Mason and I

Mason and I

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 2 of Second Leave

Tonight will be a quick post but with a lot of information. Be prepared! I'll start with yesterday and move up to today...


The whole day, I was strung on adrenaline. I almost thought I was about to pass out when thinking too much on Mason coming home. After school, I only finished math homework. I was lucky having my ENGL homework due today though I assumed I had to do it last night. I didn't know whether we would discuss about the assignment the next day (and I wouldn't understand because I didn't complete it) or we were only supposed to post it online and that was that.

When I couldn't make up my mind on if I should finish the essay that day or wait for the next, I emailed my teacher, practically apologizing for not finishing the assignment in which claimed would be due the next day. I also asked if skipping the assignment would tremendously decrease my A grade. She told me that, pretty much, my percentage would drop noticeably if I didn't complete the paper.

However, I didn't see her reply until this morning... Oops.

Thankfully, the paper wasn't due until midnight tonight.

Now, I know I didn't write about the surprise my immediate family and I did at the airport for Mason when he exited the terminal, but that was only to stay safe. I didn't want ANYONE to get a hold of that information, be a douche, and let him on our surprise.

This is what we did... Those pictures of posters you saw in the previous post were posters I made on Saturday for some of the family members. The family members who joined me in the surprise was grandma and grandpa J, mom, dad, uncle Jay, aunt Jill, my cousins Willow and Elise, and aunt Dotti. We planned the surprise for a good week. While dad and I waited to see Mason coming down the terminal, the family would hide by a wall beside the terminal exit. We waited and waited and waited as random citizens left the terminal. And finally, after ten minutes, through my bad, blurry vision, I saw Mason! I pulled out my phone, signaled the family to pop and cheer and hold up their signs, and once they did, I recorded Mason smiling at our surprise as well as panning over to the family to show their excitement, too. After a brief moment, I ran up to Mason and hugged him tightly. 

Unbelievably, when we hugged, it felt like Mason never left in the first place.


Mason and I caught hardly any Zs last night. Our minds were too busy being happy from the arrival of Mason. However, I was pumped up while getting ready for school. Half of the reason was because less hours equals adrenaline rush when awake. The other reason was I woke up beside Mason and knew I would come home to him after a long day of studying.

The horrible thing, though, was when I accidently deleted that awesome video of Mason walking out of the terminal with my family blaring at him and shaking their colorful signs... Waiting for class to start, I tried trimming the video, and I trimmed the portion that I wanted to keep... Being tired has its consequences.

I wanted to head home after my little mishap... I contacted my mom to see if she took video. She did, but only of Mason and I hugging. I asked Dotti if she snapped pictures and recorded video, but she told me her video could've been messed up since she thinks she accidently recorded the poster (while holding it up and holding her phone up with it) instead of Mason exiting the terminal. She did take a few pictures. Yet, picky me, I didn't fully accept them.

Pissed, I moped through the whole school day... I apologized to Mason for becoming a Debby Downer... Honestly, I don't want to show negative emotions towards him during his Leave. I want every day to be a happy one without me complaining about something stupid such as a video.

To be frank, I don't trust my memory. Hell, I'll sub-consciously place something down and automatically forget where I placed it. I almost forgot to bring the posters to the airport because, in a rush, my mom wanted me to give her my drivers license. Hurried, I sub-consciously laid the posters down on a chair, handed my mom my license, and we left. I'm glad we weren't very far from home when realizing I had forgotten the posters.

Anyway, the rest of today was cool. Mason and I visited his mom. Sid, his dog, could barely stop freaking out at the sight of Mason and I waltzing into his home. We stayed at Mason's mom's house for a decent three hours, sharing stories, playing with Ashton (Mason's nephew) and watching T.V. as we ate home-made nachos.

Mason is staying with the folks and I. We're having a blast together even though I am swamped in homework... Just an hour ago, I finished a stupid ENGL assignment that blew my mind on how irrational it was... Mason and I bitched about it the entire time I typed up my answers. Haha. <3

Time for some good old fashion rest. Goodnight, everyone!

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