checking on a map where this NEW building was located, I scurried across campus, flew up a flight of stairs and entered a strange, small compartment of rooms. I checked every door. Suzy's name wasn't on any of them. So, I walked up to a man (whom was busy working and I felt bad interrupting him...) and asked if he knew where Suzy's office was. He said, "B200." That was the floor above me. Running up another flight of stairs, I entered ANOTHER compartment. But this time, NOBODY was there. Not even Suzy. The whole corner was dark. I backed out slowly, feeling a tad uneasy...
Giving up, I went to math class. I learned the same crap I did in the 7:30 lecture. When math was over, I requested to a friend, Alex, if she could join me in asking the Arts and Science Division's office people if Suzy was in today. She agreed and we walked through those large double doors together. We asked a lady if Suzy was in and the lady told us she wasn't. Pleased yet concerned, my friend and I walked out with smiles. But I was somewhat disappointed! I wanted to know how my grade is doing! I wanted to see if my essays are acceptable!
Well, there's tomorrow, I suppose...
And the day after that... and after that... and etc...
After school, I went home to work on an ENGL assignment. I didn't want to work... I wanted to SLEEP! My sleeping habits are NOT acceptable... I didn't want to get out of bed this morning... But I'm stubborn... I want to finish my work before lounging around. Though, I was on IMVU to relieve some stress. In the contrary, that didn't help me finish the essay any quicker...
Other things got in the way of me finishing my essay at a decent waking hour. Mom, grandma and I drove to a sports store to buy running shoes. Grandma wanted a new pair and I wanted an all-black pair to go with my Batgirl costume. I even found Batman socks! While driving there, we witnessed a Maserati. Lately, I've been seeing expensive Italian cars. I saw a Ferrari not too long ago. I almost pissed myself from shock. Nevertheless, America came in to boast with a supped up Chevy Chevelle. It was GORGEOUS!!!! Blue and silver. Absolutely jaw-dropping. The owner polished that baby until you could see your own reflection off of it. The engine roared, the body shook as it sat idle, and the back tires were monstrous. I wondered if the guy drag raced with it.
When we finished shopping for shoes, we went to our local family-owned Italian butcher. I bought myself a New York steak for dinner. YUMMY! Afterwards, we dropped grandma off at home before going home, too. Mom cooked my steak, I shoved it down my throat, mom went to McLendon's, she came home to drop whatever she bought off, then took me to the pet store for crickets. Right now, they're chirping away! I'll have some in-home ambience tonight.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Day 66 of North Carolina
I'm super beat, guys. This is going to be another short post.
My school day was quick since our ENGL teacher was out taking care of family issues. The rest of the day was decent. Yet the day became AWESOME when I went to see my second cousin, Chris, who's the dude I might have mentioned a long time ago who's in the military. I haven't seen him since I was a toddler! It was lovely to have, basically, met him again. I saw his wife, Erin, and their two kids. Him and his family are staying at grandma O's place as they visit.
Jay and Jill joined the folks and I at grandma's house to say Hello to Chris and them.
I almost wish I had alone time with Chris just to make up what we lost due to him always being deployed. But what would I say? I'm shy! It's not like I can walk up to someone who I haven't seen since I was small and start chatting like old pals. It's awkward for me! However, I tried my best to hang around him, listen in on stories to get a good insight and who he is and what he's been doing.
He's a funny guy. :)
Well, I need to go to bed. I have a possible conference tomorrow with my ENGL teacher. Let's pray that still happens! (No sarcasm) I want to figure out what my grade is NOW! I want to see if I'm doing well!
Crossin' my fingers for a good grade!
My school day was quick since our ENGL teacher was out taking care of family issues. The rest of the day was decent. Yet the day became AWESOME when I went to see my second cousin, Chris, who's the dude I might have mentioned a long time ago who's in the military. I haven't seen him since I was a toddler! It was lovely to have, basically, met him again. I saw his wife, Erin, and their two kids. Him and his family are staying at grandma O's place as they visit.
Jay and Jill joined the folks and I at grandma's house to say Hello to Chris and them.
I almost wish I had alone time with Chris just to make up what we lost due to him always being deployed. But what would I say? I'm shy! It's not like I can walk up to someone who I haven't seen since I was small and start chatting like old pals. It's awkward for me! However, I tried my best to hang around him, listen in on stories to get a good insight and who he is and what he's been doing.
He's a funny guy. :)
Well, I need to go to bed. I have a possible conference tomorrow with my ENGL teacher. Let's pray that still happens! (No sarcasm) I want to figure out what my grade is NOW! I want to see if I'm doing well!
Crossin' my fingers for a good grade!
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Pyramid, Chichén Itzá |
A pyramid 90 feet tall and a platform adorned with a feathered serpent’s head testify to the former glory of Chichén Itzá, now a popular tourist destination. This once powerful city was built in about the ninth century, likely aligned with four sacred cenotes and with the sun’s seasonal movements.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Day 65 of North Carolina
Thanks to Fang and Mason for tightening the bolts in my head. I was definitely losing my grip but I wasn't able to confront myself during the surge of depression. Today, I sobbed more than I have in a long while. Yet we fixed the issues through phone calls and apologies. Thank you for being here, guys. Means a lot to me.
I forgot to mention... I had finally received my Markiplier donation shirt two days ago. I was THRILLED!!! After two weeks of impatient waiting, I got it!!! I'll be rockin' it out tomorrow morning. Too bad it's not warmer... I have to cover it up with a jacket.
Today was awesome because the Seahawks won. That game was HIDEOUS! I stopped watching it during the 3rd quarter when the dude, who was supposed to hold the football for Ryan to kick, FUMBLED it and allowed the Titans to score a touchdown. I. Was. Livid.
Once settling down, I joined the folks and friends in watching the 4th quarter. I was glad the Seahawks won in the end.
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Day 64 of North Carolina
Things seem to be real tense with Mason and I... A lot of things just need to be left alone and saved for therapy. I'm having outbursts and crazy notions. I'm depressed. I had a dream about Mason last night and I'm wondering if that's what set me off. Back then I wished I would dream about Mason. Now, those dreams are screwing up my moods. I thought they would make me happy. It's the opposite. They make me loopy since it's a dream and not reality.
This post is pretty pointless. Nothing happened today. Just me hitting rock bottom.
Take care, everyone.
This post is pretty pointless. Nothing happened today. Just me hitting rock bottom.
Take care, everyone.
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Farmers, Nebraska |
A thunderstorm halts haying as farmers watch the sky.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Day 63 of North Carolina
My insomnia is back...
Back with a vengeance...
I wake up to EVERYTHING now... My parents roaming into my bedroom to find a specific book, my parents chatting over whatever they can think up during mid night hours... I hate it...
I've been entirely exhausted this whole week JUST because of my sleeping issue. I'm deciding whether I should sleep downstairs a few nights to regulate my sleeping patterns, or try to get used to my parents being obnoxious...
My day was okay... If I had slept better, my mood wouldn't have been irrationally cynical. I didn't want to do jack in my ENGL class. I considered skipping, but I'm thankful I didn't. Our teacher discussed more on our second essay - an essay that required summarizing someone important and what their genuine argument was.
I am more than happy it is the weekend. I get the privilege to sleep in whether I don't sleep solidly through the night or I do. I DESERVE to catch up on some Zs! Waking up at six is awful... Wait until I get a job... Then I'll really start complaining.
Back with a vengeance...
I wake up to EVERYTHING now... My parents roaming into my bedroom to find a specific book, my parents chatting over whatever they can think up during mid night hours... I hate it...
I've been entirely exhausted this whole week JUST because of my sleeping issue. I'm deciding whether I should sleep downstairs a few nights to regulate my sleeping patterns, or try to get used to my parents being obnoxious...
My day was okay... If I had slept better, my mood wouldn't have been irrationally cynical. I didn't want to do jack in my ENGL class. I considered skipping, but I'm thankful I didn't. Our teacher discussed more on our second essay - an essay that required summarizing someone important and what their genuine argument was.
I am more than happy it is the weekend. I get the privilege to sleep in whether I don't sleep solidly through the night or I do. I DESERVE to catch up on some Zs! Waking up at six is awful... Wait until I get a job... Then I'll really start complaining.
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Lions, Serengeti |
Dusk is a busy time for the Vumbi pride. As the moon rises, the lionesses rouse themselves from their afternoon naps, tussle in the grass, and set out on the evening hunt. Nichols made this photo using natural light; soon after, he switched to infrared.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Day 62 of North Carolina
Things that pain me: 1) When somebody tells you a friend isn't going through the easiest times and once you wonder why, the person who told you says, "It's personal." 2) When someone starts complaining. You ask, "What's wrong?" They say, "I don't want to talk about it." 3) When I'm surrounded by people getting with other people... Talk about envious.
My day was fine. I took a math test and finished it in no time flat. Surprisingly, the test was simple considering I didn't study. Glad my memory capacity is expanding, allowing me to remember things; even things that I don't care to remember about.
That's all I want to say for tonight...
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Golden Gate Bridge, California |
Morell, recently retired as a professor of photography at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design, created this image of the Golden Gate Bridge using a camera obscura and the ground as a canvas.
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Day 61 of North Carolina
I've recently been reading my old blog posts and just a couple days ago, I came across the post talking about my Grandma O's 90th birthday. How times fly by.
The immediate family celebrated at Black Angus. I ordered lobster, sirloin steak with fries, a Shirley Temple and for dessert, I had Sky-High Mud Pie. YUM!!!
School wasn't too bad. Math is still going easy. ENGL was entertaining today. The class got into groups and discussed personal experiences with either a bad teacher or a significantly important teacher.
Other than that, I'm ready for Halloween and Mason coming home!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Day 60 of North Carolina
I can barely breathe right now. I'm wearing a mask that'll prevent the anti-flea powder from entering my lungs.
Fleas are everywhere in our household. I don't think I emphasized this enough: in Washington State alone, we're having the worst flea season in history. I am finding fleas in my beverages, in my bed, and of course on the animals. Last night, my mom found approximately seven inhabiting her shirt as she laid in bed.
I can't sleep. I'm paranoid of the fleas. I can imagine them crawling through my hair, in areas they shouldn't be, crawling inside my mouth and ears... At ungodly hours, I'll wake up and check myself to see if I could find any fleas on me. When I don't, I hastily fall asleep again. If I do find fleas, I panic, continue searching, before hesitantly falling asleep again.
Did you know female fleas can produce an estimated amount of 100 eggs each day?
Another reason why I'm paranoid...
This is obviously outrageous. People say they have fleas in their house, but don't own any pets. I pray for a drastic winter, wiping these fleas to almost extinction.
The parents bought more anti-flea stuff. We're buying items that aren't hazardous to our pets or ourselves. That's good.
Though the powder irritates my breathing, it's a nice solution to kill fleas. Or, at least, keep them away from a certain area.
In relation to pests, I want to talk about BMW owners...
Why are you BMW owners such douche-bags? Why do you have to drive your BMW like it's invincible? I understand; BMW's are nice to drive AND own. But you seriously don't need to think you BMW owners are all that and a cup of tea because you own something Germany invented. You people don't stop for civilians, weave through lanes, cut off cars, and drive as if your accelerator is jammed to the floor.
If I owned a BMW, I wouldn't drive it. I would build a house around it then show it off to my friends every time they entered my home.
Nah, seriously though... BMW owners will forever be unbelievably crude drivers.
My day was alright. I learned simple slope-intercept stuff in math. Then in ENGL, we met at the computer lab to discover a new program that'll allow group members to type up drafts simultaneously and synchronizing the words being typed as the writer types.
The only issue I had with doing the synchronized program was when the teacher kept interrupting our sessions. She would butt in, tell us what was wrong, then leave. She would come back AGAIN, locate the flaws in our writing, then leave once more. It was UTTERLY frustrating! I hate it when people get into my unfinished business. When I'm ready to share it to the world, I'll share it to the world. But during a time of revisions, I don't want to be told what's wrong. Obviously there will be grammatical errors and other misuses. That's because it's a DRAFT!!! You scribble out your ideas BEFORE putting them in a nice, orderly fashion.
Well, I couldn't say anything since she IS the teacher... But I lost my determination in trying to sift through my group members' ideas to put them together as something professional.
... Did I mention the guy from my college who wears formal clothing daily? He wears a top hat, a felt overcoat, black slacks, shiny black shoes and carries a briefcase. Whether he's a part of a cult that role plays the 1800s, or the dude is simply strange.
Actually, I think his wardrobe is fascinating! If he can wear that kind of clothing to a modern-day college, he has some balls.
When class was over, I drove home in the WORST WEATHER POSSIBLE!!!!! Huge rain drops flooded the streets. The pouring rain blinded me as I sped down highways. Lightning strikes flashed above me and only a couple miles away. The thunder boomed, rumbling the streets beneath me. There was a moment when a lightning strike struck somewhere which made C89.5's station become static for a few seconds. I was sincerely petrified...
Once home, I ran inside and seated myself, relieved I was safe.
I tinkered with homework, I hung out on IMVU, and now I'm watching Mason sleep over Skype.
Fleas are everywhere in our household. I don't think I emphasized this enough: in Washington State alone, we're having the worst flea season in history. I am finding fleas in my beverages, in my bed, and of course on the animals. Last night, my mom found approximately seven inhabiting her shirt as she laid in bed.
I can't sleep. I'm paranoid of the fleas. I can imagine them crawling through my hair, in areas they shouldn't be, crawling inside my mouth and ears... At ungodly hours, I'll wake up and check myself to see if I could find any fleas on me. When I don't, I hastily fall asleep again. If I do find fleas, I panic, continue searching, before hesitantly falling asleep again.
Did you know female fleas can produce an estimated amount of 100 eggs each day?
Another reason why I'm paranoid...
This is obviously outrageous. People say they have fleas in their house, but don't own any pets. I pray for a drastic winter, wiping these fleas to almost extinction.
The parents bought more anti-flea stuff. We're buying items that aren't hazardous to our pets or ourselves. That's good.
Though the powder irritates my breathing, it's a nice solution to kill fleas. Or, at least, keep them away from a certain area.
In relation to pests, I want to talk about BMW owners...
Why are you BMW owners such douche-bags? Why do you have to drive your BMW like it's invincible? I understand; BMW's are nice to drive AND own. But you seriously don't need to think you BMW owners are all that and a cup of tea because you own something Germany invented. You people don't stop for civilians, weave through lanes, cut off cars, and drive as if your accelerator is jammed to the floor.
If I owned a BMW, I wouldn't drive it. I would build a house around it then show it off to my friends every time they entered my home.
Nah, seriously though... BMW owners will forever be unbelievably crude drivers.
My day was alright. I learned simple slope-intercept stuff in math. Then in ENGL, we met at the computer lab to discover a new program that'll allow group members to type up drafts simultaneously and synchronizing the words being typed as the writer types.
The only issue I had with doing the synchronized program was when the teacher kept interrupting our sessions. She would butt in, tell us what was wrong, then leave. She would come back AGAIN, locate the flaws in our writing, then leave once more. It was UTTERLY frustrating! I hate it when people get into my unfinished business. When I'm ready to share it to the world, I'll share it to the world. But during a time of revisions, I don't want to be told what's wrong. Obviously there will be grammatical errors and other misuses. That's because it's a DRAFT!!! You scribble out your ideas BEFORE putting them in a nice, orderly fashion.
Well, I couldn't say anything since she IS the teacher... But I lost my determination in trying to sift through my group members' ideas to put them together as something professional.
... Did I mention the guy from my college who wears formal clothing daily? He wears a top hat, a felt overcoat, black slacks, shiny black shoes and carries a briefcase. Whether he's a part of a cult that role plays the 1800s, or the dude is simply strange.
Actually, I think his wardrobe is fascinating! If he can wear that kind of clothing to a modern-day college, he has some balls.
When class was over, I drove home in the WORST WEATHER POSSIBLE!!!!! Huge rain drops flooded the streets. The pouring rain blinded me as I sped down highways. Lightning strikes flashed above me and only a couple miles away. The thunder boomed, rumbling the streets beneath me. There was a moment when a lightning strike struck somewhere which made C89.5's station become static for a few seconds. I was sincerely petrified...
Once home, I ran inside and seated myself, relieved I was safe.
I tinkered with homework, I hung out on IMVU, and now I'm watching Mason sleep over Skype.
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Military Guide, North Korea |
A military guide leads a tour to the mystical Mount Paektu. It was here, official lore says, that Kim Il Sung fought for independence from Japanese occupiers in the 1930s.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Day 59 of North Carolina
My sleep isn't progressing. It's getting worse...
The amount of homework I had didn't help either. I suppose my math teacher uploaded a lesson over the weekend in which I didn't notice until today. Unfortunately (yet thankfully), I couldn't procrastinate. The math homework was due today... It was on a subject I really didn't like learning in class... Not only was it in a word problem format, but it was on finding a length that's two times the width, but if the width was six feet shorter and the length was six feet longer, the rectangle would become a perfect square.
For all of you not-math whizzes, that sentence was mind boggling.
I also dealt with distance, time, MPH, solutions, mixtures, money problems and percentages. Talk about frustrating, I was unbelievably frustrated. I cursed like a sailor at those math problems! I acted as if I were playing a tough video game! Ugh... I despise math...
Besides math homework, I wrote an essay. It's not due until tomorrow, yet since there are TWO essays due tomorrow, I decided to get a head-start on the easiest one. I began a schedule in my mind. Though somewhat messy, I'll find a way to organize the clutter.
After math and after cleaning my room and adding anti-flea powder everywhere, I relaxed my brain with some IMVU and facts. Did anybody know (except for the older generations) that Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Estevez?
Yes. Charlie Sheen is - and has been - a fake name.
Carlos Estevez is Charlie's birth name.
Martin Sheen is that same way. He's an Estevez, too!
And yes, Emilio Estevez (the jock in The Breakfast Club) is Charlie's AKA Carlos's brother.
Remember in The Night at the Roxbury?
Ah, good times. Great memories.
The reason how I came across Charlie's true name is that apparently, Charlie and Martin are changing their acting names to their birth names. Allegedly, Latin surnames back in the day wasn't considered cool...
Okay, America...
Isn't that shocking? I thought it was shocking. Even Mason didn't know Charlie's secret. And Mason knows EVERYTHING!
Since Mason fell asleep already, I think I'll read a few more blog posts before hitting the hay myself.
Oh, and, I'm thinking of bringing back Nat Geo's Pictures of the Day photos. I haven't been taking many interesting ones lately. Oh well. Nat Geo is awesome! No problem!
Twin three-month-old red pandas (Ailurus fulgens fulgens) huddle together at the Lincoln Children's Zoo. Sartore photographed the pair as part of his Photo Ark project, through which he is documenting thousands of rare species.
"Half of all the species on Earth could be headed irreversibly toward extinction by 2100. Not if I can help it," Sartore says. "That's the idea behind the Photo Ark: getting the public to look these creatures in the eye, then care enough to save them while there's still time."
The amount of homework I had didn't help either. I suppose my math teacher uploaded a lesson over the weekend in which I didn't notice until today. Unfortunately (yet thankfully), I couldn't procrastinate. The math homework was due today... It was on a subject I really didn't like learning in class... Not only was it in a word problem format, but it was on finding a length that's two times the width, but if the width was six feet shorter and the length was six feet longer, the rectangle would become a perfect square.
For all of you not-math whizzes, that sentence was mind boggling.
I also dealt with distance, time, MPH, solutions, mixtures, money problems and percentages. Talk about frustrating, I was unbelievably frustrated. I cursed like a sailor at those math problems! I acted as if I were playing a tough video game! Ugh... I despise math...
Besides math homework, I wrote an essay. It's not due until tomorrow, yet since there are TWO essays due tomorrow, I decided to get a head-start on the easiest one. I began a schedule in my mind. Though somewhat messy, I'll find a way to organize the clutter.
After math and after cleaning my room and adding anti-flea powder everywhere, I relaxed my brain with some IMVU and facts. Did anybody know (except for the older generations) that Charlie Sheen's real name is Carlos Estevez?
Yes. Charlie Sheen is - and has been - a fake name.
Carlos Estevez is Charlie's birth name.
Martin Sheen is that same way. He's an Estevez, too!
And yes, Emilio Estevez (the jock in The Breakfast Club) is Charlie's AKA Carlos's brother.
Remember in The Night at the Roxbury?
Ah, good times. Great memories.
The reason how I came across Charlie's true name is that apparently, Charlie and Martin are changing their acting names to their birth names. Allegedly, Latin surnames back in the day wasn't considered cool...
Okay, America...
Isn't that shocking? I thought it was shocking. Even Mason didn't know Charlie's secret. And Mason knows EVERYTHING!
Since Mason fell asleep already, I think I'll read a few more blog posts before hitting the hay myself.
Oh, and, I'm thinking of bringing back Nat Geo's Pictures of the Day photos. I haven't been taking many interesting ones lately. Oh well. Nat Geo is awesome! No problem!
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Red Pandas, Lincoln Children's Zoo |
"Half of all the species on Earth could be headed irreversibly toward extinction by 2100. Not if I can help it," Sartore says. "That's the idea behind the Photo Ark: getting the public to look these creatures in the eye, then care enough to save them while there's still time."
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Day 58 of North Carolina
I don't know if the Seahawks won or not. I left my grandparents' house with 2:00 remaining. The Colts had 31 and the Seahawks had 28. It was the Colts' ball. If the Seahawks were to drastically change the score, they would have had to do an amazing maneuver of either a touch-back or an interception, running it to the end-zone.
My mind was boggled up from last night. Mason and I fixed the issue after the football game. Everything resolved and now we're back to being content. Last night, I hardly got a wink of sleep. I woke up, what felt like, every hour. I hate sleeping alone in my house at night. My parents will be home tonight. But I don't know when. My mom said at 9. It's 9:30 currently. I shouldn't worry too much. Lateness is usual in our family.
I'm not ready for tomorrow. My mind is exhausted and I don't want to know what I got on my math test. For sure not 100%.
My next essay might be a tad difficult. I have to learn nowadays not to procrastinate. My essays are turning out to become research essays. Oh, something I always look forward to.
Especially academic essays...
At least my teacher knows academic essays aren't the bee's knees. She will even tell you when a book is boring and we won't enjoy reading it. I'm glad my ENGL teacher has some sense that other ENGL teacher's don't.
By the way, I don't recall telling you guys about Markiplier's special charity for animals. You bought a shirt that had a special logo on the sleeve. $15 of the money you spent on the shirt was sent to the animal charity. Well, I spent a lot of money for that shirt AND for it to be delivered ASAP.
I still haven't gotten it... It's been over a week...
I watched a Markiplier video with him stating not everyone received a shirt which I think is total bull honkey. I purchased the shirt on time, I should get it. Is that fair?
Whatever... Disappointing news is my life.
That's it. Another sunny day. Let's keep havin' 'em.
My mind was boggled up from last night. Mason and I fixed the issue after the football game. Everything resolved and now we're back to being content. Last night, I hardly got a wink of sleep. I woke up, what felt like, every hour. I hate sleeping alone in my house at night. My parents will be home tonight. But I don't know when. My mom said at 9. It's 9:30 currently. I shouldn't worry too much. Lateness is usual in our family.
I'm not ready for tomorrow. My mind is exhausted and I don't want to know what I got on my math test. For sure not 100%.
My next essay might be a tad difficult. I have to learn nowadays not to procrastinate. My essays are turning out to become research essays. Oh, something I always look forward to.
Especially academic essays...
At least my teacher knows academic essays aren't the bee's knees. She will even tell you when a book is boring and we won't enjoy reading it. I'm glad my ENGL teacher has some sense that other ENGL teacher's don't.
By the way, I don't recall telling you guys about Markiplier's special charity for animals. You bought a shirt that had a special logo on the sleeve. $15 of the money you spent on the shirt was sent to the animal charity. Well, I spent a lot of money for that shirt AND for it to be delivered ASAP.
I still haven't gotten it... It's been over a week...
I watched a Markiplier video with him stating not everyone received a shirt which I think is total bull honkey. I purchased the shirt on time, I should get it. Is that fair?
Whatever... Disappointing news is my life.
That's it. Another sunny day. Let's keep havin' 'em.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Day 57 of North Carolina
Mason and I are very bitter right now, so I'm going to make this post quick before going to sleep...
I'm glad it's Saturday. However, my parents aren't home. They're in Portland, OR running a marathon. It's a bit lonely... The positive part about being alone is that I get to do whatever I please.
Then again, that means I also have to do the chores...
My day was fine. I watched YouTube while hanging out on IMVU. Today was a very sunny and slightly warm day. What a shocker in October. Yet I'm happy it wasn't pouring down rain with irrational winds, producing tornadoes where they shouldn't be produced at.
Tomorrow, my folks will be home and I'll cheer for the Seahawks at my grandparents house.
Who do you think will win?
I'm glad it's Saturday. However, my parents aren't home. They're in Portland, OR running a marathon. It's a bit lonely... The positive part about being alone is that I get to do whatever I please.
Then again, that means I also have to do the chores...
My day was fine. I watched YouTube while hanging out on IMVU. Today was a very sunny and slightly warm day. What a shocker in October. Yet I'm happy it wasn't pouring down rain with irrational winds, producing tornadoes where they shouldn't be produced at.
Tomorrow, my folks will be home and I'll cheer for the Seahawks at my grandparents house.
Who do you think will win?
Friday, October 4, 2013
Day 56 of North Carolina
I almost fell asleep, forgetting to write this post.
It isn't even 9 yet, and it feels like midnight to me.
I just got done fixing up an essay before submitting it. This morning, I took a math quiz that I know I didn't do well on. In ENGL, we played a fun name game to remember everyone's name. My teacher has awful memory due to the chemotherapy from a long time ago.
For some reason, I keep meeting people who've survived cancer. Not that it's a bad thing! But a little interesting.
While home, I watched movies and played IMVU. I saw the movie Memento. What a strange but intriguing movie!!! I loved the fact that I saw Guy Pearce's body. Thanks Hollywood! Also, it was good to see the lady who played Trinity in something other than The Matrix. Ironically, another character who was from The Matrix played in Memento. And what's SUPER ironic, this guy played Cypher who was in love with Trinity and wanted revenge. Cray cray.
Well, that's it for tonight. I'm off to bed. I guess my brain is more exhausted than I imagined.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Day 55 of North Carolina
Why must I procrastinate? Why??
Hey, folks. Nothing new over here in Seattle, Washington. I'm still waiting for Mason to come home and I'm still being educated at a college. The family is swell and so are the friends. But my main problem is what I stated in the beginning of this post...
I procrastinate...
It's a horrible habit.
I've had this habit since I was little. Instead of learning, I wanted to create characters and write stories.
Raise your hand if you procrastinate.
... If you actually rose your hand, I love you. <3
Seriously, doesn't it get on your nerves sometimes? Or are you too used to it that you don't really care anymore?
I care! I'm in college! If someone wants to slack off in college, they might as well drop out!
However, stopping procrastination is like trying to stop a smoker from smoking. It's difficult. I wish it wasn't and it's very deceiving... You think, "Oh, I'll not procrastinate tomorrow. I'll get my work done by then." Yet when the next day comes, you notice that your will to do what you wanted to suddenly combusts and THERE YOU ARE... PROCRASTINATING AGAIN!
What could I do in order to stop my procrastination?
Make a schedule?
My therapist suggested that.
I've been suggesting that to myself for YEARS.
And I never did it...
Because I was TOO BUSY procrastinating!
Besides my annoying habits, my day went fine. The weather isn't that bad anymore. It'll sprinkle here and there but nothing concerning.
Though it does smell like snow is about to fall. :) How exciting!
Hey, folks. Nothing new over here in Seattle, Washington. I'm still waiting for Mason to come home and I'm still being educated at a college. The family is swell and so are the friends. But my main problem is what I stated in the beginning of this post...
I procrastinate...
It's a horrible habit.
I've had this habit since I was little. Instead of learning, I wanted to create characters and write stories.
Raise your hand if you procrastinate.
... If you actually rose your hand, I love you. <3
Seriously, doesn't it get on your nerves sometimes? Or are you too used to it that you don't really care anymore?
I care! I'm in college! If someone wants to slack off in college, they might as well drop out!
However, stopping procrastination is like trying to stop a smoker from smoking. It's difficult. I wish it wasn't and it's very deceiving... You think, "Oh, I'll not procrastinate tomorrow. I'll get my work done by then." Yet when the next day comes, you notice that your will to do what you wanted to suddenly combusts and THERE YOU ARE... PROCRASTINATING AGAIN!
What could I do in order to stop my procrastination?
Make a schedule?
My therapist suggested that.
I've been suggesting that to myself for YEARS.
And I never did it...
Because I was TOO BUSY procrastinating!
Besides my annoying habits, my day went fine. The weather isn't that bad anymore. It'll sprinkle here and there but nothing concerning.
Though it does smell like snow is about to fall. :) How exciting!
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Day 54 of North Carolina
I've been reading over my posts. I ran across the one talking about my dad's job. I don't think I mentioned he crated the Harry Potter car from the Harry Potter exhibit. Wasn't that a Universal Studios thing? I forgot. But dad sent me pictures of the car, and I almost crapped in my pants. He gets a few lucky customers.
My dad also was lucky enough to meet a guy who made the purest "sanitizer" without harming our skin. It's (if I remember correctly) 1,000 stronger than our current hand sanitizer (or was it bleach?) This guy calls his stuff "God Water." Next was a dude who figured out that a chemical in the marijuana plant might cure cancer!! It's the chemical opposite to the one that makes you high.
Another thing I wanted to talk about was the government shutting down. I believe it's only the Federal branch...? Yet that's still shocking news. I never thought the government would shut down... I understand employees going on strike, but the government? They run the place!!! What the Hell is going on??? I need more information before I should judge.
My day was alright. I canceled therapy today because my brain farted and I forgot my appointment was at 1. I lost track of time and when it hit 12:50, I decided to call it in. My therapist scorned at me (nothing serious. Just stern) about how I need to let her know, within 24 hours, of a cancelation. I felt like a pest... I haven't canceled in a long while. But ever since college, my brain is malfunctioning. I'm a little worried for my health! I think I'll be fine... However, my mental state is iffy.
We set up another appointment next Wednesday at the same time. I set my alarm earlier.
I feel bad whenever I do something wrong... I feel like I need to apologize to the people who were effected by my mishap. I thought to myself, "Lori is an amazing therapist. I shouldn't keep canceling at the last minute. She could have others on the wait list who deserve more help than me. I should buy her flowers as an apology."
I don't think I need to go that far. I don't believe she's actually upset. Just a tad frustrated.
Sorry, Lori :(
I've learned my lesson. That's for sure.
The rest of my day was okay. I played on my computer, created a CreepyPasta account (my username is Author! I'll be posting a story soon!), began writing a short story, hung out with Mason on IMVU and watched Family Guy.
Now I need my rest... Sleepiness enhances my moodiness.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Day 53 of North Carolina
I forgot to mention in yesterday's post about Summer's presence joining our math class...
If you guys don't know who Summer is, I'll briefly introduce her to you; she's a preppy, stuck up, conceited 30-40 year old woman who wears too much make-up and shows off her glam...
Irritating, yes.
She reminds me of a teenager trying to grab people's attention. Oh, she sure in Hell is...
My day was fine. I woke up feeling like my innards were about to erupt. I couldn't explain it. Maybe not having dinner last night could've been the problem?
My period didn't explode on me today. Yippee!
I came home, played on IMVU until hanging out with Mason and watching Family Guy. I didn't notice Netflix added season 10. I've watched nine episodes so far.
Did you know Ryan Reynolds was in one of season 10's episodes? Exciting, right??? Totally!!!
To me, Ryan is dangerously good looking. His humor is amazing and I'm betting he's a fun guy to chill with.
Oh!!! How much I want to meet celebrities!!! Would they friend me? Would they greet me to other famous people??? Too many questions!!! Especially - will they be answered?
By the way, now that it's October, I've decided to copy and paste CreepyPasta story links to every post. When it's All Hallow's Eve week, I'll post my personal favorites. How does that sound? Nice little jump start to get ready for Halloween, eh?
By the way, now that it's October, I've decided to copy and paste CreepyPasta story links to every post. When it's All Hallow's Eve week, I'll post my personal favorites. How does that sound? Nice little jump start to get ready for Halloween, eh?
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