The last bit of presentations were nice. Everyone was happy they finished them. None of them stood out as bad. I think our group could have prepared a little more, yet... well... you guys know the story. Nevertheless, people were still complimenting on how great our presentation was. I would let them in on the secret that our group was just as last-minute as they were.
When everything was wrapped up, our teacher handed back our Exam Two scantrons. She said she hasn't finished grading our essays that went along with our Exam Two, but hopefully she'll send an email or something, telling us what our grade was on the essay. I was worried I got a low score on the scantron portion... Our teacher announced that a lot of people failed... Our grade average was a B-. I suddenly started thinking about the questions I didn't have confidence on and told myself those were WRONG. I was one of the last people to receive my grade and...
I GOT 100%!!!!
At least, on the scantron...
I don't know what I got on my essay. I worked hard on it. I think I got the full 200 points.
I mean, COME ON! I received 200/200 points on the last exam! I can surely do it again!
After the teacher passed out grades, I had to say goodbye to her. People were giving her hugs and gifts. I simply asked for a hug and she gave me one. She was charmed by our respect towards her. She was a super fantastic teacher. I would have her again any day, any time. Prior to leaving, she asked, "Have you ever taken SOC before?" I told her I didn't. She said to me that I should continue taking SOC because I was excellent in it.
I know, I know. ;)
I told her I would think about possibly making SOC my Minor. I'm planning on taking more SOC classes later on at either my next college or at my current college. THEY ARE INSPIRATIONAL!
Once I got home, I waited for a while... but when mom was done with work... WE BOTH WENT TO THE PIKE PLACE MARKET!
I've been sick and tired of meat for the past couple of days... I needed some veggies and some fruits (and some candy) ASAP.
It took us about forty minutes to buy all that we needed; veggies, fruits, candies, incense... too much good stuff. :)
Before arriving at home, mom and I picked up some beef jerky at our cousin's butcher. When we DID arrive home, I made a plate of goodies; a carrot, a pear, some bits of jerky, raspberries, and a glass of milk. It... was... HEAVEN. I was so stuffed afterwards. YUM. <3
Tomorrow, I'll be eating more delicious foods. Mom, dad, and uncle Jay are running the Rock & Roll marathon in the morning.Once they're done, though, they'll be heading my way but towards the sushi restaurant we often visit. I'll be there before them since they'll have to take care of traffic...
Anyway... I'm beat, honestly. I'm ready to go to sleep and sleep in! HECK YEA!
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Beribbonned in Bolivia |
"At 14,000 feet in icy winds this llama was completely at home," writes Esther Buttery, who submitted this photo, taken on Bolivia's Laguna Colorado salt lake, to the Traveler Photo Contest. "It was a different world for me. I'd like to think that we shared a moment."
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