Mason and I

Mason and I

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 272 of San Diego

Yesterday, I was having a meltdown from abrupt watery diarrhea. It's the reason why I didn't write a post...

That sentence sounds hilarious to most. But for me, it was dreadful... I assumed my intestinal infection resumed in full force. Today, the diarrhea continued. Tonight, it has slowed dramatically. I am drinking water. I have been eating as much as I can. Enough to suck up the water trapped in my intestines. I informed my doctor's nurse of my sudden watery diarrhea. She said she'll tell my doctor as soon as possible.

Besides the diarrhea, my day was relaxing. I watched Matt and Woolie (a friend to Matt and Pat) play a game called Predator: Concrete Jungle. I don't think I'm entertained with the video game more than I am entertained by Matt and Woolie's humor. I'm glad they have humor in which I can relate to. While I was watching YouTube, I hung out on IMVU. Around the evening hours, I decided to play Minecraft. Minecraft had a HUGE update!!! There are underwater monuments and bunnies and different styles of doors, etc. I'm diggin' it.

But the thing I'm worried over is Microsoft buying Minecraft... I STRONGLY hope Microsoft doesn't pull a fast one on us Minecraft nerds and turns Minecraft into something us nerds didn't ask for. I believe if Microsoft did such a thing, they would lose money instead of gaining it.

Tomorrow's plans are simple: prepare for a Seahawks game. The Seahawks are playing against the San Diego Chargers. And guess who'll be a part of holding the giant flag in the middle of the stadium? Mason!

However, he doesn't seem extremely pumped on the situation. He told me he feels it's just another event that he's associated with.

If I were in his shoes, I would be ECSTATIC! I would be speechless... Being able to stand on a football field in front of thousands (plus the thousands watching the game on a T.V. or listening to it through the radio) of people before watching the game firsthand! He might even meet a few players. What an opportunity. What I would give to have such a privilege.

Hey, life... Throw me a freakin' bone.

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