I fought some more bad guys with Batman last night! Sadly, I didn't have fabulous sleep ONCE AGAIN. First of all, I couldn't go to sleep. I stayed up until 12.
Which reminds me...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You old young fart, you. ;D Hopefully you got your card!!
After sending him a text, I got on my laptop, had Mellisa join IMVU, and read chat logs from Perverted-Justice.com.
Mother of God... Those chats were REVOLTING. I usually don't squirm over disturbing things (I watch Taboo and think that show is AWESOME), however when I read the chat logs with the decoy going along with the pedophile makes me sick...
It's a little shocking that I knew someone who did something like this. It would be even MORE shocking if I found him on that website. If I'd be able to read his chat logs, I think I'd feel a tad better; almost like a closure. A piece to the puzzle. Find out the side he was hiding all along.
What I love about the website is how uncensored it is. You're able to curse like a son of a gun and not get in trouble. The commentary they add on the chat log makes it interesting and, sometimes, hilarious. Depends on the decoy.
I'm a little excited for possibly becoming a volunteer! I think I'd do a great job!
Anyway, today was good. Started on my math test. I won't be able to finish it until Monday yet thankfully I only have a few more questions. Italian was chill. Nothing to freak out over. Yes, homework, but not another test until a few weeks ahead.
Not much to say about today other than I hate driving around on Fridays... Everybody and their mama seems to be in a rush...
I took a nap a couple hours ago. That was a really nice hour and a half nap. I needed it. Right now I'm watching Ghost Adventures with dad. He's falling asleep. Mom is somewhere. We planned to take Cheetah to the doctor because his wound is pretty gruesome... It needs to get wrapped up so it won't get infected.
After this post, I'll be making a cup of hot chocolate. The parents bought me mini marshmallows and I'll be surely putting those in my hot cocoa. Yum!
Hope everyone is doing well. Stay warm!

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