The fact of the matter is, we won. 14-9. Close game. Tense. Ugly. Yet victorious.
My day was easy-going. In math, we reviewed stuff I already learned in last quarter. In English, we talked about sensitive topics such as racism and the history of African slaves. Our ENGL teacher told us that, what we were discussing about today, a 500 leveled class would be discussing, too. I didn't know college levels could go up that high...
After school, I drove home, wrote a paper, watched a few episodes of Mork & Mindy, cleaned the house before turning on the Seahawks game. We played against the Rams. It was an ugly game from the start! Nobody was scoring points until the Rams kicked in a field goal. Thankfully, the Seahawks grabbed a couple touchdowns and didn't allow the Rams to win that last touchdown. Good job, Seahawks. But next time, let's make sure that offense is protecting our quarterback, okay? It really would help me end my bitching. :)
Speaking of bitching, I want to bitch about something...
I don't understand some girls.
I don't understand flirtatious girls who are single or, when they're in a relationship, only last a couple months.
I don't understand why flirtatious girls freak out when a guy tries to kiss them. You were leading him on... Usually that's what a person does when they think you like them...
I also don't understand why girls have this desire to act like total sluts in order to impress guys. Well, the only type of guy sluts impress are complete douche-bags...
These girls that sit behind me in math drive me bonkers... They talk about boys, how slutty their Halloween costume was, how big their boobs are... Obnoxious subjects I seriously don't care to overhear. But I can't HELP IT. They are RIGHT BEHIND ME. And I don't want to turn around and tell them to bugger off because... they've been sitting there since the beginning of the quarter.
Maybe I should move?...
No, no. I picked my spot. It's my spot. End of story.
Not only have teenaged girls grinded my gears lately, but also my parents...
I might have brought this up before, yet I feel I need to bring it up again... and again... and AGAIN.
Every night, my parents like to either work on projects, talk extremely loud, or watch something extremely loud. I wake up at six in the morning on weekdays and I already have horrible sleeping habits... When my parents decide to stay up for whatever stupid reason, it creates more havoc for my sleeping issue. I'm somewhat of a light sleeper. My cat sneezes, I jolt awake. It has been like this for a couple of months now... I'm thinking of taking herbal medicine to relax my mind for the night, but I don't want to have to use that stuff EVERY. SINGLE, TIME. So, I ignore that solution and make up some other one... A solution that is nonexistent...
Yea... I'm kind of stubborn...
Another thing that grinds my gears, when parents say a dirty joke. It's interesting... I can't say anything dirty in front of my parents because... well... they're my parents. But if they want to say something inappropriately hilarious, such as talking about an alcoholic drink/shot called Slippery Dick, they'll just go ahead and blurt it out! Then there's that awkward feeling while the other parent responds sexually to that joke. Of course, technically, that response is another joke added to that previous joke... BUT COME ON!!!! If you parents don't want to hear your children talkin' about dirty stuff, DON'T THINK IT'S OKAY TO TALK ABOUT IT IN FRONT OF YOUR CHILDREN'S FACES!!!!!!!!
Only an FYI.
Enjoy this CreepyPasta, my friends.
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Ice Diamond, Iceland |
Destined to melt, an 800-pound chunk of ice glows in moonlight on a wintry Icelandic beach. The ice washed up in a lagoon formed by a receding glacier. Photographer James Balog calls such pieces ice diamonds, finding beauty as well as tragedy in disappearing glaciers.
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