Today was a long and exciting day!! Before I was even in class, the excitement POPPED in front of me! I was entertained by this random dude (or dudette) that decided to be CRAZY brave and skid his car through the pine-needle-filled parking lot. Since there are barely any cars where I park, he had plenty enough room to do his little stunts. What he would do is he would drive juuuust fast enough until BRAKING quick enough, having his car spin 180 degrees. The first time, I kind of watched and gave him a look like, "Yea, yea. Whatever... show off." He was alone (I think) and kept looking over at me with a grin on his face to see if I were watching. Well, I was. I tried to be sneaky about it yet I highly doubt it... I wanted to see him do it again!!! It was entertainment!! I was supposed to be studying (math...) but I was having too much fun watching this goofball do his tricks. I tried capturing it on film yet he was too spontaneous. The second time he did it, I laughed. I looked at him and began ROLLING. He was laughing his head off, also! It was great!!! What an awesome morning!
However, the only negative thing about it was that I learned I have to put fractions in my math final... I guess I didn't finish a chapter like I thought I did. If I didn't put in the fractions, I would only have 5 chapters on my final. That isn't acceptable. I have to have 6 chapters!! Boo!! I'm a HORSE person! I don't abide by the rules!! ... Sometimes. ;)
Ah well... I chose the easiest way of dealing with fractions; adding and subtracting.
Did I share with you about the Horse people and the Cow people story??? Daniele told me this: Horses are free-willing spirits that enjoy wandering, adventuring, and trying out new things because... well... that's just who they are! Yet Cow people like to mingle with the heard, stay the same as everyone else; not like a horse. Sometimes cows look at horses and say, "Why are you so energetic??? You're similar to myself. Why don't you start acting like it???" And when Horse people begin to act like Cow people, they want to go NUTS!! Horse people hate having to be something they are not. Cows just don't care! They stick to the laws since that is how their ancestors were and because of their ancestors ancestors, etc. I'm a Horse person - not only because I ADORE horses, but also because I don't like roaming with the heard! I like to be individual. I want to run FREE! I want to do it soon! Are you a Horse person? Or a Cow person??? Don't worry; as Daniele says, there is no right or wrong. Only our opinions.
Anyway, Italian was dandy except for Ray being a butthead. Blargh... High schoolers...
After school, I bonded with Alex. He went to a 3 hour long concert last night and was completely exhausted. His last class canceled luckily, he asked if I could take him home, and I did - with hardly any gas in the car. Thankfully, we got to his place before my vehicle even THOUGHT about breaking down. Nevertheless, Enrico made it safe and sound to a gas station.
The Little Toyota That Could. :)
I had therapy today. I got some feelings out. Lately, during therapy, I wouldn't even really talk about serious things. I'd just... begin JABBERING as if Lori is a friend of mine who I haven't seen in a year or two. Yet I see her every other week! It's funny! I love Lori. I, at least, consider her a friend. I wonder if she considers me a friend too? I don't know. Either way, that's okay. She's nice to me, which is all that matters.
When therapy was done, I texted Alex and let him know I was now able to go with him to Goodwill Outlet. He wanted me to go with him right after school however I told him I had therapy but we'd do it afterwards. I got to his house, parked my car, jumped into his and we went on our way. It was lovely to bond with Alex!!! We've never truly done it before. I mean, maybe a tad when Mason or Mary (his girlfriend) was around but we've never totally took out the time to bond with each other. We've pretty much known each other since 3rd grade. It's about time we hung out!!! Haha :P
The Outlet was interesting. I've never honestly SHOPPED at a Goodwill or... something similar. I'd have this type of PHOBIA about it; everyone touching everything and the fact that someone else wore this item, etc. It bugged me. But today, I kind of appreciated it. In this outlet, you paid by the pound. I got three items that probably would have cost $20 for only $1.10. What in the hay stack, right?! I was like, "OH MY WHAT?!" Alex paid for our stuff and as he waited for it to process, I handed him the $1.10 :D
Prior to going home, I was starving. So we hit up McDonalds near my house. When we were done there, we went back to his place. He parked his car, revved the engine (because, apparently, he never did that with his car before and decided to try), until I got out to start my car and throw my crap in the back seat. I hugged him, got in my car, revved MY engine (so he revved HIS engine back!) before I took off with two honks saying, "Goodbye and thank you for an awesome day."
Once home (alone...), I turned on the TV and there was "The Birdcage"! It was completely ironic because at the Outlet, I saw a floral shirt and joked with Alex stating, "God, this shirt looks like what Robin Williams would wear in The Birdcage!" And once I saw Robin in his floral shirt, I snapped a photo and sent it to Alex. We thought it was pretty hilarious.
GREAT day! Man... "What else is possible?"
P.S: Might make another blog. I'm not on IMVU that much anymore (Yay!) however, instead of contributing it in a sort of "mean" way, I'll be making OUTFITS and posting them for people to get an idea of what they might buy when joining or wanting a new fashion! I love creating outfits. I love sharing - let's make something that most people see as "negative" into a "positive".
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Sunrise, Saxony |
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