Mason and I

Mason and I

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 54 of Florida

Have you heard? The unbelievable news of cancer possibly being cured???? The solution? A chemical in marijuana... The opposite chemical that makes you high.

I guess those Native Americans and Hippies were correct. Marijuana is an antidote plant.


Nevertheless, if I do develop cancer, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF JESUS, let me have the cure!

The cure is a capsule. These 50 or so cancer patience took the pill for 6 months. After 6 months, there was no trace of cancer on/in their bodies at all.

A miracle? A mishap gone right? Whatever the reason, it's about damn time!

However, I can sense the side-effects already...

There's always those types of people who abuse something as outstanding as a cure for cancer.

Like the chain smokers, for instance. They are walking cancer tumors. Those people usually don't have a care in the WORLD about anything! Only their selves and their smokes. If they got word that they were going to die in a year or whenever due to the cancer, they'll try and buy that antidote in a jiff! And once they're cured, guess what they'll be doing next?...

Going right back to the smokes.

The cigarette market will SKY-ROCKET!!!

I hope people don't get that ignorant. I hope they plan to quit smoking and if they do have cancer, they'll use the antidote for its rightful purpose; TO ELIMINATE THE CANCER FOR GOOD!

I wonder how much the pills will cost??? I'm sure they'll be an over-the-counter prescription.

I wonder if the scientists will become awesome and sell it for cheap so anybody could purchase it - just like that three-wheeled car that gets 600+ miles on one gallon of gas and it costs a measly $7,000.


P.S: Here's one of my favorite songs by Steam Powered Giraffe. The main singer for this song (Rabbit) and the silver dude (Spine) are still in the band. Yet the other guy is gone (I think his name was Upgrade?) They replaced him with the drummer. The new guy's name is Hatchwood, if I'm not mistaken... Anyway, ENJOY!

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