Mason and I

Mason and I

Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 206 of San Diego

I did chores today! Look at me, being all responsible from 9:30 to noon. 

I vacuumed and did some laundry. Then I finished some of my normal chores like dishes or cleaning the cat box. Afterwards, I took a shower and became lazy. That's when I started playing on my computer and watching movies. 

I had another dream last night. I won't add a title to it because most of it I forgot and I'm not willing to think tonight. 

It was about a cloud that loomed over a specific river or lake. A few friends and I hung out at the lake until I felt uncomfortable due to the lingering black cloud. Suddenly, the camera zoomed out and I noticed the cloud was like a tube pointing downward at the lake. Astonishingly, the cloud flashed and turned into a huge UFO, beaming up the people down at the lake. I was afraid for my friends and decided to follow the UFO into outer space and towards the mother ship. There, I found my friends and a lot of weird stuff happened and that was it. 

Maybe I'll dream again tonight, eh?

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